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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39346] Sat, 17 February 2001 20:08 na volgende boodskap
Annette  is tans af-lyn  Annette
Boodskappe: 11112
Geregistreer: August 2003
Karma: 1
Senior Lid
Ag foeitog man - gee die siel 'n kans om ook 'n gewone mens te wees wat lieg
en bedrieg:)))

albert wrote in message ...
> Read about the rise and fall of the ANC's f�hrer Alan Boesak at:
> sak
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39357 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Sat, 17 February 2001 21:42 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jedi Knight  is tans af-lyn  Jedi Knight
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Annette" skryf in boodskap news:96mm83$ifh$
> Ag foeitog man - gee die siel 'n kans om ook 'n gewone mens te wees wat lieg
> en bedrieg:)))
> Annette

Don't worry, when Boesak gets out in a few months time, his next appointment
will be Minister of Finance... of course Ferdi Steenkamp will be joining his
old boss... one of the first things they'll do is slap a moratorium on
Financial Reporting...

Boesak will say something like this in lieu of a Budget Speech:
"We must wait until South Africa is sufficiently developed to handle the
impact of the new socio-economic realities of post-Apartheid South Africa...
it's too soon to expect Financial Reports which accurately reflect the true
potential... one must be very circumspect when one considers that it has
only been 7 years since the first democratically held elections were held...
as such, I would be doing you all a disservice to disclose the full
financial reality that we currently labour under... it is better that we
focus our attention rather on what we can achieve than what has actually
been achieved...."

Or some such rot.... do you think I could get a job writing speeches for

on-line novel, erotic story, forums.
ICQ # 58930763
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39377 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39357] Sun, 18 February 2001 06:31 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek kan niemand meer gepas voorstel nie...

"Jedi Knight" skryf in boodskap news:96mr3a$m9u$
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:96mm83$ifh$
>> Ag foeitog man - gee die siel 'n kans om ook 'n gewone mens te wees wat lieg
>> en bedrieg:)))
>> Annette
> Don't worry, when Boesak gets out in a few months time, his next appointment
> will be Minister of Finance... of course Ferdi Steenkamp will be joining his
> old boss... one of the first things they'll do is slap a moratorium on
> Financial Reporting...
> Boesak will say something like this in lieu of a Budget Speech:
> "We must wait until South Africa is sufficiently developed to handle the
> impact of the new socio-economic realities of post-Apartheid South Africa...
> it's too soon to expect Financial Reports which accurately reflect the true
> potential... one must be very circumspect when one considers that it has
> only been 7 years since the first democratically held elections were held...
> as such, I would be doing you all a disservice to disclose the full
> financial reality that we currently labour under... it is better that we
> focus our attention rather on what we can achieve than what has actually
> been achieved...."
> Or some such rot.... do you think I could get a job writing speeches for
> Alan?
> --
> Visit
> on-line novel, erotic story, forums.
> ICQ # 58930763
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39395 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39377] Sun, 18 February 2001 16:46 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dave Du Plessis  is tans af-lyn  Dave Du Plessis
Boodskappe: 81
Geregistreer: June 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 08:31:07 +0200, "Jonas" wrote:

> Ek kan niemand meer gepas voorstel nie...

Is jy in die politiek betrokke Jonas?
Want jy's skerp, gemeen en raak.

- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39408 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Sun, 18 February 2001 23:11 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
poppie  is tans af-lyn  poppie
Boodskappe: 188
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Nou ja ou Albert, wat maak dit saak hoeveel keer hy sy vrou gebel
het van die tronk, of wie hy gebel het. As jy iets soek om te
kom na Amerika en sluit aan by die redaksie van die National Enquirer
poniekoerant, hulle soek
altyd iemand wat sensasie uitsnuf en tweedehands weergee. Ek hoor ook hulle
betaal goed.


albert skryf in boodskap
> The saga continues. Now it emerges that Boesak phoned Elna 21 times, and
> even phoned former Minister of Justice (now demoted to Minister of
> Transport) Dullah Omar from jail, as well as Ebrahim Rasool, archbishop
> Winston Ndungane, and Rev Frank Chikane (directly in the State
> President's Office). How often do these people receive telephone calls
> from jail?
> albert wrote:
>> Read about the rise and fall of the ANC's führer Alan Boesak at:
>> sak
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39413 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39408] Mon, 19 February 2001 07:46 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
albert[1]  is tans af-lyn  albert[1]
Boodskappe: 12
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Besoek,4140,4-75_983165,0 0.html

poppie wrote:

> Nou ja ou Albert, wat maak dit saak hoeveel keer hy sy vrou gebel
> het van die tronk, of wie hy gebel het. As jy iets soek om te
> versensasioneel,
> kom na Amerika en sluit aan by die redaksie van die National Enquirer
> poniekoerant, hulle soek
> altyd iemand wat sensasie uitsnuf en tweedehands weergee. Ek hoor ook hulle
> betaal goed.
> pop
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39415 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39408] Mon, 19 February 2001 07:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
lous  is tans af-lyn  lous
Boodskappe: 124
Geregistreer: January 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
poppie wrote:
> Nou ja ou Albert, wat maak dit saak hoeveel keer hy sy vrou gebel
> het van die tronk, of wie hy gebel het. As jy iets soek om te
> versensasioneel,
> kom na Amerika en sluit aan by die redaksie van die National Enquirer
> poniekoerant, hulle soek
> altyd iemand wat sensasie uitsnuf en tweedehands weergee. Ek hoor ook hulle
> betaal goed.
> pop

Voeg by dat dit 'n gesteelde sel foon was ... dat hy in die tronk is ...
dat sy saak vir parool binnekort voorkom ... klink vir my na voorblad
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39416 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39408] Mon, 19 February 2001 07:50 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
albert[1]  is tans af-lyn  albert[1]
Boodskappe: 12
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid

poppie wrote:

> Nou ja ou Albert, wat maak dit saak hoeveel keer hy sy vrou gebel
> het van die tronk, of wie hy gebel het. As jy iets soek om te
> versensasioneel,
> kom na Amerika en sluit aan by die redaksie van die National Enquirer
> poniekoerant, hulle soek
> altyd iemand wat sensasie uitsnuf en tweedehands weergee. Ek hoor ook hulle
> betaal goed.
> pop
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39455 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39408] Mon, 19 February 2001 20:01 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Dit is duidelik dat jy nie weet wat hier oor gepraat word nie.

Dit gaan oor n persoon wat in die tronk sit en met n gesteelde selfoon sit
en bel uit sy sel en dit nogal lede van die parlement.

Het hy meer voorregte as die ander wat saam met hom sit.
Ag wat hoekom skryf jy nie vir die presedent en stel voor dal almal in die
tronke uitgereik word met n selfoon.

Reenen van Niekerk

poppie skryf in boodskap news:96pl2v$asl$
> Nou ja ou Albert, wat maak dit saak hoeveel keer hy sy vrou gebel
> het van die tronk, of wie hy gebel het. As jy iets soek om te
> versensasioneel,
> kom na Amerika en sluit aan by die redaksie van die National Enquirer
> poniekoerant, hulle soek
> altyd iemand wat sensasie uitsnuf en tweedehands weergee. Ek hoor ook hulle
> betaal goed.
> pop
> albert wrote in message
>> The saga continues. Now it emerges that Boesak phoned Elna 21 times, and
>> even phoned former Minister of Justice (now demoted to Minister of
>> Transport) Dullah Omar from jail, as well as Ebrahim Rasool, archbishop
>> Winston Ndungane, and Rev Frank Chikane (directly in the State
>> President's Office). How often do these people receive telephone calls
>> from jail?
>> albert wrote:
>>> Read about the rise and fall of the ANC's f�hrer Alan Boesak at:
>>> sak
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39490 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Tue, 20 February 2001 20:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dave Du Plessis  is tans af-lyn  Dave Du Plessis
Boodskappe: 81
Geregistreer: June 2003
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:47:13 +0200, "The Faerie Godmother"

Waarom plaas die vrou haar briewe op 'n paar nuusgroepe?

Het julle al daaraan gedink dat Boesak Mandela een voor is?
Terwyl Nelson Mandela vir 27 jaar lank net een sel nommer gehad het.
het Boesak twee selnommers gehad binne maande.

- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39491 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39490] Tue, 20 February 2001 21:09 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
The Faerie Godmother  is tans af-lyn  The Faerie Godmother
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: March 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Dave Du Plessis wrote in message
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:47:13 +0200, "The Faerie Godmother"
> wrote:

> Waarom plaas die vrou haar briewe op 'n paar nuusgroepe?

Omrede ek die nuusgroepe so gevind het.
Ek sal probeer om soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans te verwyder van
die lys in die toekoms.

Moira, the Faerie Godmother
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39497 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39491] Wed, 21 February 2001 02:19 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
poppie  is tans af-lyn  poppie
Boodskappe: 188
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Moira, geagte feëtjiegodmoeder (wat die hek is godmother in Afrikaans?), jy
is welkom om enige tyd by ons te kuier, so lank soos jy wil. Steur jou niks
aan uncle Dave nie, hy is net n grumpy old man. :-)


The Faerie Godmother skryf in boodskap news:96umgs$1ob$
> Dave Du Plessis wrote in message
>> On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:47:13 +0200, "The Faerie Godmother"
>> wrote:
>> Waarom plaas die vrou haar briewe op 'n paar nuusgroepe?
> Omrede ek die nuusgroepe so gevind het.
> Ek sal probeer om soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans te verwyder van
> die lys in die toekoms.
> Moira, the Faerie Godmother
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39499 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Wed, 21 February 2001 03:39 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
poppie  is tans af-lyn  poppie
Boodskappe: 188
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Jy is doodreg Danielle . . . peetma. Dit klink nou glad nie so mooi
soos godmother nie, ek wonder wie was "peet"? :-)


Danielle skryf in boodskap
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 20:19:32 -0600, "poppie" wrote:
>> Moira, geagte feëtjiegodmoeder (wat die hek is godmother in Afrikaans?),
> Pop, ek is sekerlik verkeerd, maar wat is 'n "peet ma"?
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39516 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39497] Wed, 21 February 2001 14:51 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
The Faerie Godmother  is tans af-lyn  The Faerie Godmother
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: March 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
poppie wrote in message

> Moira, geagte feëtjiegodmoeder (wat die hek is godmother in Afrikaans?), jy
> is welkom om enige tyd by ons te kuier, so lank soos jy wil. Steur jou niks
> aan uncle Dave nie, hy is net n grumpy old man. :-)


Maar vir 'n bynaam pas dit net nie.

En ek was nooit te skaam om "my tails completely te mix" nie.

Moira, the Faerie Godmother
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39531 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39357] Wed, 21 February 2001 22:25 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Skokkie  is tans af-lyn  Skokkie
Boodskappe: 17
Geregistreer: May 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
I repent of calling you names and placing doubt on your intelligence
I laughed my head off at this post

Jedi Knight skryf in boodskap news:96mr3a$m9u$
> "Annette" wrote in message
> news:96mm83$ifh$
>> Ag foeitog man - gee die siel 'n kans om ook 'n gewone mens te wees wat lieg
>> en bedrieg:)))
>> Annette
> Don't worry, when Boesak gets out in a few months time, his next appointment
> will be Minister of Finance... of course Ferdi Steenkamp will be joining his
> old boss... one of the first things they'll do is slap a moratorium on
> Financial Reporting...
> Boesak will say something like this in lieu of a Budget Speech:
> "We must wait until South Africa is sufficiently developed to handle the
> impact of the new socio-economic realities of post-Apartheid South Africa...
> it's too soon to expect Financial Reports which accurately reflect the true
> potential... one must be very circumspect when one considers that it has
> only been 7 years since the first democratically held elections were held...
> as such, I would be doing you all a disservice to disclose the full
> financial reality that we currently labour under... it is better that we
> focus our attention rather on what we can achieve than what has actually
> been achieved...."
> Or some such rot.... do you think I could get a job writing speeches for
> Alan?

No Please no - considering your presentation above you would write the most
absurd satire and still give the guy a quantum leap in credibility. Leave
the narrow focus propaganda generation to people like Cameron Dugmore.

I note that Sabsy is staying far away from you on this one - you are on a

No this is not sarcasm or irony, I mean it good post, witty post

> --
> Visit
> on-line novel, erotic story, forums.
> ICQ # 58930763
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39535 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39516] Thu, 22 February 2001 00:09 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
poppie  is tans af-lyn  poppie
Boodskappe: 188
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
So there, jy is n gentle soul, en kan gerus hier kom loer
en skryf elke nou en dan, mix maar jou tails, solank
jy interessant is sal niemand kla nie.


The Faerie Godmother skryf in boodskap news:970nhb$6ao$
>> En ek was nooit te skaam om "my tails completely te mix" nie.
> Moira, the Faerie Godmother
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39560 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Thu, 22 February 2001 17:07 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Norman Coyne  is tans af-lyn  Norman Coyne
Boodskappe: 14
Geregistreer: December 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
The Faerie Godmother wrote:

> NC wrote in message
>> I was always of the impression that a jail sentence was to remove
> someone from
>> society not give it easy access to the same.
> I should imagine that telephones have always been a privilege, both
> in jail and out of jail, but I don't see that the privilege should
> be denied.

Out of jail of course not but 'in jail'??? I think that contact with the
outside world by phone should be on an emergency only basis &

> Cellphones are obviously allowed in some countries.
> The recent jail riots in South America were co-ordinated by
> cellphone.

You've just proved my point thank you.

> There is actually nothing that can be said on a cellphone that can't
> also be said on a landline "tickey box".

You know Moira, the people who get put into prison are criminals who by
some anti social act they have transgressed the laws of the society in
which the lived. Part of the reason, in fact I would say the major part,
for putting them in prison is to remove them from society as a
punishment. Now I know that's a dirty word in certain circles but if
prison is to act as a deterrent to future crimes prison life can NOT be
as cosy as life outside. By committing a crime they forfeit certain
privileges one of which I suggest is the means whereby they can plan
their next robbery or intimidate witnesses or in Boesak's case keep in
touch with his investments made with the disadvantaged peoples money he
embezzled during the 'struggle'.

- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39568 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39560] Thu, 22 February 2001 20:01 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
The Faerie Godmother  is tans af-lyn  The Faerie Godmother
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: March 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
NC wrote in message

> You know Moira, the people who get put into prison are criminals who by
> some anti social act they have transgressed the laws of the society in
> which the lived. Part of the reason, in fact I would say the major part,
> for putting them in prison is to remove them from society as a
> punishment. Now I know that's a dirty word in certain circles but if
> prison is to act as a deterrent to future crimes prison life can NOT be
> as cosy as life outside. By committing a crime they forfeit certain
> privileges one of which I suggest is the means whereby they can plan
> their next robbery or intimidate witnesses or in Boesak's case keep in
> touch with his investments made with the disadvantaged peoples money he
> embezzled during the 'struggle'.

Crime and punishment. Crime and rehabilitation.

There is a part of me which would like to believe that prison is
about rehabilitation and another part of me which doesn't believe it
at all - rather it is a network opportunity for people to learn who
does what and where they live.

There is also a part of me which would like to see criminal
*punished* to the full extent of the law, and perhaps even beyond.

Ja Nee.

I don't have any answers. However, prisoners should be allowed to
exercise reasonable rights. If these reasonable rights include a
pay phone then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed cellphones.
This is not to suggest for a second that I want to *give* them
cellphones - and a little cross check on the phones they have and
the blacklisted ones might not be inappropriate.

Moira, the Faerie Godmother
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39572 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39568] Thu, 22 February 2001 21:39 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Norman Coyne  is tans af-lyn  Norman Coyne
Boodskappe: 14
Geregistreer: December 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
The Faerie Godmother wrote:

> NC wrote in message
>> You know Moira, the people who get put into prison are criminals who by
>> some anti social act they have transgressed the laws of the society in
>> which the lived. Part of the reason, in fact I would say the major part,
>> for putting them in prison is to remove them from society as a
>> punishment. Now I know that's a dirty word in certain circles but if
>> prison is to act as a deterrent to future crimes prison life can NOT be
>> as cosy as life outside. By committing a crime they forfeit certain
>> privileges one of which I suggest is the means whereby they can plan
>> their next robbery or intimidate witnesses or in Boesak's case keep in
>> touch with his investments made with the disadvantaged peoples money he
>> embezzled during the 'struggle'.
> Crime and punishment. Crime and rehabilitation.
> There is a part of me which would like to believe that prison is
> about rehabilitation and another part of me which doesn't believe it
> at all - rather it is a network opportunity for people to learn who
> does what and where they live.
> There is also a part of me which would like to see criminal
> *punished* to the full extent of the law, and perhaps even beyond.
> Ja Nee.

See it's a conundrum as a certain bald headed man said.

> I don't have any answers. However, prisoners should be allowed to
> exercise reasonable rights.

Why????? They forfeited their rights when they transgressed the rights
of society to live in a lawful manner. Beyond food, clothing, board &
reasonable medical care they have no "rights".

> If these reasonable rights include a
> pay phone then I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed cellphones.

Because even if they are allowed pay phones under supervision they
should not be allowed unsupervised access to the outside.
These rights & privileges you talk about have to be earned. You & I &
the rest of us earn them by being law abiding citizens (well most of the
time) & accepting our responsibilities. Prison is a place where these
rights & privileges are put on hold while the criminal 'hopefully'
learns their lesson & shows some responsibility. When they are released
then they can resume their rights & privileges as citizens.
Anything else & prison just becomes a waste of taxpayer's (read law
abiding you & me) money.
We might as well get rid of all the prisons, warders, judges, courts &
staff, in fact the whole law & order industry & put the money into ABSA
& issue people with criminal tendencies a card to withdraw what they
want instead of robbing people. I know my tongue in cheek solution
doesn't cover non material crimes but .............
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39621 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Sat, 24 February 2001 07:18 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
sabsy[1]  is tans af-lyn  sabsy[1]
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"ILLYA" skryf in boodskap
> The melanin level in the skin of the people concerned is not an issue

Ja right!!
Marietta Bosch managed to change the views of the ACDP.
Now, there is even a chance that she might not have done it, which could
prove once for all the dangers of the death penalty.
But, I would not be surprised if you denied the racial issue.

> and you are side-tracking the debate again, wandering off topic.

Not at all.
This is part of the point, in South Africa, specifically.

> The point
> is that the minister of Justice was involved in circumventing the prison
> discipline that he is supposed to uphold.

Do you have evidence of this?
If so, please do let us know.

> Hansie Cronje is not in prison at
> this stage and he is not pally pally with the minister of Justice.

But seems to be pally pally with a lot of other people that would ensure
that he does not get charged for his offences.
I am sutrprised that you are not demanding that justice be done.
Surely, someone like you should be jumping up and down and asking for
justice to be done in the Cronje issue, right?
But we know the score. Hansie is not your typical race of a criminal. So,
the ACDP will not comment on his lawyer's attempt to prevent information
being uncovered.
The power of Cronje is apparent when you see how many people are not eager
for the King Commission to continue.
Are you one of those?

> But if we are to raise this debate - let us consider the scenario whereby
> one of your ANC guys gets caught in some form of corruption.

Allan Boesak is proof that ANC officials caught with hands in the till are
dealt with publicly.
An ANC MP who has been abusing parliamentary priviledges was made to stand
on his seat while he was being dressed down by the speaker of parliament.
Some of the charges have been refered to the PUBLIC prosecutor.
So, please do not talk crap. Check the news.

> The very public Hansie scenario would not apply.

Infact, I do not think the commission was necessary. He should have been
charged like any other criminal. Atleast we agree here.

> The life bans before a verdict would not apply.

No, idiot.
Sporting bodies have their own rules. The life ban was after a verdict in
Cricket, dummy.

> We have the Ex Mayor of
> Amanzimtoti, re- elected to Durban Unicity council on the PR list despite
> the fact that most of the town saw him fatally stab his girlfriend's ex
> husband in the 'Toti high school car park.

If most of the town saw him stab someone, then most of the town is witness
to murder and there should be a case of murder. Was there a case of murder?
Was he found guilty?
Would you like him to hand in the place of Marietta Bosch?

> The story is that this is
> perfectly in order as he has not been convicted yet - three years down the
> line.

And what is holding up the process?
Do you believe that someone is innocent until proven guilty or confesses?
Hansie Cronje, Henri Willians and Gibbs confessed.

> If Hansie was prevented from teaching township kids from
> playing cricket and also prevented from telling them to be honest and not
> behave like him, then hey maybe the murdering mayor should be prevented from
> seeing the family of the man he killed.

This is white crap, if I know one. Now, Hansie the one person who almost
resigned to prevent the likes of Ntini, Gibbs, Adams, Ngam from playing for
their country is now eager to teach black kids to be honest?
Why doesn't he teach his former white players to be honest? Is there an
assumption that black kids who benefit the most from Hansie Morality 101?
Do you understand how racist that is?
Why can't Hansie go teach Afrikaans kids who to be honest? He seems to be a
product of such upbringing, not a product of a black dishonest upbringing.
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39647 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39621] Sun, 25 February 2001 14:37 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Bull - Boesak is vervolg omdat die media die kollig op hom gehou het.
Andersins sou die ANC dit onder die mat ingevee het - soos met die

"sabsy" skryf in boodskap
> "ILLYA" wrote in message
>> The melanin level in the skin of the people concerned is not an issue
> here,
> Ja right!!
> Marietta Bosch managed to change the views of the ACDP.
> Now, there is even a chance that she might not have done it, which could
> prove once for all the dangers of the death penalty.
> But, I would not be surprised if you denied the racial issue.
>> and you are side-tracking the debate again, wandering off topic.
> Not at all.
> This is part of the point, in South Africa, specifically.
>> The point
>> is that the minister of Justice was involved in circumventing the prison
>> discipline that he is supposed to uphold.
> Do you have evidence of this?
> If so, please do let us know.
>> Hansie Cronje is not in prison at
>> this stage and he is not pally pally with the minister of Justice.
> But seems to be pally pally with a lot of other people that would ensure
> that he does not get charged for his offences.
> I am sutrprised that you are not demanding that justice be done.
> Surely, someone like you should be jumping up and down and asking for
> justice to be done in the Cronje issue, right?
> But we know the score. Hansie is not your typical race of a criminal. So,
> the ACDP will not comment on his lawyer's attempt to prevent information
> being uncovered.
> The power of Cronje is apparent when you see how many people are not eager
> for the King Commission to continue.
> Are you one of those?
>> But if we are to raise this debate - let us consider the scenario whereby
>> one of your ANC guys gets caught in some form of corruption.
> Allan Boesak is proof that ANC officials caught with hands in the till are
> dealt with publicly.
> An ANC MP who has been abusing parliamentary priviledges was made to stand
> on his seat while he was being dressed down by the speaker of parliament.
> Some of the charges have been refered to the PUBLIC prosecutor.
> So, please do not talk crap. Check the news.
>> The very public Hansie scenario would not apply.
> Infact, I do not think the commission was necessary. He should have been
> charged like any other criminal. Atleast we agree here.
>> The life bans before a verdict would not apply.
> No, idiot.
> Sporting bodies have their own rules. The life ban was after a verdict in
> Cricket, dummy.
>> We have the Ex Mayor of
>> Amanzimtoti, re- elected to Durban Unicity council on the PR list despite
>> the fact that most of the town saw him fatally stab his girlfriend's ex
>> husband in the 'Toti high school car park.
> If most of the town saw him stab someone, then most of the town is witness
> to murder and there should be a case of murder. Was there a case of murder?
> Was he found guilty?
> Would you like him to hand in the place of Marietta Bosch?
>> The story is that this is
>> perfectly in order as he has not been convicted yet - three years down the
>> line.
> And what is holding up the process?
> Do you believe that someone is innocent until proven guilty or confesses?
> Hansie Cronje, Henri Willians and Gibbs confessed.
>> If Hansie was prevented from teaching township kids from
>> playing cricket and also prevented from telling them to be honest and not
>> behave like him, then hey maybe the murdering mayor should be prevented
> from
>> seeing the family of the man he killed.
> This is white crap, if I know one. Now, Hansie the one person who almost
> resigned to prevent the likes of Ntini, Gibbs, Adams, Ngam from playing for
> their country is now eager to teach black kids to be honest?
> Why doesn't he teach his former white players to be honest? Is there an
> assumption that black kids who benefit the most from Hansie Morality 101?
> Do you understand how racist that is?
> Why can't Hansie go teach Afrikaans kids who to be honest? He seems to be a
> product of such upbringing, not a product of a black dishonest upbringing.
- Re: Boooooo !!!! [boodskap #39765 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39497] Wed, 28 February 2001 20:44 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Tobie  is tans af-lyn  Tobie
Boodskappe: 581
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
poplap .... nie te veel van die 'old man' nie hoor, jy sal DD se
gevoelens seermaak. Die grumpy woord is ok :-)
"poppie" wrote in message
Steur jou niks : aan uncle Dave nie, hy is net n grumpy old man.
: poppie
: The Faerie Godmother wrote in message
: news:96umgs$1ob$
: >
: > Dave Du Plessis wrote in message
: > > On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:47:13 +0200, "The Faerie Godmother"
: > > wrote:
: >
: > > Waarom plaas die vrou haar briewe op 'n paar nuusgroepe?
: >
: > Omrede ek die nuusgroepe so gevind het.
: > Ek sal probeer om soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans te verwyder van
: > die lys in die toekoms.
: >
: > Moira, the Faerie Godmother
: >
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39812 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Thu, 01 March 2001 13:49 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jac...[1]  is tans af-lyn  Jac...[1]
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: March 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Jim wrote:

> On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 15:17:31 +0200, "sabsy"
> wrote:
>> "Andrew" wrote in message
>>> Payphones can be easily monitored, cellphones can't
>> Are you sure?
> Yes, I am sure of this one, sabsy. The cell phone is a digital device,
> if you tune a radio into the correct frequency all you will hear is
> that annoying buzz that cuts through just abt everything around you.
> (car radios etc) You need equipment to be able to convert those
> digital "sounds" back into intelligent voice. Further, there are
> scrambling techniques used to "mix up" that signal as well. ...

This is correct. Cellphone service providers do scramble signals, in
fact, the signal is scrambled by means of a digital word that changes very
often (I think once every 3 seconds). To try and unscramble a
conversation would probably take minutes by which time the digital word
has changed again. I was told by a senior engineer at Vodacom that this
is the main reason why the US are still on Analogue phone technology -
since that can be monitored externally.

Also, The service provider does not store conversations on computer - this
is totally illegal. That said: A policing agency of the government may
obtain a warrant to listen into conversations. This has to be signed by
an appropriate person or institution and is done directly at the service

To come back to the question: To tap into a cellular phone externally is
all but impossible. To tap it from within the service provider requires

- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39840 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Fri, 02 March 2001 03:21 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Ron McGregor  is tans af-lyn  Ron McGregor
Boodskappe: 24
Geregistreer: August 1998
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Andrew wrote

> Anyway, MTN is rated in the top
> three networks worldwide and has the lowest congestion in the southern
> hemisphere.

er, does that mean it is very successful? Or does it mean that it hasn't
got as many users as it would really like to have for the capacity in which
it has invested? You know, like the kind of airline that is always very
comfortable to fly on because its planes are usually half-empty.
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39844 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Fri, 02 March 2001 05:52 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Jac...[1]  is tans af-lyn  Jac...[1]
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: March 2001
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
NC wrote:

> sabsy wrote:
>>>> > Cellphone development in South Africa is much more advanced than in
>>>> > most places in the world including the USA.
>>>> Dream on.
>>> It would be if the govt. didn't restrict it. Anyway, MTN is rated in the
>>> top three networks worldwide and has the lowest congestion in the southern
>>> hemisphere.
>> Still, Cellphone development in South Africa is much more ADVANCEd than MOST
>> places in the world. I have worked in the cellularphone industry and Moron
>> Norman is merely being Drunk Norman.
>> The 1st place in the world to utilize pay as you go technology was Vodacom's
>> Vodago
> For the record my profession is electronics & my qualifications are in the
> telecommunications field which I can prove unlike old "have you kissed a Jesuit
> today" Sabelo's claims to have worked in the cell phone industry. To make the
> statement as Sabsy did that, "Cellphone development in South Africa is much more
> advanced than in most places in the world including the USA." Is stretching the
> truth to a great degree. No one would deny that the spread of cellular phones,
> in a country that had no real telephone service in the rural areas due to a) A
> crap government body like Telcom & b) The persistent theft of the wires, has
> been phenomenal. However much national pride you want to expend, proliferation
> of a cell phone service in South Africa, over say the last 5 years, doesn't
> equate to 'development' or 'advanced'.
> Let's face it South Africa uses the technologies developed overseas not an in
> house researched & developed system.

Telecoms and electronics is my field too, and I tend to agree with Norman. None of
the tech involved here was developed in SA...
Two things to note though:

1.) Because Cellphones are a relatively new technology in SA (compared to the US
say) it follows that by the time the backbones and servers were installed in SA the
technology had been developed quite a lot. The result is that at the time of
installation, SA had the best equipment in the world - as far as I know, neither MTN
nor Vodacom has kept pace with development though, and by now we are probably
somewhere in the middle ranks...

2.) I am not too sure about the situation, but I think SA must be on the leading
edge of cellphone technology in Africa...

There is something to be proud of here, but to state that SA's cellphone structure
is more advanced than in say the US reminds me of the old era where the popular
believe was that everything developed in SA was the best in the world...

- Re: Boooooo !!!! [boodskap #39874 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39765] Sat, 03 March 2001 03:05 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dingus  is tans af-lyn  Dingus
Boodskappe: 187
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

Tobie skryf in boodskap news:97m3ce$79b$
> poplap .... nie te veel van die 'old man' nie hoor, jy sal DD se
> gevoelens seermaak. Die grumpy woord is ok :-)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> "poppie" wrote in message
> -knip-----
> Steur jou niks : aan uncle Dave nie, hy is net n grumpy old man.
> :-)
> :
> : poppie
> :
> :
> :
> : The Faerie Godmother wrote in message
> : news:96umgs$1ob$
> : >
> : > Dave Du Plessis wrote in message
> : > > On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:47:13 +0200, "The Faerie Godmother"
> : > > wrote:
> : >
> : > > Waarom plaas die vrou haar briewe op 'n paar nuusgroepe?
> : >
> : > Omrede ek die nuusgroepe so gevind het.
> : > Ek sal probeer om soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans te verwyder van
> : > die lys in die toekoms.
> : >
> : > Moira, the Faerie Godmother
> : >
> :
- Re: Boesak's Jail Cell Cellphone [boodskap #39876 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39346] Sat, 03 March 2001 03:58 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Norman Coyne  is tans af-lyn  Norman Coyne
Boodskappe: 14
Geregistreer: December 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid wrote:

> sabsy wrote:
>> "Andrew" wrote in message
>>> I thought MTN had it before Vodacom.
>> Wrong
> And may I suggest that you leavethe subject of Boesak's cell phone
> alone now. We are tired of your
> endless crossposting on the Afrikaans
> newsgroup. Could you at leaste remove
> us from your list of newsgroups when
> you make responses.
> Baie dankie.

Why should the Afrikaans newsgroup get so lucky? Take him, he's yours.
- Re: Boooooo !!!! [boodskap #39886 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39874] Sat, 03 March 2001 16:29 Na vorige boodskap
Davie Davis  is tans af-lyn  Davie Davis
Boodskappe: 1013
Geregistreer: November 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sat, 3 Mar 2001 16:05:48 +1300, "Dingus" wrote:

> Tobie wrote in message
> news:97m3ce$79b$
>> poplap .... nie te veel van die 'old man' nie hoor, jy sal DD se
>> gevoelens seermaak. Die grumpy woord is ok :-)
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> "poppie" wrote in message
>> -knip-----
>> Steur jou niks : aan uncle Dave nie, hy is net n grumpy old man.
>> :-)
>> :
>> : poppie
>> :
>> :
>> :
>> : The Faerie Godmother wrote in message
>> : news:96umgs$1ob$
>> : >
>> : > Dave Du Plessis wrote in message
>> : > > On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:47:13 +0200, "The Faerie Godmother"
>> : > > wrote:
>> : >
>> : > > Waarom plaas die vrou haar briewe op 'n paar nuusgroepe?
>> : >
>> : > Omrede ek die nuusgroepe so gevind het.
>> : > Ek sal probeer om soc.culture.south-africa.afrikaans te verwyder van
>> : > die lys in die toekoms.
>> : >
>> : > Moira, the Faerie Godmother
>> : >
>> :
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