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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Afrikaans at non-ZA universities and colleges
- Afrikaans at non-ZA universities and colleges [boodskap #39267] Thu, 15 February 2001 07:44 na volgende boodskap
Voetleuce  is tans af-lyn  Voetleuce
Boodskappe: 127
Geregistreer: February 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

The Crow's Nest web site ( got a
question about Afrikaans at "foreign" universities:

> Is there anybody that can help me with information on the study of
> Afrikaans at universities outside the borders of South Africa -
> e.g. in Russia, Poland, The Netherlands or USA? I would like to
> correspond with students of Afrikaans. I am currently busy with
> research on the topic.

We get quite a few questions like this. Can anyone help by giving us some
names and e-addresses of people who might be able to help us find Afrikaans
students at non-ZA universities, or groups of people who study Afrikaans as
a subject? Thanks!

I'll be watching the newsgroups... no need to crosspost your answers.
- Re: Afrikaans at non-ZA universities and colleges [boodskap #39477 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39267] Tue, 20 February 2001 13:54 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Sybrand Burger  is tans af-lyn  Sybrand Burger
Boodskappe: 9
Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Voetleuce wrote:

> Leuce:
> The Crow's Nest web site ( got a
> question about Afrikaans at "foreign" universities:
>> Is there anybody that can help me with information on the study of
> Afrikaans at universities outside the borders of South Africa - e.g. in
> Russia, Poland, The Netherlands or USA? ...
> ... Can anyone help by giving us some names and e-addresses of people who
> might be able to help us find Afrikaans students at non-ZA universities, or
> groups of people who study Afrikaans as a subject? Thanks!

Try and ml
- Re: Afrikaans at non-ZA universities and colleges [boodskap #39898 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39267] Sun, 04 March 2001 17:31 Na vorige boodskap
Willem-Jan Markerink  is tans af-lyn  Willem-Jan Markerink
Boodskappe: 331
Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In article ,
"Voetleuce" wrote:
> Leuce:
> The Crow's Nest web site ( got a
> question about Afrikaans at "foreign" universities:
>> Is there anybody that can help me with information on the study of
>> Afrikaans at universities outside the borders of South Africa -
>> e.g. in Russia, Poland, The Netherlands or USA? I would like to
>> correspond with students of Afrikaans. I am currently busy with
>> research on the topic.
> We get quite a few questions like this. Can anyone help by giving us some
> names and e-addresses of people who might be able to help us find Afrikaans
> students at non-ZA universities, or groups of people who study Afrikaans as
> a subject? Thanks!
> I'll be watching the newsgroups... no need to crosspost your answers.

Gerrit Komrij, a Dutch poet, not only wrote/edited a book about Afrikaner
poetry, but also gave a series of poetry-classes at a Dutch University,
probably Leiden, perhaps Amsterdam....might be part of more structural
teachings in Afrikaans. It would surprise me highly if Afrikaans wasn't an
optional package within the study Dutch, at Leiden, Amsterdam and Groningen
University (in descending order of likeliness).

[nl.taal added to the crosspost]


Willem-Jan Markerink

The desire to understand
is sometimes far less intelligent than
the inability to understand

[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]
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