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- Die oplossing vir Misdaad, en nalatigheid van die regering... [boodskap #36985] Wed, 22 November 2000 00:00 na volgende boodskap
ant  is tans af-lyn  ant
Boodskappe: 15
Geregistreer: June 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hello almal,
Hier is iets wat ek op n ander web blad gevind het, en die konsep klink vir
my goed...

To everybody else..... :
Johan may have a solution to force the current government to listen to it's
law abiding CITIZENS. The name of the article 21 company is PRIORA (with the
aforementioned facts)and it's in the process of being registered by Johan.

We are all sick and tired of the criminal component and the government's
excuses to hide it's inabilities to deal with crime in RSA. Now we will hit
them where it hurts.........MONEY !!!!! and for them - THE LACK OF
IT.........Then they have to listen.

At the moment, government is potentially making LOTS of money out of crime.
If every household that is robbed, spends R10 000 to replace the stolen
goods, then government lands a wealthy R14 Million for every 10 000 houses
that are robbed. Anybody have some housebreak statistics?
The average car costs R100 000 and government gets R14 000 of that. How many
cars are stolen? Anybody offering stats?

So now do you get the picture???? Maybe government is not REALLY that
interested in curbing crime?
Next question: Is government actually entitled to this "BLOOD" money?
Another one: If I suffer a financial loss due to crime, because government
cannot protect me as the constitution says, then it must be tax deductable?

What about the money I spend on day to day protection anyway, on alarms,
Armed reaction companies etc. ????
If 10 000 households belong to one of these companies at R250 per household
per month, then we have a figure of R2,5 Million per month. Over 1 year it's
30 Million. If such figures become tax "deductable" ????

Get the picture?
- Re: Die oplossing vir Misdaad, en nalatigheid van die regering... [boodskap #37035 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36985] Thu, 23 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Skunk  is tans af-lyn  Skunk
Boodskappe: 192
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Sou dít nou beteken dat ons nie meer nuwe goed moet koop nie? Die outjie
het 'n punt beet, net jammer hy't nie 'n oplossing ook ingesluit nie...


"Thabo" skryf in boodskap news:8vgjqv$e0d$
> Hello almal,
> Hier is iets wat ek op n ander web blad gevind het, en die konsep klink vir
> my goed...
> To everybody else..... :
> Johan may have a solution to force the current government to listen to it's
> law abiding CITIZENS. The name of the article 21 company is PRIORA (with the
> aforementioned facts)and it's in the process of being registered by Johan.
> We are all sick and tired of the criminal component and the government's
> excuses to hide it's inabilities to deal with crime in RSA. Now we will hit
> them where it hurts.........MONEY !!!!! and for them - THE LACK OF
> IT.........Then they have to listen.
> At the moment, government is potentially making LOTS of money out of crime.
> If every household that is robbed, spends R10 000 to replace the stolen
> goods, then government lands a wealthy R14 Million for every 10 000 houses
> that are robbed. Anybody have some housebreak statistics?
> The average car costs R100 000 and government gets R14 000 of that. How many
> cars are stolen? Anybody offering stats?
> So now do you get the picture???? Maybe government is not REALLY that
> interested in curbing crime?
> Next question: Is government actually entitled to this "BLOOD" money?
> Another one: If I suffer a financial loss due to crime, because government
> cannot protect me as the constitution says, then it must be tax deductable?
> What about the money I spend on day to day protection anyway, on alarms,
> Armed reaction companies etc. ????
> If 10 000 households belong to one of these companies at R250 per household
> per month, then we have a figure of R2,5 Million per month. Over 1 year it's
> 30 Million. If such figures become tax "deductable" ????
> Get the picture?
- Re: Die oplossing vir Misdaad, en nalatigheid van die regering... [boodskap #37065 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36985] Fri, 24 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
ant  is tans af-lyn  ant
Boodskappe: 15
Geregistreer: June 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
EK dink wat moet gebeur is n mens moet kyk wat n artikel 21 maatskappy
beteken. Moontlik kan n mens wegkom van VAT af, wat as sulks sal baar mos
nie meer "Value" op die produk geplaas word nie..

"Skunk" skryf in boodskap news:8vjr33$dsa$
> Sou dít nou beteken dat ons nie meer nuwe goed moet koop nie? Die outjie
> het 'n punt beet, net jammer hy't nie 'n oplossing ook ingesluit nie...
Vorige onderwerp: Re: Red nou 'n volk met so 'n nasie! :-(
Volgende onderwerp: Familie verband van Eva Goringhaicona (van die Kaap)
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