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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » English-speaking racist pig
- English-speaking racist pig [boodskap #36790] Sun, 19 November 2000 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Nasty Quaker  is tans af-lyn  Nasty Quaker
Boodskappe: 72
Geregistreer: September 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Hierdie persoon is nie net walglik en vuil nie, maar ook 'n intense rassis.
Wat 'n ongelooflike pateet.


"Mel" skryf in boodskap news:8v76rs$t3t$

> I refuse to speak Afrikaans to this group anymore... none of you dickheads
> are worth it. Fuck all you dickhead Afrikaners.....
> Have they trashed your account yet - yer niggar loving spud?
> I have it on good authority that your daughter is sucking the sperm out of
> your garden boys dick while he takes a big kaffir shit on your outside
> niggar toilet... then he rubs his warm faeces all over her body and she
> licks it all off.
> Then she comes inside and gives you warm cuddles and smoochie woochies...
> proud of yer niggar loving daughter, toots? When you rape all 3 of her holes
> at night, does it bug yer that a niggar prick has beaten yer to everyone of
> her holes?
> Now go off and rape all yer grandchildren under 3 which were spawned from
> your niggar garden boys big black mamba number 9 inches!
> [ If it looks like shit, smells like shit, tastes like shit, then it is
> -------------- ---------------
> Yusuf is a virgin.
> This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
> This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
> Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
> The Weekly Chirp - Would you have sex with someone you met on the Net?
> Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.
> Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
> |
> ---oo-O-oo---
> (Crash and burn!)
> -------------------------------------------------------
- Re: English-speaking racist pig [boodskap #36832 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36790] Mon, 20 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mal  is tans af-lyn  Mal
Boodskappe: 6
Geregistreer: January 2009
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Mal skryf in boodskap news:8vagtg$9a7$
> "Nasty Quaker" wrote in message
> news:1L%R5.1725$
>> Hierdie Mal persoon is nie net walglik en vuil nie,
>> maar ook 'n intense moffie-rassis.
>> Wat 'n ongelooflike pateet poep-vreter.
> You are going to have to repeat that in English for me, because
> I have caffir-shit for brains. Speaking or reading is difficult for
> my niggar-derived ass.
> I am only good at farting a few dwindling 'thoughts' in the wind.
> -------------- ---------------
> Yusuf is My Virgin-Lover.
> This is a Dumb-African fucked Site. Any Asshole is welcome. :-)
> This site is about screwing people, making bum-chums, and having Aids! :-)
> Send an SOS message to my cell phone if you need an urgent ass-bang.
> The Weekly Crap - Would you have rectum-sex with me on the Net?
> Own the piss of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town sewer address.
> Ultra VD-loving Mal's new Supermoronic design :
> )
> ~..~...o-O-...~ _-...
> (My ass crashed and burned!)
> -------------------------------------------------------
- Re: English-speaking racist pig [boodskap #36872 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36790] Mon, 20 November 2000 06:39 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mel  is tans af-lyn  Mel
Boodskappe: 58
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"Nasty Quaker" skryf in boodskap news:1L%R5.1725$
> Hierdie persoon is nie net walglik en vuil nie, maar ook 'n intense rassis.
> Wat 'n ongelooflike pateet.

You are going to have to repeat that in English for me, because I have no
interest in speaking or reading your niggar-derived tail.

-------------- ---------------
Yusuf is a virgin.
This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
The Weekly Chirp - Would you have sex with someone you met on the Net?
Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.

Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
(Crash and burn!)
- Re: English-speaking racist pig [boodskap #36886 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36790] Tue, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Dark Angel  is tans af-lyn  Dark Angel
Boodskappe: 21
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Ek wonder nogal of Adderleystreet se admin so baie gaan like hiervan as
hulle sien watter tipe mense hulle website adverteer ek het hul diens terme
( gaan lees. Hy is
seker ook een
van daai hoog moedige intelek gebrek tipe wat 'n kick daar uit kry om "God
like" te probeer wees. Ek dink werklik hierdie Mel karakter het kleintyd op
sy kop geval. Sy ma kons ons almal 'n guns gedoen het en hom dood gelê het
vir al wat ek omgee.


Zymurgy`s First Law of Evolving System Dynamics:
Once you open a can of worms, the only way to recan
them is to use a larger can.

"Reenen van Niekerk" skryf in boodskap
> Nou moet jy oppas Elaine. Die drol het n SAIX:slipxxx.
> Hy is seker baie trots daarop. Seker die eerste ding wat hy het.
> Reenen van Niekerk
> Mel wrote in message
> news:8vdhms$dqq$
>> "Elaine" wrote in message
>>> Now I know why you're here all the time. You got kicked from each and
>>> everyone of the South African chatrooms!!!!! Banned for life, now you
>> can't
>>> help but annoy us. You must think you're very cute. Regtig jy is nie
>> hoor?
>>> Jy dink dalk jy's vreeslik skerp en annoy die crap uit ons uit....maar
> jy
>>> besorg aan my net ure se pret en plesier, die res kan eindelik nie 'n
> hel
>>> omgee oor drek soos jy nie. Ek like dit om mens soos jy te eet vir
>>> breakfast.....heeheheheheh. Ek word nie verniet die "main bitch" van my
>>> chatroom genoem nie.
>> Elaine you fucken newbie - can u read a goddamn header? I got thru SAIX:
>> that was posted thru - wake up & smell fuckwit!
>> Jesus... I should start impersonating ur ass - confuse even u, I suppose!
>> FUCK!!!!!
>> -------------- ---------------
>> Yusuf is still a virgin sand-niggar!
>> This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
>> This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
>> Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
>> The Weekly Chirp - Should illegal drugs be legalised?
>> Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.
>> Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
>> |
>> ---oo-O-oo---
>> (Crash and burn!)
>> -------------------------------------------------------
- Re: English-speaking racist pig [boodskap #36888 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36790] Tue, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Nou moet jy oppas Elaine. Die drol het n SAIX:slipxxx.

Hy is seker baie trots daarop. Seker die eerste ding wat hy het.

Reenen van Niekerk

Mel skryf in boodskap news:8vdhms$dqq$
> "Elaine" wrote in message
>> Now I know why you're here all the time. You got kicked from each and
>> everyone of the South African chatrooms!!!!! Banned for life, now you
> can't
>> help but annoy us. You must think you're very cute. Regtig jy is nie
> hoor?
>> Jy dink dalk jy's vreeslik skerp en annoy die crap uit ons uit....maar jy
>> besorg aan my net ure se pret en plesier, die res kan eindelik nie 'n hel
>> omgee oor drek soos jy nie. Ek like dit om mens soos jy te eet vir
>> breakfast.....heeheheheheh. Ek word nie verniet die "main bitch" van my
>> chatroom genoem nie.
> Elaine you fucken newbie - can u read a goddamn header? I got thru SAIX:
> that was posted thru - wake up & smell fuckwit!
> Jesus... I should start impersonating ur ass - confuse even u, I suppose!
> FUCK!!!!!
> -------------- ---------------
> Yusuf is still a virgin sand-niggar!
> This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
> This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
> Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
> The Weekly Chirp - Should illegal drugs be legalised?
> Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.
> Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
> |
> ---oo-O-oo---
> (Crash and burn!)
> -------------------------------------------------------
- Re: English-speaking racist pig [boodskap #36889 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36790] Tue, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Elaine  is tans af-lyn  Elaine
Boodskappe: 2948
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Now I know why you're here all the time. You got kicked from each and
everyone of the South African chatrooms!!!!! Banned for life, now you can't
help but annoy us. You must think you're very cute. Regtig jy is nie hoor?
Jy dink dalk jy's vreeslik skerp en annoy die crap uit ons uit....maar jy
besorg aan my net ure se pret en plesier, die res kan eindelik nie 'n hel
omgee oor drek soos jy nie. Ek like dit om mens soos jy te eet vir
breakfast.....heeheheheheh. Ek word nie verniet die "main bitch" van my
chatroom genoem nie.

Groete poephol


Mal wrote
>> You are going to have to repeat that in English for me, because
>> I have caffir-shit for brains. Speaking or reading is difficult for
>> my niggar-derived ass.
>> I am only good at farting a few dwindling 'thoughts' in the wind.
- Re: English-speaking racist pig [boodskap #36890 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36790] Tue, 21 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Mel  is tans af-lyn  Mel
Boodskappe: 58
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"Elaine" skryf in boodskap
> Now I know why you're here all the time. You got kicked from each and
> everyone of the South African chatrooms!!!!! Banned for life, now you can't
> help but annoy us. You must think you're very cute. Regtig jy is nie hoor?
> Jy dink dalk jy's vreeslik skerp en annoy die crap uit ons uit....maar jy
> besorg aan my net ure se pret en plesier, die res kan eindelik nie 'n hel
> omgee oor drek soos jy nie. Ek like dit om mens soos jy te eet vir
> breakfast.....heeheheheheh. Ek word nie verniet die "main bitch" van my
> chatroom genoem nie.

Elaine you fucken newbie - can u read a goddamn header? I got thru SAIX:

that was posted thru - wake up & smell fuckwit!

Jesus... I should start impersonating ur ass - confuse even u, I suppose!


-------------- ---------------
Yusuf is still a virgin sand-niggar!
This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
The Weekly Chirp - Should illegal drugs be legalised?
Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.

Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
(Crash and burn!)
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