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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36407] Sun, 12 November 2000 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Mel  is tans af-lyn  Mel
Boodskappe: 58
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"Kevin Geasley" skryf in boodskap news:8umuvs$p80$
> "Mel" wrote in message
> news:8umgp2$pmk$
> Mel, don't you think your reaction is slightly exaggerated? Do these people
> not deserve a fair trial, and how are they ever going to get a fair trial
> when people (including you) are consumed with the mob justice mentality?

Fair trial? That is for the lawyers and the judges to worry about. I am a
South African who daily has to live in the city of Cape Town - a city which
has been plagued with bombers. These bombers appear to be racially motivated
to attack white people based on the placement of their bombs. I live in a
certain amount of fear that either my loved ones or I are going to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time and be killed or injured.

These six white policemen attacked black people with their dogs and fists.
It does not take a genius to realise that black people all over South Africa
have just found another reason / excuse to butcher some more white people
like myself. So I say shoot these bastards in the face in public and chop
their bodies up and feed them to the dogs owned by their victims!

Maybe that will appease the bloodlust of the black people who now want
revenge for the assholic actions of these fools! These are the true
emotional facts, and the majority of South Africans could care a less for
"white man'" justice. They want these bastards butchered. Rather them than
me, thanks. They certainly deserve everything that is coming to them. They
were policeman. But they showed no professionalism. Let them die, and let
them die at the hands of a mob so that they will not wish to take the lives
of innocents instead.

[ I make no apologies for my beliefs here. Africa Europe. ]

-------------- ---------------
This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
The Weekly Chirp - Would you have sex with someone you met on the Net?
Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.

Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
(Crash and burn!)
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36408 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Sun, 12 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
skippy  is tans af-lyn  skippy
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Look fool quit trying to use whatever your using in your post. Nobody is
going download any special plug-ins just to view your worthless posts.

"hassani youssouf & toko suzuki" skryf in boodskap news:diwP5.527$I5.4405@stones...
> Translation :A good example of how brave the afrikaner are ...
> Hassani youssouf
> "koos" wrote in message
> news:8ultfp$ohq$
>> plaas dat die honde die fokken stink bliksense swartes vrek gebyt het vir
>> ferdie
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36409 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Sun, 12 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
hassani youssouf &amp  is tans af-lyn  hassani youssouf &amp
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Translation :A good example of how brave the afrikaner are ...

Hassani youssouf

"koos" skryf in boodskap news:8ultfp$ohq$
> plaas dat die honde die fokken stink bliksense kaffers vrek gebyt het + vir
> ferdie
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36410 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Sun, 12 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
koos  is tans af-lyn  koos
Boodskappe: 137
Geregistreer: June 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
plaas dat die honde die fokken stink bliksense kaffers vrek gebyt het + vir
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36459 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Mon, 13 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dark Angel  is tans af-lyn  Dark Angel
Boodskappe: 21
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Dit lyk my die donnerse amerikaners kry nie al die nuus nie die polisiemanne
is dadelik geskors sonder betaling, hul huis subsiedies is weg gevat en alle
ander voordele. Dis wat dit vir ander krimenele so maklik maak hulle het
fokall om te verloor. En as hulle daarmee wegkom is hulle beter daarin toe
as wat hulle was, as hulle nie is hul nog steeds beter daaraan toe, want dan
het hulle 'n dak oor hul koppe, kos en 'n warm bed. As die regering die
doodstraf kan terug bring kan die probleem met oorvol tronke opgelos word en
ons hoef nie meer so kwaai belasting te betaal nie. Dit kos die belastin
betaler R40,50 per dag om een misdadiger in die tronk te voed en te klee,
hoekom met ek my geld wat ek hard voor werk betaal aan iemand wat net
heeldag vreet, slaap en kak.
As die engelse bliksems nie dit kan lees nie, kan hulle ook maar loop kak.

"Mel" skryf in boodskap news:8uoafl$3b6$
> "Steve Henderson" wrote in message
> news:6jNP5.6821$
>> "Mel" wrote in message
>> news:8unpdj$n4r$
>>> I think there is more to South Africa than a bunch of thugs misbehaving
>>> themselves and calling themselves policeman.
>> If they are on the police payroll, they aren't calling -themselves-
>> policemen, they are called policemen because that's the fucking -job they
>> hold-.
> Asked & answered... Next question?
>> Policemen -can- be thugs and this has been the case since time began. The
>> difference seems to be that this "thuggishness", to coin a word, appears to
>> be officially sanctioned.
> Yeah right! Thats why the minister ordered their arrest... hello?
>> You and that clueless bitch Moira both need to take off your "rose-colored
>> glasses" and take a look around.
> There is only one appropiate response here: I love you, with a jelly tot on
> top of that!
> Have a nice day! :-)
> -------------- ---------------
> This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
> This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
> Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
> The Weekly Chirp - Would you have sex with someone you met on the Net?
> Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.
> Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
> |
> ---oo-O-oo---
> (Crash and burn!)
> -------------------------------------------------------
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36460 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Mon, 13 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Norman Coyne  is tans af-lyn  Norman Coyne
Boodskappe: 14
Geregistreer: December 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Mel wrote:

> "Steve Henderson" wrote in message
> news:WT%P5.8156$
> En as jy nie dit dadelik doen nie, gaan ek jou gat so vol gate skop, jou
> bliksemse kop gaan afval.
> Ek weier om verder Engels met jou te praat, Amerikaner. Jy is 'n klein
> nikswerd en ek dink jy, jou ouers, en jou grootouers swaai nog tussen die
> donderste bome!
> Gaan die wereld nou vol kak, maar steek eers jou kop in jou gat in EN ROER!
> Kry vir jou 'n lekker ene! :-)

Naughty one that Mel. These yanks have trouble thinking in English ........
What am I saying, they have enough trouble thinking full stop.
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36461 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Mon, 13 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Steve Hayes[1]  is tans af-lyn  Steve Hayes[1]
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 12:50:26 -0000, "hassani youssouf & toko suzuki" wrote:
> Translation :A good example of how brave the afrikaner are ...
> Hassani youssouf
> "koos" wrote in message
> news:8ultfp$ohq$
>> plaas dat die honde die fokken stink bliksense swartes vrek gebyt het vir
>> ferdie

Or, litterally,

"farm that the hounds the cultivated stink lighting non-Muslims dead did bite"

To (mis)quote an expert "Opvoeding is meer as net kinderen opvokken"

Steve Hayes
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36462 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Mon, 13 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dark Angel  is tans af-lyn  Dark Angel
Boodskappe: 21
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
When was the last time the papers reported on a farmer being killed, if the
papers had to report all of the crime in SA everyday it would'nt have been a
paper but a novel. Dit lyk net vir my of die amerikaners 'n bohaai wil
opskop oor iets wat hulle nie aangaan nie. Wanneer laas het ons hier ins
Suid - Afrika gehoor van rasse geweld aan daai kant. So ver ek weet is
rasisme glad nie so dood in amerika soos wat dit lyk nie. Ek persoonlik voel
deesdae 'n fok, ek bly in deel, en die werf etter in sy deel, betree hy my
deel gaan ek bedreig voel en hom uit my deel verwyder op enige moontlike
manier. Hierdie is tog leeu wêreld ou maat en hier kak 'n tier.
Weiler`s Law:
Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn`t
have to do it himself.

as jy nie afrikaans kan verstaan moet jy maar werklik iemand kry om dit vir
jou te vertaal.

"Nighthawk" skryf in boodskap news:AdsP5.16059$
> Hey, Faerie Godmother! Tell me again how wonderful a country South Africa is
> and how you morons have put racism behind you...
> South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks
> Six officers accused of attempted murder
> By Susanna Loof
> Associated Press
> Johannesburg, South Africa - A videotape showing white police officers
> setting dogs on three black men, beating them and shouting racial slurs has
> outraged a nation ashamed of its apartheid past and sharpened debate on the
> pace of change.
> The videotape, broadcast Tuesday (November 7) on state television,
> apparently was filmed two years ago by one of the policemen. The officers
> said the attack was staged as a training exercise for the dogs. News reports
> said the officers later showed the tape for entertainment.
> Since the broadcast, South Africans have flooded newpapers with letters
> expressing outrage, some calling for the death penalty to be reinstated. The
> story has dominated South Africa's media, even overshadowing the undecided
> U.S. election.
> Although most South Africans - black and white - have reacted by demanding
> tough measures to root out police racism, a few wrote newspapers to support
> the policemen, underlining the deep divisions that remain in post-apartheid
> South Africa.
> "We don't have a lot of time to solve these kind of problems. The event
> should be dealt with like a national emergency," Abdul Minty, deputy
> director-general of the Department of Foreign Affairs, told reporters
> yesterday in Pretoria.
> The six officers were charged with attempted murder Wednesday and remanded
> into custody until Friday, when they are scheduled for a bail hearing.
> Sally de Beer, a spokeswoman for Police Commisioner Jackie Selebi, said the
> black men in the attack were accused of being illegal immigrants. The attack
> took place at a field northeast of Johannesburg, he said.
> The videotape showed the officers punching the men when they tried to defend
> themselves.
> The bleeding victims, their clothes in tatters from the dog attacks, were
> then forced to stand in a line as some of the officers hit them.
> Zizamele Cebekhulu, president of the Police and Prisoners Civil Rights
> Union, said racism had been institutionalized in the police service and it
> is very far from having ended.
> Although 58 percent of police officers are black, according to official
> statistics, specialized squads - such as dog units - remain largely white,
> Cebekhulu said.
> De Beer said there are several programs to deal with racism in the police
> force and Selebi, after seeing the videotape, is considering more.
> Since the brodcast, people have complained about police attacking them with
> dogs.
> "The misuse of police dogs seems to be a regular occurence in some dog units
> in the country," said the Independent Complaints Directorate, which
> investigates complaints against police.
> It listed four incidents in which suspects were mauled by dogs dating to May
> 1999.
> Tuesday's broadcast comes four months after two white police officers
> received suspended sentences for beating two black hijacking suspects and
> setting a dog on them.
> The British Broadcasting Corp. aired footage of that attack last year.
> Such brutality, common during the apartheid years, still occurs regularly,
> Cebekhulu said.
> Amnesty International said yesterday it "has continued to receive
> corroborated evidence ... of the torture and severe ill-treatment of
> individuals in the custody of law enforcement agents."
> --
> Nighthawk
> Fidonet FLAME Asshole of the Year - 1999
> * I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way. - Jessica Rabbit
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36463 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Mon, 13 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek wonder waar die twee gedrogte uitgekruip het. Mens kan vir hulle se waar
hulle kan terug kruip maar ek het te veel respek vir sy ma al ken ek haar
nie. Dit moet wonderlik wees om in n land te bly waar alles perfek is.

Reenen van Niekerk

Elaine skryf in boodskap
> You might live in a wonderful country, with almost no natural resources, a
> country where you can't drink tap water, a country where the little nature
> you have left were converted into parks. A country where a little bunch of
> white chicken who calls themselve the Klu Klux Klan hang black ppl by trees,
> for no reason other than the fact that they are black. You live in a
> country with no morals - in fact your previous president proved that to us.
> You live in a country where the government thinks everyone's business is
> their business. Oh wow what a wonderful country. I guess there's no police
> corruption and brutality (although I've seen some tapes from usa myself) You
> have the right to be proud of your country. So do we...we were born and
> raised here. We have the RIGHT to be proud too - even if it is a little
> pissant country. Just remember that we have done some ground breaking work
> here ourselves. Some day if you need a heart transplant, remember where it
> was done and who did the first successful transplant. Remember that it was
> a young doctor named Chris Barnard. He still lives in South Africa.
> Elaine
> Nighthawk wrote
>> Proud of what? Armed white cops beating and setting dogs on blacks?
>> --
>> Nighthawk
>> Fidonet FLAME Asshole of the Year - 1999
>> * New Dr. Seuss book: Hop On Mom
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36464 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Mon, 13 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

If you think that we are a lot of idiots staying here why do you comment on
this newsgroup.

Reenen van Niekerk

Nighthawk skryf in boodskap news:kYCP5.17707$
> "Mel" wrote in message
> news:8umls4$b6q$
>> "Nighthawk" wrote in message
>> news:sHzP5.16910$
>>> Just remember that the next time you're tempted to get up on your soapbox
>>> about the "significant changes" that have supposedly taken place there
>>> over the last few years. It doesn't look like much has chaged to me...
>> Yes. Well we are trying our best over here to please you. Sorry that we are
>> disappointing you so!
> I personally don't care who's killing who over in that little shithole, but
> I had to respond to Moira's comments several weeks ago about how South
> Africa has put this sort of racism nonsense behind them.
>>>> There are lots of idiots living in South Africa.
>>> You've already proven that point beyond a shadow of a doubt.
>> Cool.
>> Hey!!!!!!!!!! Are you talking about me????
> If the shoe fits...
>>> * Job not found: (A)bort (R)etry (W)elfare
>> This sounds like DOS... I don't like any of the choices... so I went out and
>> started a web site.... :-)
>> -------------- ---------------
> Would this be the web site you started?
> --
> Nighthawk
> Fidonet FLAME Asshole of the Year - 1999
> * Why don't you sue your brains for non-support?
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36520 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Tue, 14 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Elaine  is tans af-lyn  Elaine
Boodskappe: 2948
Geregistreer: December 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek wonder self die ding......minstens in SA leer ons ouers ons hoe om respek
te hê en ook hoe om nie met God te laster nie. Dankie tog ek bly nie in
Amerika nie.


Reenen van Niekerk skryf in boodskap
> Ek wonder waar die twee gedrogte uitgekruip het. Mens kan vir hulle se waar
> hulle kan terug kruip maar ek het te veel respek vir sy ma al ken ek haar
> nie. Dit moet wonderlik wees om in n land te bly waar alles perfek is.
> Reenen van Niekerk
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36521 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Tue, 14 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Maar die beste is dat hulle niks te se het van hulle polisiemanne(wit) wat
die swartes daar aanrand en moor nie en dit gebeur daagliks.

Dit is tiepies van sekere Amerikaners, dit is reg as dit by hulle gebeur
maar gebeur dit in n ander land is hulle ene bek.

Reenen van Niekerk

Dark Angel skryf in boodskap news:8upkoq$n3b$
> When was the last time the papers reported on a farmer being killed, if the
> papers had to report all of the crime in SA everyday it would'nt have been a
> paper but a novel. Dit lyk net vir my of die amerikaners 'n bohaai wil
> opskop oor iets wat hulle nie aangaan nie. Wanneer laas het ons hier ins
> Suid - Afrika gehoor van rasse geweld aan daai kant. So ver ek weet is
> rasisme glad nie so dood in amerika soos wat dit lyk nie. Ek persoonlik voel
> deesdae 'n fok, ek bly in deel, en die werf etter in sy deel, betree hy my
> deel gaan ek bedreig voel en hom uit my deel verwyder op enige moontlike
> manier. Hierdie is tog leeu wêreld ou maat en hier kak 'n tier.
> Weiler`s Law:
> Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn`t
> have to do it himself.
> as jy nie afrikaans kan verstaan moet jy maar werklik iemand kry om dit vir
> jou te vertaal.
> "Nighthawk" wrote in message
> news:AdsP5.16059$
>> Hey, Faerie Godmother! Tell me again how wonderful a country South Africa is
>> and how you morons have put racism behind you...
>> South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks
>> Six officers accused of attempted murder
>> By Susanna Loof
>> Associated Press
>> Johannesburg, South Africa - A videotape showing white police officers
>> setting dogs on three black men, beating them and shouting racial slurs has
>> outraged a nation ashamed of its apartheid past and sharpened debate on the
>> pace of change.
>> The videotape, broadcast Tuesday (November 7) on state television,
>> apparently was filmed two years ago by one of the policemen. The officers
>> said the attack was staged as a training exercise for the dogs. News reports
>> said the officers later showed the tape for entertainment.
>> Since the broadcast, South Africans have flooded newpapers with letters
>> expressing outrage, some calling for the death penalty to be reinstated. The
>> story has dominated South Africa's media, even overshadowing the undecided
>> U.S. election.
>> Although most South Africans - black and white - have reacted by demanding
>> tough measures to root out police racism, a few wrote newspapers to support
>> the policemen, underlining the deep divisions that remain in post-apartheid
>> South Africa.
>> "We don't have a lot of time to solve these kind of problems. The event
>> should be dealt with like a national emergency," Abdul Minty, deputy
>> director-general of the Department of Foreign Affairs, told reporters
>> yesterday in Pretoria.
>> The six officers were charged with attempted murder Wednesday and remanded
>> into custody until Friday, when they are scheduled for a bail hearing.
>> Sally de Beer, a spokeswoman for Police Commisioner Jackie Selebi, said the
>> black men in the attack were accused of being illegal immigrants. The attack
>> took place at a field northeast of Johannesburg, he said.
>> The videotape showed the officers punching the men when they tried to defend
>> themselves.
>> The bleeding victims, their clothes in tatters from the dog attacks, were
>> then forced to stand in a line as some of the officers hit them.
>> Zizamele Cebekhulu, president of the Police and Prisoners Civil Rights
>> Union, said racism had been institutionalized in the police service and it
>> is very far from having ended.
>> Although 58 percent of police officers are black, according to official
>> statistics, specialized squads - such as dog units - remain largely white,
>> Cebekhulu said.
>> De Beer said there are several programs to deal with racism in the police
>> force and Selebi, after seeing the videotape, is considering more.
>> Since the brodcast, people have complained about police attacking them with
>> dogs.
>> "The misuse of police dogs seems to be a regular occurence in some dog units
>> in the country," said the Independent Complaints Directorate, which
>> investigates complaints against police.
>> It listed four incidents in which suspects were mauled by dogs dating to May
>> 1999.
>> Tuesday's broadcast comes four months after two white police officers
>> received suspended sentences for beating two black hijacking suspects and
>> setting a dog on them.
>> The British Broadcasting Corp. aired footage of that attack last year.
>> Such brutality, common during the apartheid years, still occurs regularly,
>> Cebekhulu said.
>> Amnesty International said yesterday it "has continued to receive
>> corroborated evidence ... of the torture and severe ill-treatment of
>> individuals in the custody of law enforcement agents."
>> --
>> Nighthawk
>> Fidonet FLAME Asshole of the Year - 1999
>> * I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way. - Jessica Rabbit
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36525 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Tue, 14 November 2000 01:07 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mel  is tans af-lyn  Mel
Boodskappe: 58
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
"Steve Henderson" skryf in boodskap news:WT%P5.8156$


En as jy nie dit dadelik doen nie, gaan ek jou gat so vol gate skop, jou
bliksemse kop gaan afval.

Ek weier om verder Engels met jou te praat, Amerikaner. Jy is 'n klein
nikswerd en ek dink jy, jou ouers, en jou grootouers swaai nog tussen die
donderste bome!

Gaan die wereld nou vol kak, maar steek eers jou kop in jou gat in EN ROER!

Kry vir jou 'n lekker ene! :-)

-------------- ---------------
This is a South African community site. Anyone is welcome. :-)
This site is about meeting people, making friends, and having fun! :-)
Universal SMS. Send an SMS message to any cell phone worldwide.
The Weekly Chirp - Would you have sex with someone you met on the Net?
Own a piece of Cape Town - get a free Cape Town email address.

Ultra fun-loving Mel's new supersonic design
(Crash and burn!)
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36526 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36525] Tue, 14 November 2000 01:56 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Steve Henderson  is tans af-lyn  Steve Henderson
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: November 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Mel" skryf in boodskap news:8uq37e$478$


Take a leap and -attempt- to refute my statements if there was "no merit" as
you claim.

Blanket statements such as this one don't fly.

> En as jy nie dit dadelik doen nie, gaan ek jou gat so vol gate skop, jou
> bliksemse kop gaan afval.
> Ek weier om verder Engels met jou te praat, Amerikaner. Jy is 'n klein
> nikswerd en ek dink jy, jou ouers, en jou grootouers swaai nog tussen die
> donderste bome!
> Gaan die wereld nou vol kak, maar steek eers jou kop in jou gat in EN ROER!
> Kry vir jou 'n lekker ene! :-)

Take that dick out of your mouth. You might make sense.

It's not a high probability enterprise, however.
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36567 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Wed, 15 November 2000 05:02 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
John Smith  is tans af-lyn  John Smith
Boodskappe: 12
Geregistreer: October 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
"Reenen van Niekerk" skryf in boodskap

> If you think that we are a lot of idiots staying here why do you comment on
> this newsgroup.

You need to learn how to follow a thread. The person who said that there are
a lot of idiots living in South Africa was not me. In fact, it was someone
FROM South Africa!


Fidonet FLAME Asshole of the Year - 1999

* Vampyres don't attack lawyers due to professional courtesy.
- Re: South Africa Enraged By Videotape Of Police, Dogs Attacking Blacks [boodskap #36692 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36407] Fri, 17 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Reenen van Niekerk  is tans af-lyn  Reenen van Niekerk
Boodskappe: 445
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
What about the fuckers(to use your foul language) in the police in America
that assault the blacks there. We don't hear any comments on that.

Reenen van Niekerk

Mel skryf in boodskap news:8v1qfi$1k8$
> "Nighthawk" wrote in message
> news:_JZQ5.1551$
>> "Mel" wrote in message
>> news:8unu18$3qf$
>>> Who in fuck's name is glossing over this?
>> You certainly seemed to be in the portion of the post you conveniently
>> snipped out.
> No. I did not.
>>> Yes. They were called policeman until we discovered that they had decided to
>>> become breakers of the law instead of upholders. No, I don't think they will
>>> be called policeman much longer. As soon as the court finds them guilty we
>> So much for a fair trial...
> They will get a fair trial. But let's face it, those fuckers are GUILTY,
> Case closed.
>>> will sink them into a hole so deep & dark, they will forget they even knew
>>> what the sun looked like. Their lives are over - it would be a mercy to
>>> just
>>> shoot them!
>>> Just shoot them!
>> Why not a good old-fashioned necklacing?
> Would you like one?
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> ---oo-O-oo---
> (Crash and burn!)
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