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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Get this baby..
Get this baby.. [boodskap #36236] Thu, 09 November 2000 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Eugene Terreblanche   is tans af-lyn  Eugene Terreblanche
Boodskappe: 9
Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Not so long ago a band of would be Aryans - made up from a
bastardisation of other groups ruled a land by opressing it's

This group maintained control of media, the workforce and the
country's morals. Through criminal and insane beliefs they
continued the quest until they were cornered by the original foe
and driven into a corner.

During their heydey however they professed to being christians of
high moral standing and their churchfolk while preaching the
sanctuary of marriage to the flock - were stooting nanny while
mammie was at her tea party's where the black slaves waited upon
the masters - only to be treated like dirt and derided.

Oh course I am referring to the evil boers (yes lower case) who's
antics and criminality is now public knowledge.

So to you and your MORALS ... I say you have no right to even use
that word to criticise other lifestyles. Your type makes me sick
to the stomach. The time is here where you have to answer to -
not only the new black MASTERS ... but also to society in

So go back to your little corner and don't you dare make any more
of those statements. GA SIES!

Nude Raider
Re: Get this baby.. [boodskap #36307 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #36236] Fri, 10 November 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
T de Wet  is tans af-lyn  T de Wet
Boodskappe: 446
Geregistreer: April 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ag liewe land, ou skwirreltjie

Ons leef nie meer in die donker eeue nie!

Wanneer laas was jy hier in SA? Ek's ook wit en Afrikaans en het ook geboer
en het ook met swart en bruin mense saamgewerk Waarvan jy vertel het lank
terug in ons geskiedenis gebeur. En ons het daardeur ook gekom.

Klim nou maar van jou perdjie af. Maar pasop net dat jy nie op jou gat val
in die proses nie, want vir sulke hoogheiliges soos jouself kan so 'n
aarde-toe-kom kan dit nogal 'n onaangename verrassing wees.

Dis nou die jaar 2000. Ons leef en woon en werk nog hier en jy sit en raas!
Jou "handle" sê ook alles van jou gedagtes af! Naak en aanvallerig (waarop
weet net jy)

Thys oppie Bos

"Nude Raider" skryf in boodskap news:becbfd695fa38fff303c96a21244be97@anonymous.poster...
> Not so long ago a band of would be Aryans - made up from a
> bastardisation of other groups ruled a land by opressing it's
> inhabitants.
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