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Tuis » Taal » Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe » Dutch grammar puts off Afrikaans speakers
- Dutch grammar puts off Afrikaans speakers [boodskap #33117] Fri, 04 August 2000 00:00
Alex koster  is tans af-lyn  Alex koster
Boodskappe: 30
Geregistreer: February 1999
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
----- Original Message -----
From: Willo
To: Alex Koster
Sent: 03 August 2000 10:41

> Beste Alex,
> Mein Nederlands ben niet te goed. Kan je dalk in de toekoms in Engels of
> Afrikaans schrijven?
> Ek verstaan de laaste sinnetje glad niet.
> (.......)
> Groete,
> Willo


Dagsê Willo,

Baie dankie vir jou e-pos, Willo. Ek spreek Engels, Nederlands en Duits.
Ek verstaan Afrikaans, maar spreek die taal nie baie goed nie! Maar 'n
Nederlandstalige kan vinnig 'n bietjie Afrikaans leer skryf deur
Afrikaanstalige na te doen. Ek kan vinnig Afrikaanse woorde leer deur
Afrikaans te lees. Ek verstaan wel, maar spreek egter nie Afrikaans nie.

That's my attempt at Afrikaans! Its nice if someone tries to speak your own
language, especially when foreigners rarely try to do this, that's my

No problem, Willo! Thanks.

I rarely have problems understanding Afrikaans, but I guess the Dutch
grammar and spelling may put Afrikaans speakers off more. I think it's
probably easier for a Dutch speaker to understand Afrikaans than the other
way around, sometimes.


Ik ben, Jij bent, hij is, wij zijn, jullie zijn.

Ek is, Jy is, hy is, ons is, julle is

I generally don't have much of a problem following written Afrikaans, but if
I hear someone speaking Afrikaans, I have to get used to the accent and
he/she has to speak slowly. This has more to do with the fact that Dutch
speakers from the low countries rarely hear Afrikaans being spoken, its a
question of getting used to the pronunciation and different words, the
meaning of which usually becomes clear to Dutch speakers in the context of a
sentence. But its still nice to almost share a common language in a foreign,
far away country.

I'm Dutch but I've lived in England since I was five. I've a number of
(historic) links with the Boers, including my French Huguenot connections.
For various personal reasons there are many aspects of Boer history which
also appeal to me. So, although I'm not an Afrikaner/Boer, I do have
Afrikaner/Boer sympathies.

Best wishes,

Alex Koster,
The United Kingdom.
- Re: Dutch grammar puts off Afrikaans speakers [boodskap #33118 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #33117] Fri, 04 August 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Likkewaan  is tans af-lyn  Likkewaan
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: August 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Alex Koster schreef

> Baie dankie vir jou e-pos, Willo. Ek spreek Engels, Nederlands en Duits.
> Ek verstaan Afrikaans, maar spreek die taal nie baie goed nie! Maar 'n
> Nederlandstalige kan vinnig 'n bietjie Afrikaans leer skryf deur
> Afrikaanstalige na te doen. Ek kan vinnig Afrikaanse woorde leer deur
> Afrikaans te lees. Ek verstaan wel, maar spreek egter nie Afrikaans nie.

Well done, Alex! It is always nice to see someone trying - 'specially when
they succeed! (I think your afrikaans is better than my english!!!)
Vorige onderwerp: Afrikaans leer: hoe en waar
Volgende onderwerp: Wat is dit in Afrikaans?
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