Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » sizwe se Feyerabend
Re: sizwe se Feyerabend [boodskap #32508 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #32507] |
Tue, 18 July 2000 00:00  |
Oorspronklik gepos deur:
Leendert van Oostrum wrote:
> 'n Ander lekker kort opsomming van Feyerabend se argumente rondom Galileo
> verskyn by ('n
> Katolieke blad) waar sy referaat "Galileo and the Tyranny of Truth" bespreek
> word Uittreksel:
> Furthermore, we now
> know that the sun is not the center of the universe and that according to
> Einstein's theories of relativity there is no absolute point of geometric
> centrality to the universe so that wherever the observer stands is the
> center for him. In essence the humanistic, phenomenological, and biblical
> approach to the question of the universe has won out after all.
My guru William Blake stel bostaande so:
"And every Space that a Man views around his dwelling-place
Standing on his own roof or in his garden on a mount
Of twenty five cubits in height, such space is his Universe:
And on its verge the Sun rises & sets, the Clouds bow
To meet the flat Earth & the Sea in such an order'd Space:
The Starry heavens reach no further, but here bend and set
on all sides, & the two Poles turn on their valves of gold:
And if he move his dwelling-place, his heavens also move
Where'er he goes, & all his neighbourhood bewail his loss.
Such are the Spaces called Earth & such its dimension.
As to that false appearance which appears to the reasoner
As of a Globe rolling thro' Voidness, it is a delusion of Ulro.
(ingetik deur Gloudina)
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