Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Ontkenning
Re: Ontkenning [boodskap #31378] |
Mon, 05 June 2000 00:00 |
Dries Venter
Boodskappe: 299 Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In all the sentences there are too many negatives. You rightly question the
middle 'nie' in 1-9 and the first 'nie' in 10. The words 'Niemand',
'nooit', 'Geen', already form one part of the double negative in Afrikaans.
Therefore only one 'nie' is needed to complete the double negative. In more
or less everyday Afrikaans, your sentences would read:
1. Geen mens het die verligting gesien nie.
2. Niemand kom van sy plaas [af] nie.
3. Niemand anders het opgedaag nie.
4. Ek het niemand gesien nie.
5. Die ou vent was nog nooit siek gewees nie.
6. Hy gaan nooit skryf nie.
7. Ek sal jou nooit vergeet nie.
8. Ons kan dit nerens laat repareer nie.
9. Hy wil niks nie eet nie.
10. Jy weet mos dat ons nie sommer vir jou sal jok nie.
Dries Venter
Paul Roberge wrote in message ...
> I am wondering whether the native speakers on this board
> would be willing to share their intitutions with me about
> the acceptablility of the sentences below. I am
> interested specifically in the felicity/acceptability
> of the NIE that occurs in the middle field of sentences 1-9.
> I am not concerned with whether these sentences would
> be considered "good" or "proper" Afrikaans but whether
> one might say/hear them in everyday speech.
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