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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Tutu in Toronto
Tutu in Toronto [boodskap #29024] Wo, 16 Februarie 2000 00:00
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Aardsbiskop Tutu het gister 'n eregraad van die Universiteit
van Toronto ontvang. Hier is deel van die rapport daaroor
uit die Globe and Mail:

"... Tutu.. told them that forgiveness - citing his country's
post-apartheid path - is the only thing that can end bloodshed
and sectarian strife and make possible a new beginning.
Telling story after story of South Africans appearing before
the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to forgive one
another for bombings, maiming and other atrocities...
Archbishop Tutu said he concluded that the most appropriate
response was to take off his shoes because he was standing
on holy ground.
He said South Africans rejected retribution because it would
only prolong the cycle of reprisal and counter-reprisal that
continues in Rwanda, Northern Ireland and the former Yugoslavia,
among other countries.
He said they rejected the victor's justice dealt out by the Allies
to the defeated Germans at Nuremberg because in South Africa
neither side won.
They rejected, he said, the blanket amnesty of General Pinochet's
Chile - "for it victimized the victims for a second time around."
"Our country chose a middle way of individual amnesty for truth.
We say retributive justice is not the only kind of justice.There is
also restorative justice, because we believe in ubuntu - the essence
of being human...
".... God has chosen this unlikely lot - South Africans - and set
us up as some kind of paradigm, some kind of model that just might
provide the world with a viable way of dealing with a postconflict,
postrepression period...
"God wants to point to us as this unlikely bunch and say to the
trouble spots of the world: Look at them. They had a nightmare called
apartheid. It ended. Your nightmare, too, will end. They used to have
what people regarded as an intractable problem. They are now
resolving it. Nowhere in the world again can people ever again claim
their problems are intractable."
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