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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Can someone tell us how to pronounce some words in a play by Fugard
- Re: Can someone tell us how to pronounce some words in a play by Fugard [boodskap #28747] Sat, 15 January 2000 00:00
Johan van Zyl  is tans af-lyn  Johan van Zyl
Boodskappe: 14
Geregistreer: December 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hi John, I'll give it a try...

Camdeboo = come - duh - boo (as in boor)

pondok = pon (as in pond) - dock
emphasis om the d

aikona = i - co(as in condom) - nha (the a sounds like the u in up )
emphasis on the hard c)

Good luck,


JJO skryf in boodskap news:63Pf4.1120$
> Hi. My wife is doing a reading from a play by Athol Fugard, and she isn't
> sure how to pronounce several words. They are "Camdeboo", "pondoks", and
> "aikona". Could sometime tell us how these are pronounced phonetically? We
> are both english speakers. Fugard is my wife's favorite playwright, and she
> really wants to get it right. Thanks in advance.
> John
- Re: Can someone tell us how to pronounce some words in a play by Fugard [boodskap #28748 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #28747] Sat, 15 January 2000 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
voer...[1]  is tans af-lyn  voer...[1]
Boodskappe: 6
Geregistreer: January 2000
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
On Sat, 15 Jan 2000 01:10:48 GMT, "Johan van Zyl(MM)"
> Hi John, I'll give it a try...
> Camdeboo = come - duh - boo (as in boor)
I agree fully, and want to add

> pondok = pon (as in pond) - dock

porn - doc

> emphasis om the d
> aikona = i - co(as in condom) - nha (the a sounds like the u in up )
> emphasis on the hard c)

eye - core - nah!
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