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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: JOSEPH GOEBBELS TOESPRAKE
Re: JOSEPH GOEBBELS TOESPRAKE [boodskap #28675] Sa, 08 Januarie 2000 00:00
Tobias Dierks  is tans af-lyn  Tobias Dierks
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: Februarie 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
I surely hope that you both only have scientific respectively historical
intetrest in documents like this and that it's not for propaganda purposes.
I am German myself having stayed in South Africa for a while. While i know
that many Afrikaans speaking people are racists I believe that the majority
of this newsgroup will not tolerate any kind of Nazi-propaganda . . . At
least I hope so.


Vorige onderwerp: Oproep.
Volgende onderwerp: Toekoms Advies vir: NNP lede sluit aan by die FA
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