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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Aan Gloudina: Hydrogen and Oxygen
Aan Gloudina: Hydrogen and Oxygen [boodskap #27700] Di, 26 Oktober 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
reisiger  is tans af-lyn  reisiger
Boodskappe: 646
Geregistreer: Julie 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Daar is aan my laat weet dat jy my vrou is. :) En dat ons ons troue
moet vier. :) Het die "home-improvement committee" (Don Gray) enige
idees? :)))

Aan die diamantgooiers op Upington - baie dankie. Het julle name
vergeet. Wil graag pragtige advies aan julle meedeel in die persoon.

Aan my vrou, Gloudina. Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning. En
intergrasie op hierdie ng die 2e keer toe 'n mens terug gekom het. Die
tyd het aangebreek om alles reg te maak, wat verbrou is.

Iets vir jou vanuit 'n boek van Osho, genaamd "Be Oceanic". Pragtige
dinge kom. Dit vat net tyd om dit uit te werk.

Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh) Be Oceanic.
The mystery of relationship, p 15 - 18.

But love is difficult. Fear has to be dropped. And this is the strange
thing - that you are so afraid and you have nothing to lose.

Kabir has said somewhere: I look into people. They are so much afraid,
but I can’t see why - because they have nothing to lose. Says Kabir:
They are like a person who is naked, but never goes to take a bath in
the river because he is afraid - where will he dry his clothes?

This is the situation you are in - naked, with no clothes, but always
afraid about the clothes.

What have you got to lose? Nothing.

This body will be taken by death. Before it is taken, give it to love.
Whatsoever you have, will be taken away. Before it is taken away, why
not share it? That is the only way of possessing it. If you can share
and give, you are the master. It is going to be taken away. There is
nothing which you can retain forever. Death will destroy everything.

So, if you follow me rightly, the struggle is between death and love.
If you can give, there will be no death. Before anything can be taken
away from you, you will have already given it, you will have made a
gift. There can be no death.

For a lover, there is no death. For a non-lover, every moment is death,
because every moment something is snatched away from him. The body is
disappearing - he is losing every moment. Andre then there will be
death and everything will be annihilated.

What is fear? Why are you so afraid? Even if you know about you and you
are an open book, why fear? How can it harm you? Just false
conceptions, just conditions given by society, that you have to hide,
that you have to protect yourself, that you have to be constantly in a
fighting mood, that everybody is an enemy, that everybody is against

Nobody is against you! Even if you feel somebody is against you, he too
is not against you - because everybody is concerned with himself, not
with you.

There is nothing to fear. This has to be realised before a relationship
can happen - there is nothing to fear.

Meditate on it. And then allow the other to enter you, invite the other
to enter you. And don’t create a barrier anywhere, become a passage -
just always open, no locks, no doors on you, no closed doors on you.
Then love is possible.

When two centres meet, there is love. And love is an alchemical
phenomenon - just like hydrogen and oxygen meet a new thing, water, is
created. You can have hydrogen, you can have oxygen, but if you are
thirsty, they will be useless. You can have as much oxygen as you want,
as much hydrogen as you like, but the thirst will not go.

When two centres meet a new thing is created. Mm? - that new thing is
love. And it is just like water - the thirst of many, many lives is
satisfied. Suddenly you become content.

That is the visible sign of love - you become content, as if you have
achieved everything. There is nothing to achieve now. You have achieved
the goal - there is no more goal, the destiny is fulfilled. The seed
has become a flower, has come to its total flowering.

Met liefde van jou Man, Reisiger. :)))

Re: Aan Gloudina: Hydrogen and Oxygen [boodskap #27701 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #27700] Di, 26 Oktober 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PAT  is tans af-lyn  PAT
Boodskappe: 141
Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Kyk, ek is nou heel deurmekaar Reisiger, wie het jou gesê dat jy
se man is, en wat het van Izak geword? :-))

Ou reisiger, hier kan ek nie met jou saamstem nie ek weet nie
jy die Baghwan Shree Rashneesh kan aanhaal nie. Hy met die
vloot Cadillacs wat uit Oregon geskop is destyds, sy wieletjie
draa woes, maar die hamster is al lank uit die hok. Ek sou
eerder die Sai Baba aanhaal, maar Baghwan is
ou nuus, en te deurmekaar om enigiets werd te wees.


reisiger wrote in article
> Daar is aan my laat weet dat jy my vrou is. :) En dat ons ons troue
> moet vier. :) Het die "home-improvement committee" (Don Gray) enige
> idees? :)))
> Aan die diamantgooiers op Upington - baie dankie. Het julle name
> vergeet. Wil graag pragtige advies aan julle meedeel in die persoon.
> Aan my vrou, Gloudina. Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning. En
> intergrasie op hierdie ng die 2e keer toe 'n mens terug gekom het. Die
> tyd het aangebreek om alles reg te maak, wat verbrou is.
> Iets vir jou vanuit 'n boek van Osho, genaamd "Be Oceanic". Pragtige
> dinge kom. Dit vat net tyd om dit uit te werk.
> Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh) Be Oceanic.
> The mystery of relationship, p 15 - 18.
> But love is difficult. Fear has to be dropped. And this is the strange
> thing - that you are so afraid and you have nothing to lose.
> Kabir has said somewhere: I look into people. They are so much afraid,
> but I can’t see why - because they have nothing to lose. Says Kabir:
> They are like a person who is naked, but never goes to take a bath in
> the river because he is afraid - where will he dry his clothes?
> This is the situation you are in - naked, with no clothes, but always
> afraid about the clothes.
> What have you got to lose? Nothing.
> This body will be taken by death. Before it is taken, give it to love.
> Whatsoever you have, will be taken away. Before it is taken away, why
> not share it? That is the only way of possessing it. If you can share
> and give, you are the master. It is going to be taken away. There is
> nothing which you can retain forever. Death will destroy everything.
> So, if you follow me rightly, the struggle is between death and love.
> If you can give, there will be no death. Before anything can be taken
> away from you, you will have already given it, you will have made a
> gift. There can be no death.
> For a lover, there is no death. For a non-lover, every moment is death,
> because every moment something is snatched away from him. The body is
> disappearing - he is losing every moment. Andre then there will be
> death and everything will be annihilated.
> What is fear? Why are you so afraid? Even if you know about you and you
> are an open book, why fear? How can it harm you? Just false
> conceptions, just conditions given by society, that you have to hide,
> that you have to protect yourself, that you have to be constantly in a
> fighting mood, that everybody is an enemy, that everybody is against
> you.
> Nobody is against you! Even if you feel somebody is against you, he too
> is not against you - because everybody is concerned with himself, not
> with you.
> There is nothing to fear. This has to be realised before a relationship
> can happen - there is nothing to fear.
> Meditate on it. And then allow the other to enter you, invite the other
> to enter you. And don’t create a barrier anywhere, become a passage -
> just always open, no locks, no doors on you, no closed doors on you.
> Then love is possible.
> When two centres meet, there is love. And love is an alchemical
> phenomenon - just like hydrogen and oxygen meet a new thing, water, is
> created. You can have hydrogen, you can have oxygen, but if you are
> thirsty, they will be useless. You can have as much oxygen as you want,
> as much hydrogen as you like, but the thirst will not go.
> When two centres meet a new thing is created. Mm? - that new thing is
> love. And it is just like water - the thirst of many, many lives is
> satisfied. Suddenly you become content.
> That is the visible sign of love - you become content, as if you have
> achieved everything. There is nothing to achieve now. You have achieved
> the goal - there is no more goal, the destiny is fulfilled. The seed
> has become a flower, has come to its total flowering.
> Met liefde van jou Man, Reisiger. :)))
> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's
Discussion Network *
> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in Usenet - Free!
Re: Aan Gloudina: Hydrogen and Oxygen [boodskap #27723 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #27700] Wo, 27 Oktober 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
PAT  is tans af-lyn  PAT
Boodskappe: 141
Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ja Gloudina, ek het jou suster gevra om jou my adres te gee, sy
het seker
nog nie dit gelees nie, maar ek sal vir Ferdie kontak, dankie. wrote in article
> Het jy my boodskap op die ander draad gekry - dat jy met Ferdi
> Greyling in aanraking moet kom, sodat jy jou Breyten boek kan
> kry. Jou epos-adres bo-aan laat ons briewe terugkom.
> Gloudina
Re: Aan Gloudina: Hydrogen and Oxygen [boodskap #27724 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #27700] Wo, 27 Oktober 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Oorspronklik gepos deur:


Het jy my boodskap op die ander draad gekry - dat jy met Ferdi
Greyling in aanraking moet kom, sodat jy jou Breyten boek kan
kry. Jou epos-adres bo-aan laat ons briewe terugkom.


Re: Aan Gloudina: Hydrogen and Oxygen [boodskap #27748 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #27700] Do, 28 Oktober 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
reisiger  is tans af-lyn  reisiger
Boodskappe: 646
Geregistreer: Julie 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In article , "PAT"
> Kyk, ek is nou heel deurmekaar Reisiger, wie het jou gesê dat jy
> Gloudina
> se man is, en wat het van Izak geword? :-))
> Ou reisiger, hier kan ek nie met jou saamstem nie ek weet nie
> hoe
> jy die Baghwan Shree Rashneesh kan aanhaal nie. Hy met die
> vloot Cadillacs wat uit Oregon geskop is destyds, sy wieletjie
> draa woes, maar die hamster is al lank uit die hok. Ek sou
> eerder die Sai Baba aanhaal, maar Baghwan is
> ou nuus, en te deurmekaar om enigiets werd te wees.
> Pat
> reisiger wrote in article
> ...
>> Daar is aan my laat weet dat jy my vrou is. :) En dat ons ons
> troue
>> moet vier. :) Het die "home-improvement committee" (Don Gray)
> enige
>> idees? :)))
>> Aan die diamantgooiers op Upington - baie dankie. Het julle
> name
>> vergeet. Wil graag pragtige advies aan julle meedeel in die
> persoon.
>> Aan my vrou, Gloudina. Baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning. En
>> intergrasie op hierdie ng die 2e keer toe 'n mens terug gekom
> het. Die
>> tyd het aangebreek om alles reg te maak, wat verbrou is.
>> Iets vir jou vanuit 'n boek van Osho, genaamd "Be Oceanic".
> Pragtige
>> dinge kom. Dit vat net tyd om dit uit te werk.
>> Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh) Be Oceanic.
>> The mystery of relationship, p 15 - 18.
>> But love is difficult. Fear has to be dropped. And this is the
> strange
>> thing - that you are so afraid and you have nothing to lose.
>> Kabir has said somewhere: I look into people. They are so much
> afraid,
>> but I can’t see why - because they have nothing to
> lose. Says Kabir:
>> They are like a person who is naked, but never goes to take a
> bath in
>> the river because he is afraid - where will he dry his
> clothes?
>> This is the situation you are in - naked, with no clothes, but
> always
>> afraid about the clothes.
>> What have you got to lose? Nothing.
>> This body will be taken by death. Before it is taken, give it
> to love.
>> Whatsoever you have, will be taken away. Before it is taken
> away, why
>> not share it? That is the only way of possessing it. If you
> can share
>> and give, you are the master. It is going to be taken away.
> There is
>> nothing which you can retain forever. Death will destroy
> everything.
>> So, if you follow me rightly, the struggle is between death
> and love.
>> If you can give, there will be no death. Before anything can
> be taken
>> away from you, you will have already given it, you will have
> made a
>> gift. There can be no death.
>> For a lover, there is no death. For a non-lover, every moment
> is death,
>> because every moment something is snatched away from him. The
> body is
>> disappearing - he is losing every moment. Andre then there
> will be
>> death and everything will be annihilated.
>> What is fear? Why are you so afraid? Even if you know about
> you and you
>> are an open book, why fear? How can it harm you? Just false
>> conceptions, just conditions given by society, that you have
> to hide,
>> that you have to protect yourself, that you have to be
> constantly in a
>> fighting mood, that everybody is an enemy, that everybody is
> against
>> you.
>> Nobody is against you! Even if you feel somebody is against
> you, he too
>> is not against you - because everybody is concerned with
> himself, not
>> with you.
>> There is nothing to fear. This has to be realised before a
> relationship
>> can happen - there is nothing to fear.
>> Meditate on it. And then allow the other to enter you, invite
> the other
>> to enter you. And don’t create a barrier anywhere,
> become a passage -
>> just always open, no locks, no doors on you, no closed doors
> on you.
>> Then love is possible.
>> When two centres meet, there is love. And love is an
> alchemical
>> phenomenon - just like hydrogen and oxygen meet a new thing,
> water, is
>> created. You can have hydrogen, you can have oxygen, but if
> you are
>> thirsty, they will be useless. You can have as much oxygen as
> you want,
>> as much hydrogen as you like, but the thirst will not go.
>> When two centres meet a new thing is created. Mm? - that new
> thing is
>> love. And it is just like water - the thirst of many, many
> lives is
>> satisfied. Suddenly you become content.
>> That is the visible sign of love - you become content, as if
> you have
>> achieved everything. There is nothing to achieve now. You have
> achieved
>> the goal - there is no more goal, the destiny is fulfilled.
> The seed
>> has become a flower, has come to its total flowering.
>> Met liefde van jou Man, Reisiger. :)))
>> * Sent from RemarQ The Internet's
> Discussion Network *
>> The fastest and easiest way to search and participate in
> Usenet - Free!

Bhagwan Shree Rashneesh / Osho is een van my gunstelinge. :))) Hy is
die mees fantastiese, humoristiese New Age filosoof wat 'n mens nog
teegekom het. D.m.v. hom het 'n mens hier deurgebreek, deur die
menslike sielkunde te verstaan. Sy terapeutiese metodes is fantasties.
Dit werk asemrowend. Sal sy metodes volg, tot in lengte van dae. Hoe
dink julle kan 'n mens so gou uit depressie beweeg, en so skerp te
wees? Shri Sathya Sai Baba speel ook 'n belangrike rol, asook baie
andere. :))) Die lys is baie lank. :))) Enige Meester en Guru is
daarop, asook Alice Bailey se Hierargie. Meer hieroor later.

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