Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Diaspora - SANSA
Diaspora - SANSA [boodskap #26775] |
Thu, 23 September 1999 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 579 Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Interesante web blaai vir die ouens aan die 'buite' kant - 'The South
African Network of Skills Abroad'. So as julle nog terugverlang en 'n
verskil wil maak ...
Dievolgende vanaf hulle beskrywing:
>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What is SANSA?
The South African Network of Skills Abroad links skilled people living
abroad who wish to make a contribution to South Africa's economic and
social development and connects them with local experts and projects.
Why this initiative?
The lack of highly skilled people in South Africa is a major constraint
to the country's development. However, there are large numbers of highly
skilled South Africans now living abroad. The human resources of this
"diaspora" could contribute significantly to the achievement of South
Africa's cultural, social and economic goals.
Who can be a member of the network?
Anyone, in any field, who has skills and is interested in contributing
to the new democratic South Africa. The network is not restricted to
former South Africans now living abroad, but it is principally directed
at them.
Re: Diaspora - SANSA [boodskap #26883 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #26775] |
Tue, 28 September 1999 00:00  |
Francois de Wet
Boodskappe: 226 Geregistreer: August 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Dankie vir daardie URL......het 'n bietjie daar rondgekrap en dit lyk maar
pateties. Hulle databasis het bitter min Suid Afrikaners op, hulle is
meestal uitlanders wat sleg voel oor hulle wit velle en al die Ceres sap wat
hulle drink.
lou wrote in message ...
> Francois de Wet wrote:
>> Lou,
>> Ek dink dit is baie interesant, maar jy weet seker reeds wat ek hiermee wil
>> maak?
>> Francois
> Yup :)
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