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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Serious Warning
Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24794] Wed, 21 July 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Errol Back-Cunningham  is tans af-lyn  Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Wed, 21 Jul 99 20:18:17 GMT, ("Peter H.M. Brooks") wrote:

|These urban legends turn up from time to time. You can tell them because
|they are always much the same and they always happen to somebody just
|two or three removed from the person telling the story 'friend's co-worker'
|rather than 'friend' in this case.
|Just think about it for a moment. If this was really true, along with
|the other ancient legends about needles specially hidden in 'phone booths,
|wouldn't you have read about it in the newspaper?
Is maar 'n sad waarneming van ons samelewing wat hier gemaak word - die feit dat
daar nie meer mooi onderskeid is tussen sulke urban legends en die werklikheid

Gelukkig het meeste van die urban legends tegniese foute in - soos die feit dat
die aids virus nie vir langer as 'n paar minute buite die liggaam kan leef nie.

Ons is nou die oggend toegespreek deur 'n omie wat 'n tehuis vir vigs gevalle
hou - nuutste "trends" is nogal negatief.

Hy sê 'n simptoom wat deesdae al meer en meer tevoorskyn kom, is dementia, met
of sonder ander klassieke simptome. Dan help die cocktails blykbaar, maar net
tot op 'n punt en dan gaan die ouens vinnig dood. Die ander negatiewe punt was
dat die versprieding van vigs in die westerse wereld nou die vinnigste is onder
wit tienerdogters - daar is steeds die indruk dat dit net ouer gay mans is wat
die siekte opdoen en dat dit dan in ieder geval net 'n kroniese siekte is en nie
dodelik nie.
Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24795 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Wed, 21 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Daun Johnson  is tans af-lyn  Daun Johnson
Boodskappe: 1155
Geregistreer: January 2009
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Johan wrote in message ...
> |
> Is maar 'n sad waarneming van ons samelewing wat hier gemaak word - die feit dat
> daar nie meer mooi onderskeid is tussen sulke urban legends en die werklikheid
> nie!
> Etc, etc,etc,
> I thought this was an English speaking NG.
Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24815 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Thu, 22 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Andy Gates  is tans af-lyn  Andy Gates
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: July 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid wrote in message ...
> Please explain to me then why it is considered so dangerous to re-use
> used needles. If the disease does die in a few seconds, then junkies
> should be safe. Don't believe everything you read. It spreading faster
> and faster and many people were infected with old needles.

HIV is fragile when exposed to extremes of temperature, dried out, or given
serious osmotic shock (say, when mixed with weak bleach).

However a hypodermic needle is *hollow* and a small quantity of blood could
very easily stay in the shaft of the needle without drying out for several
hours. At room temperature there's a fair chance some of it would survive.

Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24816 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Thu, 22 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
rd...  is tans af-lyn  rd...
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Please explain to me then why it is considered so dangerous to re-use
used needles. If the disease does die in a few seconds, then junkies
should be safe. Don't believe everything you read. It spreading faster
and faster and many people were infected with old needles.
> These urban legends turn up from time to time. You can tell them because
> they are always much the same and they always happen to somebody just
> two or three removed from the person telling the story 'friend's co-worker'
> rather than 'friend' in this case.
> Just think about it for a moment. If this was really true, along with
> the other ancient legends about needles specially hidden in 'phone booths,
> wouldn't you have read about it in the newspaper?
>> -
> Peter H.M. Brooks
> Have you got a remedy for this disease. NO you don't. Let just say
that this urban legend was true don't you think that there will be a
little panic under the people. So I think the whole HIV/aids thing has
got a nice suppression on it. Why alarm people if there is no remedy.


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Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24817 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Thu, 22 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
rd...  is tans af-lyn  rd...
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Yes I agree with you. If it were not for insurance then a vast majority
would not even know they are infected. IF only gay, junkies, poor etc
were infected we would have seen a different attitude from the
governments in the world, but judges, movie stars, politicians, famous
people are infected, it somehow lives with us in society and it seems to
be OK to be infected. Boggles the mind.

In article , wrote:
> In article writes:
>>> Have you got a remedy for this disease. NO you don't. Let just say
>> that this urban legend was true don't you think that there will be a
>> little panic under the people. So I think the whole HIV/aids thing has
>> got a nice suppression on it. Why alarm people if there is no remedy.
> If this conspiracy theory was correct, then we wouldn't know the huge
> numbers of people in Africa who are going to die of AIDS in the next
> few years. The demographic changes are still not fully understood, given
> that substantial proportions of people of working age will not be
> around.
> On the positive side, unemployment should be reduced.
> --
> Peter H.M. Brooks

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Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24818 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Thu, 22 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
pe...[1]  is tans af-lyn  pe...[1]
Boodskappe: 18
Geregistreer: July 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
In article writes:

>> Have you got a remedy for this disease. NO you don't. Let just say
> that this urban legend was true don't you think that there will be a
> little panic under the people. So I think the whole HIV/aids thing has
> got a nice suppression on it. Why alarm people if there is no remedy.
If this conspiracy theory was correct, then we wouldn't know the huge
numbers of people in Africa who are going to die of AIDS in the next
few years. The demographic changes are still not fully understood, given
that substantial proportions of people of working age will not be

On the positive side, unemployment should be reduced.

Peter H.M. Brooks
Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24819 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Thu, 22 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
rd...  is tans af-lyn  rd...
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: May 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hypothetically speaking, if the temperature and conditions are correct
the virus can survive for a long length of time. This opens new
possibilities to get infected with the virus. What is the cycle of the
virus before it starts to show any symptoms. Somewhere in the future
they will have to draw the line if they don't find a cure.

In article ,
"Andy Gates" wrote:
> wrote in message ...
>> Please explain to me then why it is considered so dangerous to re-use
>> used needles. If the disease does die in a few seconds, then junkies
>> should be safe. Don't believe everything you read. It spreading faster
>> and faster and many people were infected with old needles.
> HIV is fragile when exposed to extremes of temperature, dried out, or given
> serious osmotic shock (say, when mixed with weak bleach).
> However a hypodermic needle is *hollow* and a small quantity of blood could
> very easily stay in the shaft of the needle without drying out for several
> hours. At room temperature there's a fair chance some of it would survive.
> AndyG

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Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24919 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Tue, 27 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
reisiger  is tans af-lyn  reisiger
Boodskappe: 645
Geregistreer: July 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Peter H M Brooks die probleem is hier nie demografiese
feite nie, maar die sosiale uitwerking van VIGS.

Laat ek oorskakel Afrikaans toe. As jy die waarheid wil
weet, gaan na die bron toe. Ek het 3 jaar gelede met David
Patient gesels oor sy feite, en sy lesing oor VIGS
bygewoon. Dit balanseer met feite wat ek uit ander bronne
gekry het.

David Patient is een van die 7 langste oorlewenes wat HIV+
is. Hy het dit al vir meer as 20 jaar. Hy samel geld in, en
gaan gereeld Afrika toe, om VIGS opleidings programme te
doen. Daardie tyd het hy gesê in Kenia gaan die mense
begrafnis toe ten minste een keer 'n maand vir iemand wat
hulle ken. HIV/VIGS slaan toe op die seksuele aktiewe
gedeelte van die gesin, m.a.w. tussen 20 - 40 jaar. Afrika
het nie eintlik oue-tehuise nie. Die grootouers bly hulle
kinders. Dit beteken die middel geslag kyk agter hulle
kinders, en agter die grootouers. Nou as hulle dood gaan,
beteken dit dat die grootouers agter die kinders moet kyk,
en jy kan besef oupa en ouma wat agter 'n nuwe opkomende
gelag moet kyk. Dit beteken basies dat misdaad meer gaan
toeneem, want oupa en ouma kan nie die kinders kontroleer
nie, nog minder broodwinners word. Pas dit op S.A. toe, en
besef die situasie waarin ons is. Ouerlose kinders, en die
gedeelte vasn die bevolking wat vir die inkomste van die
land verantwoordelik is, val weg - 'n dubbele uitklophou.

Re: Serious Warning [boodskap #24958 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #24794] Wed, 28 July 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Madeleine Page  is tans af-lyn  Madeleine Page
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: July 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
In alt.folklore.urban reisiger wrote:

[a whole lot of stuff reproduced below for your reading pleasure]

Folks, would you mind taking alt.folklore.urban out of the headers on this
thread? It has, apparently, become totally irrelevant to this newsgroup,
and we really don't want to eavesdrop on your conversation.

I've amended followups and would appreciate your doing the same. Thanks.

> Peter H M Brooks die probleem is hier nie demografiese
> feite nie, maar die sosiale uitwerking van VIGS.

> Laat ek oorskakel Afrikaans toe. As jy die waarheid wil
> weet, gaan na die bron toe. Ek het 3 jaar gelede met David
> Patient gesels oor sy feite, en sy lesing oor VIGS
> bygewoon. Dit balanseer met feite wat ek uit ander bronne
> gekry het.

> David Patient is een van die 7 langste oorlewenes wat HIV+
> is. Hy het dit al vir meer as 20 jaar. Hy samel geld in, en
> gaan gereeld Afrika toe, om VIGS opleidings programme te
> doen. Daardie tyd het hy gesê in Kenia gaan die mense
> begrafnis toe ten minste een keer 'n maand vir iemand wat
> hulle ken. HIV/VIGS slaan toe op die seksuele aktiewe
> gedeelte van die gesin, m.a.w. tussen 20 - 40 jaar. Afrika
> het nie eintlik oue-tehuise nie. Die grootouers bly hulle
> kinders. Dit beteken die middel geslag kyk agter hulle
> kinders, en agter die grootouers. Nou as hulle dood gaan,
> beteken dit dat die grootouers agter die kinders moet kyk,
> en jy kan besef oupa en ouma wat agter 'n nuwe opkomende
> gelag moet kyk. Dit beteken basies dat misdaad meer gaan
> toeneem, want oupa en ouma kan nie die kinders kontroleer
> nie, nog minder broodwinners word. Pas dit op S.A. toe, en
> besef die situasie waarin ons is. Ouerlose kinders, en die
> gedeelte vasn die bevolking wat vir die inkomste van die
> land verantwoordelik is, val weg - 'n dubbele uitklophou.

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