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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Afrikaans in Australië
- Afrikaans in Australië [boodskap #22480] Sat, 17 April 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Alwyn Nel  is tans af-lyn  Alwyn Nel
Boodskappe: 174
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Is daar êrens miskien nog 'n groepie eks Suid Afrikaners wat Afrikaans
sprekend is, en wat so gelukkig is soos ons groepie hier in Perth, om
in 'n werk situasie elke dag nog in Afrikaans te kan kommunikeer?

Daar is sewe van ons in die groep van maatskappye wat immigrasie /
toere / ISP dienste ens. hanteer en ons praat Afrikaans elke dag op
kantoor met mekaar. Dis wonderlik. Die immigrasie ouens se klieente
wat oorkom vir 'n "look-see-decide" toer se dit voel soos klein SA as
hulle by ons kantore instap.

Alwyn, uit Perth
- Re: Afrikaans in Australië [boodskap #22498 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22480] Sun, 18 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Daniel  is tans af-lyn  Daniel
Boodskappe: 68
Geregistreer: July 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid

Hello, my naam is Jan, en ek praat graag Afrikaans in my woonstel. Kom gerus

ICQ 21792471

Alwyn Nel skryf in boodskap news:7fa916$1d8$
> Is daar êrens miskien nog 'n groepie eks Suid Afrikaners wat Afrikaans
> sprekend is, en wat so gelukkig is soos ons groepie hier in Perth, om
> in 'n werk situasie elke dag nog in Afrikaans te kan kommunikeer?
> Daar is sewe van ons in die groep van maatskappye wat immigrasie /
> toere / ISP dienste ens. hanteer en ons praat Afrikaans elke dag op
> kantoor met mekaar. Dis wonderlik. Die immigrasie ouens se klieente
> wat oorkom vir 'n "look-see-decide" toer se dit voel soos klein SA as
> hulle by ons kantore instap.
> Alwyn, uit Perth
- Re: Alwyn Nel... [boodskap #22520 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22480] Tue, 20 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Alwyn Nel  is tans af-lyn  Alwyn Nel
Boodskappe: 174
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ag, ou boomkonyn, jy kerm alweer. Vat jou dummy en gaan slaap -
kinders word gesien en nie gehoor nie.
Toe - jy is mos nou al mooi groot.

Alwyn - uit Perth

Squirrel wrote in message
> Hey Nel .... it's your type that gives SAfrican abroad a bad
> name.
> You refuse to assimilate with the new culture, choosing instead
> to cling to the old kultuur indoctrination.
> Please give me the names of the Broederbond style group that you
> have arranged in Perth - JUST SO I CAN WARN OTHERS ABOUT IT ...
> Squirrel
- Re: Alwyn Nel... [boodskap #22586 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22520] Fri, 23 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Niklaas  is tans af-lyn  Niklaas
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid

Do us all a favour and STFU!!!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with continuing one's mother tongue
where circumstances allow - all nationalities do it, even in South
Africa. If you have a bad name, it's not because you're South African,
it's because you're a narrow minded arsehole.

I too live in Perth and speak Afrikaans whenever the opportunity
presents itself - this even though my "home" language happens to be

Squirrel wrote:
> Hey Nel .... it's your type that gives SAfrican abroad a bad
> name.
> You refuse to assimilate with the new culture, choosing instead
> to cling to the old kultuur indoctrination.
> Please give me the names of the Broederbond style group that you
> have arranged in Perth - JUST SO I CAN WARN OTHERS ABOUT IT ...
> Squirrel
- Re: Alwyn & Niklaas [boodskap #22637 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22480] Mon, 26 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Niklaas  is tans af-lyn  Niklaas
Boodskappe: 5
Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Squirrel wrote:
> Listen, sonny ... keep your insults to yourself.

Now you've got me running scared...let me guess, you tried to be the
local school bully as a child???

> My objection was NOT simply against you and your fellow
> Broederbonder speaking your "Language" in Oz, but because your
> type invariably wants to make a little homeland in places such as
> Perth. This is wholely unnaceptable to most local folk I can
> assure you.

If one is to follow your argument the mere fact that I choose to speak
Afrikaans on occasion means I am a Broederbonder??? I think not, as I
said earlier, just as other nations continue to speak their home
languages in foreign countries so Afrikaners continue to speak
Afrikaans in their homes, no matter the geographical location. As far
as establishing another "homeland" as you put it is concerned, you may
have noticed another little phenomenon in life (then again, perhaps
not) - nationalities tend to group together. All nationalities do
that no matter where they find themselves. BTW - I've noticed no
homeland in Perth nor anywhere else in Australia, I have noticed
though that as elsewhere, different nationalities tend to be
concentrated in different areas.

> So, mr supposed "English speaker" (strange with a boer name like
> Niklaas), just remember Australia is an English country where
> English is the ONLY official language. You'll just have to get
> used to that unfortunately.

I have no problem communicating in English, I've been doing it all my
life - by choice too. That does not preclude me from speaking
Afrikaans or any other language when the opportunity arises, nor
should it.

> Interesting to note that your buddy Nel was too scared (or
> ashamed) to publish the names of the Ethnically pure Afrikaans
> organisations that he claims to head in Perth.

Nel is not my buddy, I've never met the man. You're attacking
Afrikaners, and I happen to be one, though it has to be said I'm not
"ethnically pure". Why should he publish the names, they're of no
interest to you? I do not profess to know the man's agenda, but
you're sitting on your throne passing judgement on South Africans and
Afrikaners. If you weren't so narrow minded it might dawn on you that
Nel's views are his personally, and not my implication those of other
South Africans, English or Afrikaans speaking.

One last question - if you're so anti Afrikaans, why read and
"contribute" to this news group?
- Re: Alwyn & Niklaas [boodskap #22659 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22637] Tue, 27 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
crunch  (()) :c 8 |]]  is tans af-lyn  crunch (()) :c 8 |]]
Boodskappe: 102
Geregistreer: May 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid

Ignoreer die vent - hy's duidelik nog nat agter die ore.

Hy laat my dink aan die gesegde 'You are casting pearls before the

Ek dink dit gee hom groot genot om te dink dat hy sy bek kan oopmaak
en 'n reaksie daarop kry. Ek het eers gedink dat hy sin maak, maar my
opinie oor hom het vinnig verander hoe meer ek sy gemorspos gelees
het - sy spelfoute maak my wonder of hy St 8 geslaag het? Hy het
definitief geen lewenservaring nie, gegrond op sy eng uitsprake. Ek
skat hy's so 16 jaar oud en het onlangs 'n rekenaar as present
gekry.......en hy het nog puisies.

Niklaas skryf in boodskap
> Squirrel wrote:
>> Listen, sonny ... keep your insults to yourself.
> Now you've got me running scared...let me guess, you tried to be the
> local school bully as a child???
>>>> ens.,
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