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- Hoërskoolmoord in Colorado [boodskap #22558] Thu, 22 April 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
ProPacem  is tans af-lyn  ProPacem
Boodskappe: 320
Geregistreer: January 1999
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Twee dae gelede het twee hoërskoolseuns in Colorado vyftien van hul klasmaats
en 'n onderwyser afrgyslik vermoor en talle ander gewond. Ek's seker meeste
lesers hier het reeds hiervan te hore gekom. Voorlopige inligting dui nou aan
dat die twee studente atlete en swart studente as teikens uitgesonder het.
Voorts blyk dit ook dat die aanval so beplan was om met Hitler se verjaardag
saam te val. In die laaste paar jaar was daar ten minste vier gevalle van
soortgelyke geweld in die vsa - in alle gevalle by "suburban" en "oorwegend
wit" skole. Talle vrae word hierdeur op die spits gedryf - wapenbeheer,
geweldadige media, verlore jeug, vooroordeel, en so meer. Ek wonder hoe lesers
hier probeer sin maak van diesulke afgryslike aanvalle.

- Re: Hoërskoolmoord in Colorado [boodskap #22590 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22558] Fri, 23 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Fizzer  is tans af-lyn  Fizzer
Boodskappe: 9
Geregistreer: March 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hier is die verslag.. (jammer oor die Engels)
Multiple Deaths at Colorado High School
Sheriff: As Many As 25 Dead, Including 2 Gunmen

By Maureen Harrington

LITTLETON, Colo., (April 21) - Two heavily armed teenagers, described
as outcasts, went on a ``suicide mission'' at their high school on
Tuesday, killing more than 25 people in a bloody rampage before
taking their own lives, police said.

Twenty-one people were injured, many of them critically, in the attack
at the school in the Denver suburb of Littleton.

It was by far the worst of a spate of school shootings that have
shocked Americans over the past 18 months and one of the bloodiest
mass shootings of any kind in a country where gun control efforts have
become a hotly debated issue.

Late on Tuesday, authorities were unable to give a firm death toll in
the carnage at Columbine High School in this affluent town of 65,000,
because police were still combing the school looking for explosive
devices planted by the gunmen.

But John Stone, sheriff of Jefferson County, told reporters that there
could be as many as 25 deaths, including the two gunmen whom he
described as being ``on a suicide mission.''

Stone said the school was rocked by several explosions and that
several unexploded bombs were found on the premises. A bomb also was
found at the home of one of the dead suspects.

The department's spokesman Steve Davis said police had not determined
the motive for the attack, but had heard speculation that it might be
connected with Adolf Hitler's birthday.

The two gunmen were identified as members of an outcast group at the
school called the ``Trench Coat Mafia'' which the Denver Post, in a
story posted on its Web site, said consisted of about a dozen juniors
and seniors who wore swastikas on their clothes and liked to discuss
Adolf Hitler -- whose birthday was April 20.

``They talk about Hitler a lot. They take a real pride in him. It's
creepy,'' one female senior told the paper.

She added that the ``Trench Coat Mafia'' also liked to talk in class
about decapitating people.

Witnesses said that the two gunmen, dressed in black trench coats and
ski masks, giggled as they sprayed gunfire at students.

The pair blasted their way through the sprawling suburban high school
as the 1,800-member student body was going to class or headed for

Fellow students identified the dead suspects as seniors Dylan Klebold
and Eric Harris, both 18. Acquaintances said the two were unpopular
kids who talked a lot about guns and violence.

Devon Adams, 16, said Harris had ``changed recently. He's gotten
mean.'' She also said that Klebold was ``different. He just likes the
clothes. I don't think he is a mean or evil guy.'' She added that
Klebold was at a high school prom on Saturday night.

Other students said members of ``the Trench Coat Mafia'' were
frequently made fun of in the high school.

But Sheriff department spokesman Davis said school authorities did not
have serious problems with the two youths.

When the rampage was over, the two gunmen lay dead in the library
along with more than a dozen of their victims. Those students who had
not escaped from the initial onslaught hid in terror under desks, in
locked rooms and even in air vent spaces.

One female student, her arms spattered with the blood of her fellow
students, sobbed as she told KMGH television, ``He was shooting people
right in front of me. He was shooting people of colour and people who
play sports. He put the gun right in my face and started laughing and
said it was because people were mean to him last year.''

President Bill Clinton deplored the slaying and said the federal
government would provide any assistance needed to deal with the

``Perhaps now America would wake up to the challenge'' facing young
people in the nation's schools, Clinton said.

Up to Tuesday's attack, the worst school shooting in the United States
was in March 1998 in Jonesboro, Ark., when two boys, aged 11 and 13,
shot and killed a teacher and four girls. That was one of a series of
incidents at schools in the United States that have killed at least
14 people and wounded more than 40 in less than two years.

00:10 04-21-99

ProPacem wrote:

> Twee dae gelede het twee hoërskoolseuns in Colorado vyftien van hul klasmaats
> en 'n onderwyser afrgyslik vermoor en talle ander gewond. Ek's seker meeste
> lesers hier het reeds hiervan te hore gekom. Voorlopige inligting dui nou aan
> dat die twee studente atlete en swart studente as teikens uitgesonder het.
> Voorts blyk dit ook dat die aanval so beplan was om met Hitler se verjaardag
> saam te val. In die laaste paar jaar was daar ten minste vier gevalle van
> soortgelyke geweld in die vsa - in alle gevalle by "suburban" en "oorwegend
> wit" skole. Talle vrae word hierdeur op die spits gedryf - wapenbeheer,
> geweldadige media, verlore jeug, vooroordeel, en so meer. Ek wonder hoe lesers
> hier probeer sin maak van diesulke afgryslike aanvalle.
> leswin
- Re: Hoërskoolmoord in Colorado [boodskap #22591 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22558] Fri, 23 April 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Errol Back-Cunningham  is tans af-lyn  Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Net bloot die media dekking alleen is vir my tragies: NET omdat dit dramaties
gebeur het, is dit vir twee dae lank hoofnuus. Selfs wereld nuus. En so wil ek
dit graag hê. Maar dieselfde energie word nie verbruik wanneer dertien ander
kinders kumulatief oor 'n paar weke in bende geweld hulle lewens verloor nie.
Dit laat 'n mens so dink aan die skoolbus wat by Westdene in die meer ingery het
- groot nuus (wit kinders). Maar wanneer 'n bus vol swart kinders by 'n wal
afstort is daar dalk net 'n twee duim kollom iewers of 'n koerant se vyfde

Dis seker maar die aard van die dier: die mens se kommentaar en nuusdekking
geskied vanuit 'n individu se verwysingsraamwerk, wat nie ooreenstem met enige
ander persoon s'n nie. Sien ek byv. nou die dag in 'n Life tydskrif 'n
pryswennende foto in Kosovo geneem van vermoorde Albaniers - verlede jaar al,
maar toe was die wereld daaroor tjoepstil. Niemand het baie hard geskree nie
(ek kan net onthou dat Gloudina dit nogal genoem het). Noudat Amerika betrokke
is, gaan sy rol as die wereld se slaansak net doodeenvoudig voort en die feit
dat baie ander Europese lande saam met hom in die ding is, word deur baie
kommentators geignoreer. Dit lyk vir my asof komentaar die maklikste gegee
word as dit populer sou bleik te wees, en nie altyd as dit reg of opbouend is

Ek volg die dekking oor die skietery so veel ek kan - om te sien hoe elke
"angle" deur de media ondersoek en fyngetrap word. En ek het groot bewondering
vir die meisie wat bevriend was met die skieters en gevra het mense moet hulle
nie haat nie - sy het teen die hele populere sienswyse in haar kant gestel. My
eie seuns is nog op laerskool, maar dis nie lank nie dan is hulle ook daar en
ons hou dus die gebeure baie fyn dop en probeer die seuns so veel as moontlik
van die media dekking onder ons supervisie sien en dan bespreek ons dit.

Oor die gebeure self, sal ek miskien 'n ander antwoord skryf....
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