Tuis » Taal » Language Help/ Taalhulp/ Sprachhilfe » Culture - English or Afrikaans (was: Re: Royleen...)
Culture - English or Afrikaans (was: Re: Royleen...) [boodskap #22375 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22376] |
Sat, 10 April 1999 00:00 |
R & BW
Boodskappe: 6 Geregistreer: April 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Sorry for this late reply, Leendert, somehow your message did not arrive on
my server till I went back into the records. No, unfortunately there was no
culture on the English group either. Maybe my definition of culture needs
updating - could you supply a fresh one?
And this may be a totally stupid question, but I am out of touch: just who
is Bertie Wooster? And do you really think that Hendrik Verwoerd was right
in what he did - no judgement on my part, just interest - I happen to be a
History major and am always interested in people's views on History.
By the way, I am using this group now to update and improve my Afrikaans
skills, so when I feel completely competent, I'll switch over (seeing that
culture obviously mean so many different things to different people, this
should at least be one way of using this group constructively).
Friendly Greetings from Oz
Leendert van Oostrum skryf in boodskap news:7ea93d$hp6$
> In article ,
> "Oom Hans" wrote:
>> Welkom by hierdie nuusgroep.
>> Tot nou toe nog was jy deurmekaar met mense wat die deur toestaan in plaas
>> van plaasneem op een van die vele gemakstoele in hierdie kamer. Noodwendig
>> sal jy op tone trap op pad binne toe na die gematigde geselskap wat hier
>> teenwoordig is maar moet jou nie steur aan al die geluide nie. Die pad na
>> die binnekringe van hierdie groep loop ongelukkig oor vele seer liddorings
>> en dis onmoontlik om hulle te mis !!!
> Just a little warning, Royleen,
> Darling Oom Hans has been known to exhibit some rather long toes himself.
> On the other hand, he _was_ taken in by my Bertie Wooster impersonation, so he
> might well believe your story that you came to this news group in search of
> some Afrikaans culture. (Have you found any culture on the English language
> group to which you left in such a huff?)
> Kind regards, Leendert
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