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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Jewish involvement in intellectual and political movements:--are the Serbs next?
Re: Jewish involvement in intellectual and political movements:--are the Serbs next? [boodskap #22374] Sat, 10 April 1999 00:00
Robert Brunwin de Jong  is tans af-lyn  Robert Brunwin de Jong
Boodskappe: 4
Geregistreer: February 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
I believe Mr Cohen is right. Lets assume that we ( Yes, I am jewish) are in
position of power as you said. Then ask yourself why?

Its not because we have a CV with one word on it saying JEWISH and that
guarantees a placement in a good job. I like films so using the example of
Kubrick or Spielberg. They didn`t become successful directors for being Jewish.
They got there through hard work and creative genius.

Maybe you should stop critizing Jews for doing things right. We do well because
we are brought up well. Our parents encourage us to be a doctors or a lawyers.
Home background is important factor in educational success as a Sociology
researcher called Douglas found out.
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