Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » A bit of a hoot, what!
A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22182 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22188] |
Tue, 30 March 1999 00:00  |
Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880 Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
My Dear Royleen,
nice to see you, but I very much fear that you are mistaken on a few points:
R & BW wrote in message ...
> Thanks Nomad. I was a bit apprehensive as I know firsthand that many South
> Africans who left the homeland are regarded as traitors - this is also the
> message I get from having observed the correspondents in this newsgroup.
> I'm glad to see that there are open-minded South Africans in South Africa.
Actually, Nomad writes from a New Zealand ISP - apparently.
So, no!
Nomad's response does not count as evidence that "there are open-minded
South Africans in South Africa".
> My whole family still live there in various parts of the country so I watch
> with interest all developments there - hence my participation in this Ng.
Ta, thanks! I was wondering about that!
You swoop down on the news group - quite grandly, I might add, complaining
about the quality of the conversation to be found here. And tell us that it
reminds you of why you left.
(You left because of the quality of the conversation, did you?)
You recieve two responses - both from South African exiles, one in Canada,
and one in New Zealand (apparently).
Gloudina's response, admittedly, was just a tad on the rude side.
But then, Gloudina is not know for her manners (not for the accuracy of her
information, nor for her logic, but that's another matter. After all, she
left the country thirty years ago).
The funny thing about your participation in this NG on account of your
interest in "developments there", is this:
If dear Oom Hans (from Namibia, mind you) were to perform one of his traffic
analyses, I suspect that he would find that less than 20% of the
contributions in this newsgroup currently originate in SA.
So the conversation that you so disdainfully entered is really a cozy little
tete-a-tete between exiles, for the most part. And, of course, the odd
Dutchman now and then (bless their woodenclad socks).
> It is
> beautiful here, just like East London in SA where I lived and taught at
> high schools for a long time before job instability and safety issues
> convinced us to leave. The weather is hot and humid, the sun shines most of
> the time and outdoor living is a must. No annoying Aussie flies here like
> in the rest of the country - we have barbies (braais) and potjiekos as often
> as we like and the people here love our way of doing things. There is so
> much to see and do here and you do it in safety - although you get your
> criminals everywhere, you can go for long walks and drive around feeling
> safe and free. We buy Boerewors ( the best I've tasted even in SA) at the
> local butchery and Mrs Balls chutney in the supermarket - we can even get
> koeksisters home-delivered as Fred runs his own Springbok Foods business
> here. Life is good here
Ah! On of our other regular contributors from ooooostraaailya reports that
he recently saw a bumper sticker in a 'strine city proclaiming "Hierdie is
ons Volkstaat".
Had quite a giggle at that, I did.
For just then, one of our regular contributors from Canada (such prolific
writers, the bunch in North America - must be the cold that makes their
keyboards such a good alternative to living) opined that "die idee van 'n
Volkstaat" rests squarely on "fear and exlusiveness".
Bit of a hoot, don't you think?
Especially since, writing from "ons Volkstaat" as you do, your contributions
seem to be pervaded by fear, exclusiveness, and most of all, arrogance.
> and we enjoy our new-found freedom (from
> narrow-mindedness mainly) very much. I can honestly say we are better
> people for having come here.
In what way have you become a better person?
I mean. In view of the above, your repartee seems singularly narrow-mided to
me, my love.
> Now I suppose I'll have to duck in case someone out there wants to throw mud
> at me.
> Royleen
Nah....don't bother to duck, ducks. Looking at your footprints where you
entered the NG, they already seem quite muddy to me.
And not much mud will be coming from SA (we're in the middle of a drought
here). Snow would be melting in Canada and Europe, about now. Must be that.
(And dilate that constricted little arrogant mind just a wee bit, will you?
The mixture of Afrikaner "koppigheid" and the insular English predeliction
for parochial bigotry has never made for mental vistas of great scope.)
Re: A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22186 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22182] |
Tue, 30 March 1999 00:00   |
Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880 Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
nomad wrote in message
>> Nomad's response does not count as evidence that "there are open-minded
>> South Africans in South Africa".
> Hei, maar wat van jou? Dis genoeg 'evidence'!
Ek's geen "South African" nie - Ik ben een Afrikaander! :-)
(Daar's blykbaar 'n onlangse opname gedoen wat bevind: in 1995 het 50% van
Afrikaners hulself eerstens gesien as Afrikaners, en tweedens as
Suid-Afrikaners. In 1999 is dit 70%. Kommentators beskou dit as 'n teken van
vervreemding, na aanvanklike gewilligheid tot toenadering.)
> Ek's geen exile (heretic, racist, kommunis, apartheidsvark, ens....) nie, ek
> is 'n stoere boer.........HA!
OK, maar in Wellington?
> BTW L, met sulke goeie Engels wat jy besig, moet jy miskien voortaan meer
> hiervan gebruik maak 87 ) , jy kan nogal fun hê:
Nee wat. Evelyn Waugh het reeds alles gesê. En dan is daar nog Berty Wooster
en Jeeves!
Ek gebruik daardie Engels net om aansitterige twakke op hul plek te sit.
(Soort van Doppers en Filistyne, jy weet. Die filistynse niggies op die dorp
wat kwansuis net Ingels praat in hulle huise. Dan word ek doppers.)
> Dink net wat (die-nie-so)
> geheime eekhorinkie sal sê as hy sien hoe sy eerste (en enigste?) >taal
Hierdie eekhoring. Is dit nou een van die "annoying Australian flies" waarna
Royleen verwys?
> nou
> eintlik gespel (onthou net ook 'i before e, except after c' )
Ek glo nie in spelreëls nie. Met hierdie een kom jy uit by "wierd" vir
"weird". Ek los maar die spelling vir my redigeerders.
> Wat is daai storie nou weer van 'Meng jou met die semels.....'?
Semels is gesond. Goed vir die opelyf, sê my vrou :-)
Re: A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22188 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22182] |
Tue, 30 March 1999 00:00   |
crunch (()) :c 8 |]]
Boodskappe: 102 Geregistreer: May 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Leendert van Oostrum skryf in boodskap news:7dq02h$q2a$
> Actually, Nomad writes from a New Zealand ISP - apparently.
Nee, jy's reg....
> Nomad's response does not count as evidence that "there are open-minded
> South Africans in South Africa".
Hei, maar wat van jou? Dis genoeg 'evidence'!
> You recieve two responses - both from South African exiles, one in Canada,
> and one in New Zealand (apparently).
Ek's geen exile (heretic, racist, kommunis, apartheidsvark, ens....) nie, ek
is 'n stoere boer.........HA!
BTW L, met sulke goeie Engels wat jy besig, moet jy miskien voortaan meer
hiervan gebruik maak 87 ) , jy kan nogal fun hê: Dink net wat (die-nie-so)
geheime eekhorinkie sal sê as hy sien hoe sy eerste (en enigste?) taal nou
eintlik gespel (onthou net ook 'i before e, except after c' ) en gebruik
moet word, en ek raai dat die tannie se Engelse grammar ook maar vrot is.
Ons sal nie hierdie oor-en-weer gebabbel hoef te sit en lees nie - jy kan
jou punt maak en wen, en sy kan 'n gediggie opsê.
Wat is daai storie nou weer van 'Meng jou met die semels.....'?
Re: A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22192 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22188] |
Tue, 30 March 1999 00:00   |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Leendert van Oostrum"
> You swoop down on the news group - quite grandly, I might add, complaining
> about the quality of the conversation to be found here. And tell us that it
> reminds you of why you left.
> So the conversation that you so disdainfully entered is really a cozy little
> tete-a-tete between exiles, for the most part. And, of course, the odd
> Dutchman now and then (bless their woodenclad socks).
> I mean. In view of the above, your repartee seems singularly
narrow-mided to
> me, my love.
Sien wat noual aangaan. Leendert verbeel
hom mos aanhoudend hy is Bertie Wooster.
(Sy vrou het hom glo vertel hy is soos
Mr. Wooster, en hy kon nie die sarkasme
in haar vroulike boesem opmerk nie.) Nou
slaan Leendert oor na Engels. Leendert
het nie 'n diep lojaliteit teenoor
Afrikaans nie. Enige taal is goed, solank
hy die verskoning kan hê om te praat,
praat, praat. Maar ek is geinteresseerd
in die voortbestaan van Afrikaans op
hierdie nuusgroep, en is teen alle pogings
van oud-SAers wat nou dink hulle is te
"verengels" om Afrikaans te gebruik, om
hier te kom sit en hulle self te verheerlik
en vir ons te vertel van die wondere van
Australi"e. (Hoekom is julle so stil oor
die bosbrande en die siklone. wat so
dig by Perth 'n rukkie gelede was. Hoekom
is julle so stil daar in Perth-Omo?)
So, al is hierdie nuusgroep soms 'n gesprek
tussen Afrikaans-magtiges in ander dele
van die wereld as SA, laat ons dit in
Afrikaans hou (en in Nederlands, wat tog
maar eintlik ook 'n soort van Afrikaans
is, net 'n ouer vorm.)
Re: A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22227 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22188] |
Wed, 31 March 1999 00:00   |
Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880 Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
| wrote in message ...
> Sien wat noual aangaan. Leendert verbeel
> hom mos aanhoudend hy is Bertie Wooster.
> (Sy vrou het hom glo vertel hy is soos
> Mr. Wooster, en hy kon nie die sarkasme
> in haar vroulike boesem opmerk nie.)
Jy misgis jou, Gloudina. Bertie Wooster kan geen ander taal as Engels praat
nie ('n Nasionale kenmerk van Engelse en Amerikaners.)
> Nou
> slaan Leendert oor na Engels. Leendert
> het nie 'n diep lojaliteit teenoor
> Afrikaans nie.
My kinders praat Afrikaans met hulle pa, Gloudina.
En joune?
> Enige taal is goed, solank
> hy die verskoning kan hê om te praat,
> praat, praat.
Ek dag dis waarvoor nuusgroepe daar is?
> Maar ek is geinteresseerd
> in die voortbestaan van Afrikaans op
> hierdie nuusgroep,
Maar jou eie kinders kan nie Afrikaans praat nie?
Dis weird, weet jy?
Re: A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22228 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22188] |
Wed, 31 March 1999 00:00   |
R. Willis
Boodskappe: 5 Geregistreer: March 1999
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Gloudina, did I misunderstand? I could have sworn that you stopped speaking
Afrikaans when you left SA? As for natural disasters, I unfortunately can't
stop those tragedies, and seeing as I live in Brisbane, quite a few thousand
kilometers from Perth, I can't comment on the effects on people living
there. It doesn't happen every day and I suggest you don't always believe
what you read in papers and see on TV - they do tend to exaggerate. Try to
keep an open mind. I realise that might be a difficult request for you, but
maybe you can try?
Thanks everybody, I now will switch to the English-speaking group as I can
see the majority of participants in this group still believe that anything
English is evil.
Royleen wrote in message ...
> "Leendert van Oostrum"
>> You swoop down on the news group - quite grandly, I might add, complaining
>> about the quality of the conversation to be found here. And tell us that it
>> reminds you of why you left.
>> So the conversation that you so disdainfully entered is really a cozy little
>> tete-a-tete between exiles, for the most part. And, of course, the odd
>> Dutchman now and then (bless their woodenclad socks).
>> I mean. In view of the above, your repartee seems singularly narrow-mided to
>> me, my love.
> Sien wat noual aangaan. Leendert verbeel
> hom mos aanhoudend hy is Bertie Wooster.
> (Sy vrou het hom glo vertel hy is soos
> Mr. Wooster, en hy kon nie die sarkasme
> in haar vroulike boesem opmerk nie.) Nou
> slaan Leendert oor na Engels. Leendert
> het nie 'n diep lojaliteit teenoor
> Afrikaans nie. Enige taal is goed, solank
> hy die verskoning kan hê om te praat,
> praat, praat. Maar ek is geinteresseerd
> in die voortbestaan van Afrikaans op
> hierdie nuusgroep, en is teen alle pogings
> van oud-SAers wat nou dink hulle is te
> "verengels" om Afrikaans te gebruik, om
> hier te kom sit en hulle self te verheerlik
> en vir ons te vertel van die wondere van
> Australi"e. (Hoekom is julle so stil oor
> die bosbrande en die siklone. wat so
> dig by Perth 'n rukkie gelede was. Hoekom
> is julle so stil daar in Perth-Omo?)
> So, al is hierdie nuusgroep soms 'n gesprek
> tussen Afrikaans-magtiges in ander dele
> van die wereld as SA, laat ons dit in
> Afrikaans hou (en in Nederlands, wat tog
> maar eintlik ook 'n soort van Afrikaans
> is, net 'n ouer vorm.)
> Gloudina
Re: A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22241 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22188] |
Wed, 31 March 1999 00:00   |
Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On 31 Mar 1999 01:34:46 GMT, wrote:
| En noudat jy jou sê gesê het, vaarwel.
| Ons dink nie dat alles wat Engels boos
| is nie. Ons dink net hoity-toity uitgeweke
| SAers wat nou maak asof hulle Afrikaans nie
| meer te goed is nie, die mense op die
| nuusgroep in pos na pos beledig, en hulself
| wil oortuig dat alles in SA sleg is, nie op
| hierdie nuusgroep hoort as hulle daarop
| staan om in Engels te skryf nie. Hierdie
| nuusgroep is geskep vir Afrikaanse gebruik,
| en enigiemand wat op hierdie nuusgroep in
| Engels die lede van die nuusgroep kom
| beledig, is nie welkom nie. As jy ons in
| Afrikaans wil beledig, is jy welkom.
Royleen, just ignore the old creature for a few days - she improves as
the full moon grows smaller.
Johan, die ewige realis / optimis.
Re: A bit of a hoot, what! [boodskap #22345 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #22188] |
Wed, 07 April 1999 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 2172 Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Thorsten Mueller writes:
> Gloudina,
Soms praat die ouens dan met 'n verskriklike
> Duitse aksent, wat my laat wonder of hulle ooit die korrekte uitspraak
> van Engels geleer het.
Ja, Thorsten, dit laat my ook lag.
Dis gewoonlik die mense met die
breedste "foreign accent" wat ewe
trots vir jou vertel dat hulle nog
net Engels met gemak kan praat.
> Maar ek het ook mense ken geleer wat inderdaad nie meer in hul
> moedertaal kon
> gesels nie. Daar is 'n groot verskil tussen jou aktiewe en jou passiewe
> woordeskat, en wanneer jy jou eie moedertaal nie aktief beoefen nie, is dit
> moontlik dat jy nogal vinnig sekere woorde vergeet (d.w.s. natuurlik sal
> jy die
> betekenis nie vergeet nie, maar jy vergeet om die woorde aktief te
> gebruik).
Natuurlik. Alles wat jy sê, is waar. Voordat
ek op hierdie nuusgroep weer aktief Afrikaans
kon beoefen, was dit regtig 'n trauma as iemand
vir ons bel en begin Afrikaans praat. Die woorde
wou net nie kom nie. Nou merk ek op dat ek een-
voudig geen moeilikheid meer ondervind om in
Afrikaans op die telefoon te praat nie. En dis
juis daarom dat ek so sterk voel dat hierdie
nuusgroep in Afrikaans gevoer moet word. Veral
vir die mense in die Afrikaanse diaspora.
Oor die geval van Robleen: sy het met die inval
vir ons op die nuusgroep IN ENGELS kom kritiseer,
en ons het haar dadelik getakseer as een van
daardie kreature wat doodgoed vir hulself in
Afrikaans kan bedien, maar wat dink hulle is
te goed daarvoor. Dis 'n soort mags-uitoefening.
Nou, as sy iets te sê het (soos om ALLE mense
in New Zealand te kritiseer) is sy welkom om
dit in Afrikaans te doen. Maar in Engels kan
sy dit op die Engelse SA nuusgroep doen.
Oor jou eie gebruik van soms Afrikaans, soms
Engels. Ek bewonder jou pogings om Afrikaans
te skryf. Jy kry dit so goed reg. En ek vergeef
jou as jy soms uit desperasie na Engels oorslaan.
Maar as jy permanent Engels begin skryf, en dan
die taal van die nuusgroep stadig na Engels laat
oorslaan, sal ek gou-gou vir jou op die vingers
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