Tuis » Taal » Prosa & poësie » GEDIGTE - KAK
GEDIGTE - KAK [boodskap #18358] |
Sun, 18 October 1998 00:00  |
Secret Squirrel
Boodskappe: 34 Geregistreer: January 1998
Karma: 0
Volle Lid |
This person seems to be the ringleader of a group of koeksister recipe swapping, potjie kos making, boring ex-NP supporters who have nothing better to do than to post this poetry shit all day long. Once in a while it's OK and a decent piece gets posted but on the whole it's pretty pathetic.
Doing a search on dejanews on this idiot reads about as long as a Third Force hit list.
How infrequently do the boere have anything worthwhile to say ... just the same old boring stuff.
Get a life you lot!!
Re: GEDIGTE - KAK [boodskap #18625 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #18358] |
Tue, 27 October 1998 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 1462 Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On 18 Oct 1998 22:43:12 -0000, Secret Squirrel wrote:
...klomp twak...
Hy het te veel geel sneeu in Denemarke geeet en nou is hy baie pissed
off. Shame.
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