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Afrikaans: Klein oorwinning! [boodskap #18217] Sat, 10 October 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Henri Burger  is tans af-lyn  Henri Burger
Boodskappe: 317
Geregistreer: February 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die Leidende Lig berig gister dat SAA, voorheen SAL, begin het met 'n
Afrikaanse advertensie veldtog, waarin hulle bestuurshoof, Mnr. Coleman
Andrews, nogal 'n Amerikaner, self die woord doen, in Afrikaans. Amptelik sê
hulle dat 30% van hulle kliënte Afrikaanssprekend is, en dat hulle dit aan
hulle verskuldig is. Kajuitaankondigings bly egter steeds in Engels.

Die feit is natuurlik dat British Airways, en hulle binnelandse arm, Comair,
Afrikaans praat met hulle Afrikaanse kliënte, en Afrikaanssprekendes
toenemend van hulle diens begin gebruik maak het, en iemand iewers langs die
pad die pyn begin voel.

Intussen het die SABC weer met 'n dreigveldtog begin teen wanbetalers van TV
lisensies. Hulle voel nie die pyn so erg nie, want die regering het
ingestaan vir hulle verliese. Hulle het hulle blykbaar ook nie veel gesteur
aan 'n Kanadese konsultant wat aanbeveel het dat hulle meer aandag aan
Afrikaanse skedulering moet gee nie. Nou wag ons maar op die hofsaak wat die
Junior Rapportryers aanhangig gemaak het.


Henri Burger, Tzaneen. RSA
'Afrika is nie vir Sissies nie!'
(e-mail: remove 'sukikaki.')

Henri Burger, Tzaneen. RSA
'Afrika is nie vir Sissies nie!'
(e-mail: remove 'sukikaki.')
Re: Afrikaans: Klein oorwinning! [boodskap #18223 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #18217] Sun, 11 October 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Leendert van Oostrum  is tans af-lyn  Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880
Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Henri Burger wrote in message ...
> Die Leidende Lig berig gister dat SAA, voorheen SAL, begin het met 'n
> Afrikaanse advertensie veldtog, waarin hulle bestuurshoof, Mnr. Coleman
> Andrews, nogal 'n Amerikaner, self die woord doen, in Afrikaans. Amptelik s�
> hulle dat 30% van hulle kliënte Afrikaanssprekend is, en dat hulle dit aan
> hulle verskuldig is. Kajuitaankondigings bly egter steeds in Engels.

My brief aan South African Airways:

11 October, 1998

Mr Coleman Andrews
South African Airways

Fax: (011) 978 1905

Dear Mr Andrews,

Customer relations in the SAA

May I congratulate you on the decision by your company to direct its
advertising also to the niche market of Afrikaans speaking potential
clients, a group to which I belong by birth and personal choice. I hope that
this gesture will mark the first steps towards addressing antagonisms
generated by some decisions taken by your predecessors.

I also refer to my previous letter to you, dated 23rd June 1998, on this
topic � receipt was not acknowledged, so I attach a copy for your

As I indicated in that letter, I prefer to do business in the Afrikaans
language. The SAA, under your predecessors, chose to discontinue services in
Afrikaans, and I took my business elsewhere.

Given this historical development, and given the fact that the SAA is the
national carrier in our constitutionally multicultural country, I expect
that the SAA will go the extra mile in providing for those clients who
choose to business in one of the official languages in the country.

I note, for example, that your new policy is that advertising may be done in
Afrikaans and that passengers may be greeted in Afrikaans. In this respect,
it differs not at all from what a potential tourist from Germany or France
can expect from the SAA.

My instructions to my travel agents and couriers are that the SAA will be
the least preferred carrier for my personal and professional travelling, as
well as for freight of any kind and the same policy is adhered to in those
organisations in which I influence decisions of this nature.

This will remain unchanged until I am satisfied that the SAA will serve me
in Afrikaans as comprehensively, as well and as willingly as it would in any
other language, including English.

I hope that I can look forward to positive developments along these lines.

Yours sincerely,
Leendert van Oostrum

Hierdie was die vorige een:

23rd June, 1998

Mr Coleman Andrews
South African Airways

Fax: (011) 978 1905

Dear Mr Andrews,

May I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment in our
national airline, and to wish you success in your endeavours and a safe and
enjoyable stay in our country.

I also applaud your reported desire to consult the people on ways to improve
the popularity of the SAA. In this respect, I wish to make the following

1) I recognise that individuals and groups differ in the matters to which
they attach importance.
2) As a member of the Afrikaans language community (a minority group in
South Africa) I choose, as a matter of importance to me, to do business in
my own language in my land of birth. In this I follow the example of my
ancestors who exercised the same choice, also under occupation by the
British Empire and often to their disadvantage.
3) The fact that I am obliged, by the business practices of your airline, to
frame this communication in the English language may serve to illustrate why
I choose, whenever I can, the services of other airlines - those that are
willing to accommodate my language preferences.

Yours sincerely,

LJ van Oostrum
Re: Afrikaans: Klein oorwinning! [boodskap #18236 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #18217] Mon, 12 October 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Michael E Willett  is tans af-lyn  Michael E Willett
Boodskappe: 182
Geregistreer: March 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Sun, 11 Oct 1998 20:43:41 +0200, "Leendert van Oostrum"
had the following to say:
|My brief aan South African Airways:
|11 October, 1998
|Mr Coleman Andrews
|South African Airways
|Fax: (011) 978 1905
|Dear Mr Andrews,
|Customer relations in the SAA
|May I congratulate you on the decision by your company to direct its
|advertising also to the niche market of Afrikaans speaking potential
|clients, a group to which I belong by birth and personal choice. I hope that
|this gesture will mark the first .....

Het jy antwoord gekry .,...?

...goodbye en good luck,
Re: Afrikaans: Klein oorwinning! [boodskap #18248 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #18217] Tue, 13 October 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Leendert van Oostrum  is tans af-lyn  Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880
Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Simon wrote in message ...
> On Sun, 11 Oct 1998 20:43:41 +0200, "Leendert van Oostrum"
> had the following to say:
> |
> |My brief aan South African Airways:

> Het jy antwoord gekry .,...?

Wel, sedert die eerste brief het ons darem 'n verandering in houding by die
Es Y Y gesien.

Maar ek kan jou verseker dis nie deur my enkele brief teweeggebring nie.

Dis waarom ek ook Mnr Andrews se faksnommer verskaf het :-)

Groete, Leendert
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