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En Mandela sê "good riddance"! [boodskap #17862] Fri, 25 September 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Leendert van Oostrum  is tans af-lyn  Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880
Geregistreer: July 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In die sewentigerjare het ek in lande soos Zaire gesien hoe die wit
huurlinge uit Europa in lugverkoelde dorpies met swembaddens ager
doringdraad woon terwyl die plaaslike bevolking vrek van die honger

Die huurarbeiders was daar om die industrieë en staatsdiens te bedryf wat
agtergelaat is deur die vlugtende Belge fyftien jaar tevore. Hulle is op
kontrakbasis gehuur teen massiewe salarisse, op kontrakte van twee tot vier

En die meeste van hulle was Belge.

Elders in Afrika het ek dieselfde tendens gesien. Die "kolonialiste" is
verjaag en vervang deur korttermyn-huurlinge wat geen band met die lande het
nie en wat veel meer kos om te kry as die mense wat hulle vervang het. Ek
verneem hierdie verskynsel het nog nie veel verander nie.

Nou lyk dit my ons is op daardie selfde pad, en Mandela in Toronto keur dit
goed. Die Mail&Guardian berig:

Skilled foreigners `the solution' to February 21, 1997
------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
South Africa's brain drain

Marion Edmunds

SKILLED foreigners should be lured to South Africa to fill the gap left by
the brain drain, according to research for an influential government task
team on immigration.

Social scientist Robin Cohen says official statistics have not adequately
reflected the exodus of professionals with valuable skills from South
Africa, and the education system is not up to the task of quickly replacing
those leaving.

The answer lies in aggressively recruiting professionals such as doctors,
nurses, engineers, teachers and accountants from overseas, Cohen says, and
tracking down emigres and persuading them to come home.

Cohen will make his submission to the Home Affairs-appointed task team next

He is said to have the support of several members of the task team. The
team's recommendations, due before the Cabinet by mid-year, will be included
in a Green Paper which is expected to shake-up current immigration and
emigration laws.
Re: En Mandela s "good riddance"! [boodskap #17933 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #17862] Mon, 28 September 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
crunch  (()) :c 8 |]]  is tans af-lyn  crunch (()) :c 8 |]]
Boodskappe: 102
Geregistreer: May 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Miskien kan ek dan my huis verkoop kry....!

Leendert van Oostrum wrote in message

> Skilled foreigners `the solution' to February 21, 1997
> ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- -
> ----
> South Africa's brain drain
> Marion Edmunds
> SKILLED foreigners should be lured to South Africa to fill the gap left by
> the brain drain, according to research for an influential government task
> team on immigration.
> Social scientist Robin Cohen says official statistics have not adequately
> reflected the exodus of professionals with valuable skills from South
> Africa, and the education system is not up to the task of quickly replacing
> those leaving.
> The answer lies in aggressively recruiting professionals such as doctors,
> nurses, engineers, teachers and accountants from overseas, Cohen says, and
> tracking down emigres and persuading them to come home.
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