Tuis » Ernstig » Onderwys & opvoeding » MATRIEK VRAESTELLE REEDS BESKIKBAAR
Tue, 15 September 1998 00:00  |
Kobus Pietersen
Boodskappe: 358 Geregistreer: April 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Please read the following instructions carefully
o Please write all the answers between the lines.
o No part of this answer sheet may be rolled and smoked.
o No children of students are allowed to participate in any way.
o Please leave firearms in the care of parole officers at the door.
o Bribes will only be accepted at a minimum of R 100-00 per page.
o If this exam does not match the one you have bought in advance,
please notify the examiner.
EXAMINER: Moses Ndudunumololo
Question 1
Philemon has an AK47 with 2 magazines taped together, each holding 30
rounds. If he misses 5 out of 10 rounds that he fires, how many
drive-by taxi shootings can he attend before having to reload?
Question 2
Phineas has a 12 seater mini bus, but to avoid discomfort he never
carries more than 23 people. Assuming that each passenger piles 35kg
of luggage on the roof and that his brakes are 25% efficient, what
would his stopping distance from 90km/h be?
a) 300m
b) 600m
c) 10m as there is another passenger to be picked up
Question 3
Jacob is employed as a garden boy 1 day per week for 5 households.
Assuming he can make a lawn mower last 2 months, how many lawn mowers
will the 5 households have to buy in a 2 year period?
Question 4
Jackson makes 4 girls in his class pregnant, and another 6 from other
classes in the school. How many girls will he have got pregnant before
he leaves school assuming he matriculates before his 29th birthday?
Question 5
Samuel and his 4 friends can each drink 35 bottles of Castle Lager
before falling over. How many SAB trucks do they need to hijack per
year in order to remain permanently pissed?
Re: MATRIEK VRAESTELLE REEDS BESKIKBAAR [boodskap #17553 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #17532] |
Wed, 16 September 1998 00:00   |
Kobus Pietersen
Boodskappe: 358 Geregistreer: April 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Kobus Pietersen wrote in message ...
>> Bunch of racist crap snipped
Dis taamlik telling dat niemand reageer het op die lae, rassistiese en
stereotipiese inhoud van hierdie pos nie - of is dit omdat ek in
soc.culture.afrikaans is? In swak smaak kobus.
Wat was rassisties, ou dikbek ? Kyk weer. Nou is dit rassisties.
Please read the following instructions carefully
o Please write all the answers between the lines.
o No part of this answer sheet may be rolled and smoked.
o No children of students are allowed to participate in any way.
o Please leave firearms in the care of parole officers at the door.
o Bribes will only be accepted at a minimum of R 100-00 per page.
o If this exam does not match the one you have bought in advance,
please notify the examiner.
EXAMINER: Daviden Jonathan
Question 1
Phillip has an R1 with 2 magazines taped together, each holding 30
rounds. If he misses 5 out of 10 rounds that he fires, how many
drive-by taxi shootings can he attend before having to reload?
Question 2
Pietie has a 12 seater mini bus, but to avoid discomfort he never
carries more than 23 people. Assuming that each passenger piles 35kg
of luggage on the roof and that his brakes are 25% efficient, what
would his stopping distance from 90km/h be?
a) 300m
b) 600m
c) 10m as there is another passenger to be picked up
Question 3
Jaco is employed as a garden boy 1 day per week for 5 households.
Assuming he can make a lawn mower last 2 months, how many lawn mowers
will the 5 households have to buy in a 2 year period?
Question 4
Jack makes 4 girls in his class pregnant, and another 6 from other
classes in the school. How many girls will he have got pregnant before
he leaves school assuming he matriculates before his 29th birthday?
Question 5
Samuel and his 4 friends can each drink 35 bottles of Castle Lager
before falling over. How many SAB trucks do they need to hijack per
year in order to remain permanently pissed?
Re: MATRIEK VRAESTELLE REEDS BESKIKBAAR [boodskap #17557 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #17532] |
Wed, 16 September 1998 00:00   |
Boodskappe: 194 Geregistreer: January 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
In article ,
> "Kobus Pietersen" writes:
> Toe ek in die skool was (lank gelede)
> in 'n bekende skool in die Noordkaap,
> vol Afrikaanse kinders en Afrikaanse
> onderwysers, was die inhoud van een
> van ons eksamens bekend aan ons
> onderwyser 'n dag voor die tyd en het
> hy vir ons die antwoorde gegee. Al
> ons kinders het geweet wat aangaan.
> (Die moderator van die eksamen was
> ook 'n onderwyser in ons skool.)So
> in die goeie ou dae, toe die witmense
> nog koning gekraai het, was dit al
> 'n tradisie. Wat is nuut?
> Wat maak Oom Kallie daar?
Watse ou kakkerige skool was jy in? Waar ek op skool was was dit ongehoord dat
so iets sou plaasvind!!!
Net iets wat dalk "food for thought" is - Waar word die punt bereid waar 'n
insident begin verander in 'n tendens. Is die uitlek van vraestelle in
Suid-Afrika geïsoleerde insidente of is dit 'n patroon wat homself jaarliks
op groot skaal herhaal? As mens aan die hand van beskikbare inligting wel tot
die slotsom kom dat dit 'n tendens instede van net 'n geïsoleerde insident
is, wat gebeur dan? Watse stappe word geneem om die tendens te stop?. Indien
die tendens vir drie jaar in 'n ry sterk groei toon, Is die stappe (indien
enige) wat geneem word om dit te stop effektief? Indien die tendens nie
gestop word nie, is die negatiewe kommentaar aangaande die tendens sineloos
omdat daar op 'n ander tyd, in 'n ander opleidingsomgewing, in wat heel
duidelik 'n substandaard opvoedkundige instituut was 'n insident plaasgevind
het enige korrolasie tussen die insident en die tendens?
Ek wonder maar net
Re: MATRIEK VRAESTELLE REEDS BESKIKBAAR [boodskap #17653 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #17532] |
Sat, 19 September 1998 00:00  |
Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029 Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Wed, 16 Sep 1998 06:58:29 -0500, "Leswin Laubscher"
|Dis taamlik telling dat niemand reageer het op die lae, rassistiese en
|stereotipiese inhoud van hierdie pos nie - of is dit omdat ek in
|soc.culture.afrikaans is? In swak smaak kobus.
Ek is al so gatvol vir pollitiese korrektheid! As ons oor die
kleurgrens heen grappies vertel meen dit nie eers noodwendig jy is 'n
hiper rassis nie. Relax man, dink jy nie daar word ook grappies oor
"whities" vertel nie.
Vat dit rustig, dan geniet jy die lewe meer ....!
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