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- Wie gee om? [boodskap #15593] Sat, 06 June 1998 00:00
Leendert van Oostrum  is tans af-lyn  Leendert van Oostrum
Boodskappe: 1880
Geregistreer: July 2000
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Senior Lid
Redaksionele kommentaar in The Star 5/6/98:


So who cares?

It is incomprehensible that the plight of so many destitute people seemingly
continues to be ignored by senior Gauteng health department officials. The
latest report on this intolerable situation is that the 600 non-governmental
organisations that distribute food parcels to half-a-million desperately
needy have not received their usual funding from the department for two
months. As a result, hungry people - including the elderly and pre-school
children - have been turned away as the supply of parcels runs out.

The excuse given is that problems have arisen in the switch-over to a new
finance system. Even so, promises that cheques would be sent out last week
have not been met.

A member of the Alexandra Ministers' Fraternal exonerates the health
department's Wits regional office, saying the blame lies higher up. We would
like to know where, but our inquiries to bumbledom have been ignored.

What is urgently required is the appointment of a senior official with the
authority to cut through red tape and make the allocated money available

Of course, that person would have to be one who cares. Regrettably, there
appears to be a shortage of such candidates.


'n Pedi-kollega van my het Garsfontein toe getrek. Hy verwag dat die gegoede
dele van Mamelodi en die winkels in Sunnyside die een of ander tyd geplunder
gaan word deur honger mense. (Sunnyside is besig om die weg van Hillbrow te
gaan - dit word 'n inner city slum en al wag besigheid en eetplek is wyk uit
Hatfield toe.)

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