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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » [boodskap #14647] Wed, 13 May 1998 00:00
Jennifer Lynne  is tans af-lyn  Jennifer Lynne
Boodskappe: 54
Geregistreer: May 1998
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
> --- Dear Volk of South Africa,
> How are things in the "new" South Africa? ---

You are not interested in the truth about anything in either the "new"
orold South Africa beyond what you wish to gain for yourself with your
disrespectful sensationalism. Your e-mail address contains the truth
this kind of reporting. Wind. Hot, foul wind....South Africa can do
without more of this kind of self-serving journalism.

...piss off and don't come here in search of your ticket to riches.

> Goeie genugtig mense. Dis is nou genoeg!

Ek het opsettelik 'n nuwe draad begin oor hierdie onderwerp want nie een
van julle wat op die oorspronkelike pos gereageer het, het sy kop of sy
ooe gebruik nie!

Dis nou tyd om daai macho testosterone te los. Gaan kry 'n Castle of 'n
Lions en sit!

Almal het die sender van die pos aangeval en bemodder met "arrogante
vark" "sensation hunter" en nog meer van daai fraai blou uitdrukkings
soos bo uiteen gesit.

> Niemand van julle het die moeite geneem om die vent se webbladsye te
> besoek en sy artikels te lees. Dis n' nuusgroep met 'n Christelike
> agtergrond wat die waarheid baie meer benader dan enige van die Suid
> Afrikaanse koerante (met miskien die Burger uitgesonderd) of normale
> media. Voor julle wat nie baie surf nie of wat te vrek lui is om een
> bietjie te soek op die net,is hier 'n aantal ekserpte wat ek uit hul
> introduksie gedistilleer het.

"The WINDS is a distributary going away from the main flow and reporting
on issues from a context not generally embraced by the popular media."

"...often, we are unable to discover anything but the surface reporting
of an event. We feel a desire to go beyond surface reporting..."

En... mans met jul koppe in jul onderbroeke... kyk net 'n bietjie

"What you read on The WINDS will be the truth presented as honestly and
openly as we are able to present it. If it is not the truth that we
print, we will take it off The WINDS or not put it on in the first
place. We have a
purpose and that is to expose the lie to the light. We are not running
for president, nor are we publishing The WINDS for money. You will
notice no sponsors listed for The WINDS...

- Die volgende stukkie is langer maar vir die drie skreeuers bo: as
julle dit gelees het sal julle baie skaam wees dat julle jul gedra het
soos klein kinders in pampers...

" We often report the circumstances involved in the formation of the
new world
government. We report this because it is not reported in the mainline
media, even though it
is the one major event in this century. The people may have opportunity
to know about this
world's affairs, whether or not they will do anything about it, so that
everyone will at least
have an intelligent knowledge of our world situation. This world is
changing and, while in
the minds of some, it seems like an improvement, we will all see by and
by that the world
has been led into the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on earthlings. We
may very well sleep
on, but we could have known if we had a mind to.

If a verse or two of Scripture might be used to explain our purpose,
they are Daniel 7:26
and Luke 12:1-3: "But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away
his dominion, to
consume and to destroy it unto the end." "Beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees, which is
hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden
that will not be known.
Therefore, whatever you (hypocrites) have said in the dark shall be
heard in the light, and
what you (hypocrites) have whispered in private rooms shall be
proclaimed upon the

Simply stated, the hypocrisy that is now covering the rulers of this
world is being
exposed to the light. Every secret thing is being revealed. Every
cowardly act will be made
known. Every attempt to enslave men will be seen. "And then shall be
exposed the
Wicked one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth,
and bring to
nought by the manifestation of his coming."

So now you have it. That is who we are, what we want and what we are
doing. If the
readers have relative information that may be helpful to the readers of
this page, you are
welcome to submit that article for consideration. May the light ever
increase! "

Nou dat julle ingelig is, hier is die URL met die artikel oor Suid
Afrika. As julle klaargelees het dan hoor ik dit sekerlik wel hier,

En, asseblief toch, kyk gerus in hul argief... Die titels sal definitief
jou mening doen wysig..

Jennifer Lynne
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