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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: P. W. Botha ondersteuners
Re: P. W. Botha ondersteuners [boodskap #13961] Wed, 22 April 1998 00:00
G.B.  is tans af-lyn  G.B.
Boodskappe: 2172
Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Frikkie" writes:

> Boere-Afrikaners also ask the question if Mr Botha did not perhaps use the
> information scandal to get rid of his political opponents, and if the
> history of Mr
> Botha is not perhaps the history of a man who carried out South Africa's
> first political coup to get
> to the top.

Ha, ha, ha. Lekker ou binnegevegte tussen
Afrikaners. Dom ou apartheidsvarke wat nie
eens die skrif teen die muur kon sien nie.

> At that time Dr Connie Mulder was the National Party's favourite to follow
> up Mr John Vorster.
> Suddenly there was the Erasmus Commission who at first said Dr Mulder had
> done nothing wrong, but then through a clever piece of manipulation, blamed
> everything on
> him. He was chased into the dog box and Mr Botha rose to the throne on
> September 28,
> 1978. Before the end of that year Mr John Vorster also became a political
> victim and he was
> forced to step down.
> Vorster was so embittered that he refused a visit from PW Botha in hospital,
> even though he knew he was dying. Vorster forbade the whole cabinet, except
> Mr Lapa Munnik
> to attend his funeral and he also refused a state burial. His wishes were
> ignored and mr
> PW Botha ordered a huge state funeral which was attended by the whole
> cabinet, him
> included.

Ha, ha, ha. He He He.
Dom vet ou ooms wat nie die skrif teen
die muur kon sien nie.

En Leendert, laat ons nou jou opinies oor hierdie
ou sakies hoor. Vir my lyk dit net na 'n klomp
dom apartheidsvarke wat onder mekaar baklei.
Vorige onderwerp: P.W.BOTHA ondersteuners
Volgende onderwerp: P. W. Botha ondersteuners
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