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Re: Wit enklaaf ens. [boodskap #12729] Fri, 20 February 1998 00:00 na volgende boodskap
G.B.  is tans af-lyn  G.B.
Boodskappe: 2172
Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"F. Stef Roux" writes:
itspel is geensins meer edel as die

> Verder is dit baie ironies dat julle toe na Ottawa toe gegaan
> het in stede van Toronto waar jou man gestudeer het. Is dit
> miskien omdat Ottawa aansienlik meer homogeen is as
> Toronto? (Soos ek gehoor het noem hulle Ottawa 'n WASP area
> wat staan vir White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.) Daar is netsoveel
> werksgeleenthede in Toronto as in Ottawa dan nie? Dus
> Gloudina, moenie so huigel nie.

So, nou neem jy dit op jouself om
my hele geskiedenis te weet sonder
om enigsins kennis daarvan te dra.
Ek bly nog minder as vier jaar in
Ottawa. En, as jy al ooit in Ottawa
was, sou jy weet dat die oorgrote
deel van die mense om jou Frans
praat (en dus nie WASPS is nie.)
Groot getalle werkers om my kom
ook van Egipte en die Midde Ooste.
Terloops, moet alle Universiteit
van Toronto-studente nou daar
werk, anders is hulle bevooroordeel
teen Toronto?

> "Wittes lewe net op baie klein deeltjies van
> Kanada. Dit is, wat landsoppervlakte betref, die land van die
> Inuit en die honderde First Nations wat meer en meer deur
> die wet in kontrole van hul land geplaas word"
> ...

is pure snert.

> Jy probeer met opset 'n baie skewe beeld van Kanada weergee.

> Dus Gloudina, Kanada is 'n wit land. Dis baie witter as Suid Afrika.
> Veral in die winter. :-)
> Stef
Re: Wit enklaaf ens. [boodskap #12761 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #12729] Sat, 21 February 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Nico  is tans af-lyn  Nico
Boodskappe: 259
Geregistreer: February 1998
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Kom nou, Gloudina, dis nes ek sê: vertel ons nou mooi van jou lewensloop
dan verstaan ons jou dalk beter.
(Bedagsaamheid sal help om besprekings hier vars te hou) wrote in article ...
| So, nou neem jy dit op jouself om
| my hele geskiedenis te weet sonder
| om enigsins kennis daarvan te dra.
| Ek bly nog minder as vier jaar in
| Ottawa.
Re: Wit enklaaf ens. [boodskap #12857 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #12729] Tue, 24 February 1998 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Hjalmar Gerber  is tans af-lyn  Hjalmar Gerber
Boodskappe: 72
Geregistreer: November 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
Gloudina skryf:

> Jy het dit ook mis dat Kanada 'n wit
> enklaaf is.Wittes lewe net op baie klein
> deeltjies van Kanada. Dit is, wat
> landsoppervlakte betref, die land van die
> Inuit en die honderde First Nations wat
> meer en meer deur die wet in kontrole
> van hul land geplaas word. Dis net jou
> wit-rassistiese hoop dat Kanada 'm wit
> enklaaf is. Meer en meer van die
> suksesvolle immigrante van buite Kanada
> kom ook van die Indiese subkontinent
> of is van Asiatiese oorsprong. Het jy
> al opgemerk hoeveel van die goeie
> mediese navorsers by die Universiteit
> van Toronto van asiatiese oorsprong is.
> Nee, Stef, jy bly nie in 'n "wit" land
> nie.

The Edmonton Sun, February 22, 1998

Editorial by Mike Jenkinson


Despite 30 years of official government multiculturalism, employment
equity programs and diversity training, Canada overwhelmingly remains a
white nation.

That's a simple statement of fact.

But no doubt it will be interpreted by some as threatening and racist
because our country has been so conditioned to be touchy-feely about
racial issues.

Controversial census data released this week, claiming to demonstrate
how the face of Canada is changing dramatically, ended up demonstrating
the opposite.

Just 11.2% of the population count themselves as members of official
visible minorities. Which means 88.8% are not. In other words, almost
nine of every 10 Canadians are not members of a visible minority.

This is news?

Despite that glaringly obvious conclusion, the story was spun this past
week as if white Canadians were on the verge of becoming a minority

Emmanuel Dick, president of the Canadian Ethno--cultural Council, even
went so far to suggest this astonishing new data would scare (white)
people into wanting "the good old days back"

What good old days?

Does he mean the days when the English and Irish would brawl in the
pubs, and not just because they were drunk? The days when Polish-run
businesses wouldn't hire Ukrainians and vice versa? When everyone hated
the French? The days when all the prejudices from the old world were
transplanted into the ethnic ghettos of Canada's young cities? You'll
pardon us if we don't consider those the "good old days."

This StatsCan data is full of problems. It's not even accurate to say
that 88.8% of the Canadian population is white. For some reason,
StatsCan doesn't count aboriginals as visible minorities, but puts them
in a category all their own.

Factor them out and about 85% of the Canadian population is neither
aboriginal or a visible minority.

And why is this important? This data can only be divisive. "Them" and
"us." Whites and visible minori-ties. You're either one or the other.
This problem is only exacerbated by the real reason for collecting this
information: to allow government bureaucrats to engineer the hiring
practices of the public service and private companies.

Our race-counting bureaucrats in Ottawa believe there are "systemic
barriers" - government-speak for "racism" - preventing visible
minorities from being hired. And only by giving preferential treatment
to visible minorities will these "barriers" be overcome. But it's
blatant discrimination - favoring one person over another because of
skin color. The same kind of discrimination we loathe, no matter if the
ends alleg-edly justify the means or not.

And the underlying attitude is just as despicably racist Because this
kind of data, used for this purpose, presupposes that all white skinned
people live in perfect harmony with each other but discriminate against
anyone of a different skin color

Which, of course is nonsense. That wasn't true in the "good old days
when white skinned Europeans looked down their noses at each other. And
it's not true now

Just ask any white-skinned Quebec separatist on the wrong end of a
diatribe from a white-skinned - save the redneck - westerner. It's
somehow fitting; given the government's insis-tence that secret racism
be rooted out of hiring prac-tices, that Ottawa itself continues to fail
miserably at attracting visible minorities into government.

Just 5% of federal employees are visible minorities. That's about half
Ottawa's goal of 9% which now turns out to be even less than StatsCan's
11.2% figure

Naturally, this caused much consternation among the chattering classes
Rubin Friedman, president of the National Capital Alliance on Race
Relations, fretted about the disparity "Why is that?" he wondered.

Who knows? And more importantly, who cares? Why does every workforce
need to be a microcosm of society at large?

What is wrong if one workforce has no visible minorities and another is
predominantly staffed by visible minorities?

When it comes to race, Canadians, no matter what their skin color, need
to seriously relax. Surveys such as this are calculated to divide us.
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