Tuis » Ernstig » Nuus » In SA moet selfs jou kar 'n tronk wees
In SA moet selfs jou kar 'n tronk wees [boodskap #117603] |
Mon, 09 June 2008 16:15 |
Daun Johnson
Boodskappe: 1155 Geregistreer: January 2009
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
'Beware hijackers using new tactic'
9 June 2008, 13:52
Hijackers are using pool acid to attack motorists, KwaZulu-Natal
police warned on Monday.
Spokesperson Superintendent Zandra Wiid said in a recent case in
Rivonia, a motorist had stopped at a traffic light when a well-dressed
man approached the car.
"He used a syringe and sprayed pool acid on the victim's face. He
suffered severe burns," she said.
Wiid said police in other provinces had been alerted to the new
Although no such cases had been reported in KwaZulu-Natal, Wiid said
motorists had to be aware of the new tactic.
"Motorists should be careful and not wind down their windows for
anyone and keep all doors locked. It is important to always be alert,"
she said. - Sapa
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