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Dit is die skade wat die kerk aan ons doen... [boodskap #116395] |
Sat, 23 February 2008 16:13 |
Jim Again
Boodskappe: 246 Geregistreer: January 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Dit is die skade wat die Kerk aan ons blankes doen...
Vanaf South Africa Sucks (SAS)
February 2008
Some worthless Azanian baboon named James Baloyi
walked out of court scot-free after his victims cried and
prayed with him, and implored the magistrate to drop all
charges against him. Baloyi, a wild stinking savage -
straight out of the African jungle, broke into the Eastern
Pretoria house of Myndert Bloem and Bertha Pretorius.
Baloyi viciously attacked the maid, stabbing her with a
knife, and then tried to attack Bertha Pretorius but ama-
zingly the cops rocked up in time to save her. Baloyi,
like the coon coward he is, hoofed it out of there but
got busted cowering in the bushes behind the house.
Typical caffvoa.
He appeared in court on 6 February, on charges of ag-
gravated robbery and attempted murder. But it was Ba-
loyi's lucky day. His victims are church-suffering, bible-
thumpin' jeezuz-freakin' liberal losers, who instead of
testifying against this piece of simian excrement, cho-
se instead to appeal to the magistrate to drop the case,
which the highly bemused judge duly did.
Pretorius and Bloem then issued lengthy prayers right
there in the freekin' court room, ...beseeching the Rain
Queen, Elvis, Santa, the Easter bunny and other unseen
deities to save the barbaric soul of this poor young native
ape who had gone so horribly astray.
As if this wasn't enough, they both gave this vicious, snar-
ling, knife-wielding coon criminal endless bear hugs and fi-
nally handed him over wads of cash, which the thick-lipped
shit skin accepted with great bemusement ! ...His ignorant
victim then went on a long, self-righteous speech, ...choice
quotes of which are as follows : "I can honestly tell the court
I forgive him. The court must tell him what he did, was very
bad. I want to tell you I am not angry with you. ...You must
change and be-come a child of God. I love you. You almost
killed me. I am your parent".
Bertha Pretorius then waffled on about how people must join
hands to fight crime, after which she, with great pomp and
ceremony, handed over several hundred rand, to "help him
get on his feet".
After the court case, Bloem, a White Afrikaner, held hands
with Baloyi while praying for him. Baloyi, who had been in
detention for almost 11 months, thanked his victims, and
promised to "stay on the straight & narrow" when he wal-
ked out of court. This so touched the two women that they
could not stop hugging their tormentor, or stop plying him
with wads of cash. These being the tell-tale signs of Stock-
holm Syndrome - a White epidemic.
This is not an unique occurrence either. The parents of Ame-
rican student Amy Biehl took a considerable part of their life
savings to start a fund for the benefit of the wild savages who
brutally murdered their daughter. Not even the fact that seve-
ral years after their daughter's murder, one of the black per-
petrators again murdered someone else, detracted from their
love & admiration of these vile, detestable sub-human scum.
Even Lita Fourie, whose father was infamously tortured with
boiling water for hours on his Northern Transvaal farm, then
had his head blown off in the bath, has now stopped her anti
farm murder campaign and has gone on a religious crusade
to raise funds for the murderers of her father. Her last nota-
ble act some time in 2007 was a sickening rendezvous with
the black savage in prison, ...where she hugged him, held
hands with him and in a religious trance, forgave him for his
barbaric crimes.
Call me callous and insensitive, I don't care, but White clock-
sluckers like this deserve to be stabbed, raped, tortured and
finally murdered.
There is not a smidgeon of hope for us Whites who on the one
hand, have to fight against a criminal regime intent on enginee-
ring a full-scale genocide against our people, while at the same
time our very own people, intoxicated on their moronic notions
of "righteousness" are the ones holding hands with this black
sub-human scum, sitting around camp fires with them and
singing Kumbajaa. Vlok !
Marx is famously quoted as saying "religion is the opiate of the
masses". How right he is. It seems the Church is mis-using re-
ligion against our own people. ...How stupendously impossible
our task is of yanking people out of their superstitious stupor
to show them in what grave danger their lives are in.
But then Christianity, as being warped by the Church, has al-
ways been a religion of death. Praying, these sheeple cannot
wait to be led to the slaughter, and when by some miracle they
survive, they adulate & celebrate their very tormentors.
What a shame !
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