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Die Probleem-Reaksie-Oplossing Refleks [boodskap #116160] Fri, 01 February 2008 23:31
Jim Again  is tans af-lyn  Jim Again
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Die Probleem-Reaksie-Oplossing Refleks

Diocletian's "Problem-Reaction-Solution" in South Africa

[Vanaf die SAS Webwerf...]

By Mike Smith - Cape Town, 1 February 2008

Diocletian was a repressive Roman emperor who came
to power in 284 AD, who believed that order could only
be maintained if there were strict control on the personal
freedoms of the population. He further introduced extre-
me taxation despite the fact that he, by 301, had defea-
ted the Germans and the Sassanids and there were no
more reason for his tyrannical rule.

The Emperor needed a new enemy to regain the support
of his pseudo-slaves. He hated Christians, because the
Christians publicly condemned his ritual sacrifices. So
he gradually started persecuting them.

Diocletian's vice-emperor, Galerius, didn't have a hard
time in persuading him that if a Palace were just to burn
down, Diocletian could really accelerate his crusade a-
gainst the Christians. Just by coincidence, twice within
sixteen days toward the end of February, Diocletian's
palace in Nicomedia burned. The Christians were im-
mediately blamed.

And so genocide started. A monumental crackdown
occurred as Diocletian issued four edicts against the
Christians. Christian assemblies were forbidden. Bi-
bles were confiscated and burned, and churches we-
re destroyed. Christians were torn limb from limb in
the arena, the animals goaded on by a mindless po-
pulation who had accepted at face value the guilt of
the Christians.

Some people call this the "Problem-Reaction-Solution"
method. It works like this :

A government wants to achieve something, but they
know if they just go for it, they will run into trouble with
the population. So they first create a "Problem" which
is followed by a major outcry from the public that "So-
mething must be done" (the Reaction), which in turn
is followed by the "Sollution", provided by the govern-

This tactic has been used for hundreds of years. And
many conspiracy theorists have written about it. Even
today we see it. Let us look at an example. For instan-
ce :

If a government wants to control all the oil and opium
trade from the Middle East, they simply apply Diocle-
tian's method. Invading sovereign countries are illegal,
but if you can somehow blame those countries for hou-
sing terrorist organizations (that you created and sup-
ported) and blame them for terrorist acts in your own
country (without concrete proof), then the public will
support your tyranny. You provide the solution. Inva-
sion of sovereign countries follows and the sheep
supports you 100%.

Today we can look at unarming civilians for instance.
The government cannot disarm civilians en-masse.

Questions will be asked and people will hide their
weapons. But if some unforeseen, emotionally char-
ged deaths should occur, such as a school shooting
by a "Lone-nutter" ...or a kid shooting up a squatter
camp with Daddy's rifle, then there will be an outcry
from the public that "Something must be done".

Promptly you supply the solution ; a ban on all

In South Africa there are and were many examples of
Diocletian's "Problem-Reaction -Solution" tactics. The
British wanted their hands on the mineral wealth of the
two Boer Republics, so they blamed the Boers for eve-
rything they could in order to justify a genocide against
this tiny nation of farmers.

Another example : Say for instance the biggest fear of
a Black Government is a White Right-wing backlash.

What do they need to do ? Plant a few bombs in Black
areas ; blame it on a Right-wing organization (that you
created) and you can keep the All Alleged Accused in
prison for four years without a trial (as with the Boere-
mag). Better still... the public will support you.

If you want to impose a Communist Government onto
the people, you need to destroy the capitalist economy,
but openly doing so is going to cause a massive outcry
from the public. So in order to destroy the economy,
you have to break the back of it, namely electricity.

Create an "Electricity Crisis" (problem), The public cries,
"Something must be done" (the Reaction), blame busi-
nesses for consuming too much electricity and tell them
to scale down (the solution). Down the drain Economy

Crime is another example. Crime has so many facets
that it should be in a section on its own, but let's exa-
mine some issues.

Firstly. You cannot imprison or hang people without a
trail. So you create a crime problem.

The public screams, "Something must be done!", and
you provide the solution ; imprisonment without trial ...
and the death penalty.

Secondly, if you want to get rid of your opposition (the
Whites), you cannot just drive them into the sea. There
will be an outcry and they might fight back. You cannot
justify a war against them, so what to do ? Blame the
Whites for the most terrible words in human history,
"Racism" and "Apartheid", and wage war on them
without a declaration of war.

With no declaration of war against them, the whites are
not allowed to fight back as soldiers. The killing of 3000
White farmers and thousands more Whites in their own
homes by blacks are now called, "Ordinary crime" by the
President. Vigilantism is against the law and the Whites
have to rely on the police to stop the "Crime", but the
Government employs the Police. So the killing conti-
nues with nobody lifting a finger to stop it. Whites re-
fuse to believe that a war is being waged against them.

More Whites have died in the years under ANC rule than
in British Concentration Camps. More Whites have died
since the ANC took over than in all the years they have
planted bombs as a terrorist organization, including the
soldiers on the Namibia / Angola border.

The first few years after the 1994 election, the ANC and
NP ruled together in a coalition. So the ANC has actually
only been in power for ten years. Ten years it took them
to redudce a prosperous First World country to the rub-
bish it is now. Compared to the almost 30 years it took
other African countries to go through the same, it looks
as if the ANC is going for a record.

Anybody can see that under ANC/Communist rule, the
crime will not get better. Electricity, roads and other in-
frastructure are only sliding backwards into the abyss.
Housing and jobs for the poor masses will never be
created. Only the totally naïve, ignorant and stupid
believes the promises and lies of the ANC.

We therefore need to look at the ANC very carefully and
see if we can predict future situations modeled on Diocle-
tian's Principle. What are the ANC's future "Problem-

To answer that question we should look at what the ulti-
mate aims of the ANC/Communists are. They want to rule
forever. They want to get rid of all and any opposition that
might ever prevent them from ruling forever.

There are roughly three million whites living in nice houses
in South Africa. There are at least 40 Million blacks that de-
mand houses from the Government on a daily basis.

Blacks live ten people in a house, no problem. Why should
the Government spend money on building houses for blacks
when there are millions of (white) houses standing already ?
There is only one problem... the whites live in these houses.
All they have to do is :

Create ...

A Problem - Urbanize Blacks en-masse to create a housing
shortage. (Done already)

There will be...

A Reaction - An outcry from Blacks that demand houses...
(Done already)


A Solution - Blame the whites for something horrible (e.g.
the death of a beloved black leader) to trigger genocide a-
gainst them and either kill them all or drive them out of the

All black problems will be solved when the last White is out
of Africa. Black Power, FOREVER !

In order for whites to survive, they will have to become aware
of the tactics and methods of the enemy. Is it not time that
whites start adopting these Diocletian methods themselves ?
How can Whites use Diocletian's "Problem-Reaction-Solution"
to their own advantage ?

What does blacks consider as "problems" and can we create
some for them to the point where there is an outcry "that so-
mething must be done" ? Can we then supply them with the
"Solution" in order to achieve our own goals?

Yes we certainly can, but in order to do so, we need to de-
fine what our goals are. What is it that we want to achieve ?
Many people are still divided on this issue. Some say we
should push for an independent homeland for ourselves in
the Cape, some say the entire South Africa is ours alrea-
dy. Some want the old Boer Republics reinstated. Some
wants to rule alongside blacks in a type of Federation.

Some whites simply want to leave.

It is clear to me that most whites in South Africa already
have a common goal, they just don't know it yet. All the
people above, from the Boer Republicans the emi-
grants, have the same goal : Freedom from oppression !

The problem is that whites can never be free unless they
rule over themselves. Whites can never be free from op-
pression unless they live in their own country. Whites can
never be free unless they are free to speak and sing their
own languages in their own churches and schools.

Whites should be able to pay taxes to themselves and look
after their own in their own hospitals. Whites should be able
to employ and be employed by their own, free from Affirma-
tive Action and Black Economic Empowerment.

Whites should be able to build their own cities and towns
and name them after their own leaders. Whites should be
able to erect their own monuments for their own heroes
and not be forced to worship idols of terrorism.

How can we ever achieve all these things unless we have
our own country ? Every time I close my eyes I see one
thing in front of me and one thing only ; a beautiful coun-
try, a place where we can be ourselves and be truly free !
This should be our common goal. Our tactics will follow
our strategy and our strategy will determine our tactics.
The end will justify the means.

None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely
believe they are free.

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