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FW se Mbeki en Mugabe is Cool [boodskap #113298] Thu, 01 March 2007 19:54
Vuur  is tans af-lyn  Vuur
Boodskappe: 283
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Op watse drugs is FW de klek , ek soek ook van sy drugs vir my ma!!!

Former South African President FW de Klerk defended President Thabo
Mbeki's stance on Zimbabwe when he delivered a lecture on Africa at
the University of Pretoria yesterday. Answering questions, De Klerk
said while Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe presided over a dwindling
economy, "South Africa has taken the right stance on Zimbabwe. ~ but
South Africa is left?

"We cannot just send an army into Zimbabwe because we think Zimbabwe
is undemocratic. The only way to solve any conflict is through
negotiation and dialogue. We cannot be involved in a country without
the wishes of that country." ~ simplistic, coming from a confused
wannabee liberal ex-lawyer like you FW?

President Thabo Mbeki has come under increasing criticism from the
media and opposition parties for his "quiet diplomacy" approach to
Zimbabwe. De Klerk praised Mbeki on his "tireless" efforts to promote
peace in Africa, saying considerable progress had been made. ~ like
two peas in a pod, one a failed libby ex-Prez, the other a failed
racist pathological-liar current-Prez.

"The devastating wars in Angola and Mozambique have ended. Fragile
peace has returned to the Congo and Southern Sudan. ~ and the
devastating Azanian war?

"Nevertheless warfare, hostilities and tension persist in too many
areas, most notably in Darfur. However, in all these areas the African
Union - strongly supported by South Africa - continues to work
tirelessly to find peaceful solutions." ~ but surely you meant work
greedily to plunder, to stuff their frigging pockets?

De Klerk called for the former colonisers of Africa to help in every
way to end conflicts, alleviate poverty, tyranny and relieve countries
of their debt. ~ gad must be mad.
Question for FW: What's loud, obnoxious, stupid ~ and has a tendency
towards violence?
# posted by marwinsing @ 2:12 AM
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