Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Afrikaans studente in Amerika
Afrikaans studente in Amerika [boodskap #11123] |
Tue, 28 October 1997 00:00  |
Boodskappe: 1 Geregistreer: October 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
My naam is Dixie K. Ek is 'n studente by Brigham Young
Universiteit in Amerika. Ek het Afrikaans is 'n vak. Ek hoop dat een
dag ek sal goed Afrikaans praat.
My onderwyser het gevra dat ons praat of e-mail Suid Afrikaanse mense en
vra 'n paar vrae oor Afrikaans.
I am still learning so I will not embarass myself any further.
We are doing a study to find out how many families speak Afrikaans at
home continuosly.
When do you use English?
Are you Afrikaans/English?
Is Afrikaans growing and is it used often?
Your reply will be appreciated.
Re: Afrikaans studente in Amerika [boodskap #11132 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #11123] |
Wed, 29 October 1997 00:00   |
Boodskappe: 1462 Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Tue, 28 Oct 1997 20:06:27 -0700, Dix wrote:
When I speak to English people and when I speak to people who are not
Afrikaans. Then we both use second languages.
Here in cosmopolitan Johannesburg in shops and such it usually is an
almost instinctive feeling around when you start speaking to figure
out what the other person is.
When they are Afrikaans we switch over.
Sometimes we ever take to Afrikaans if the other guy can handle that
better than English as second language.
Mostly - in my experience - second langauge conversations are in
English, though.
Are you Afrikaans/English?>>
I am Afrikaans. So are my kids. But they are in an English school.
When they were school going age that was the nearest best school and
TV made them allmost bilingual as kids.
I speak only Afrikaans to them.
They are in a phase now that I have to continuously correct them when
they slip English words into their Afrikaans conversation.
They take well to being corrected like that. In the process their
Afrikaans vocabulary will hopefully soon be as extended as their
When they play with each other they speak Afrikaans (except when one
of the characters needs to be English - interesting here is that these
characters are many times Americans. They then do a good imitation of
a heavy US drawl ("California Bitch" I suspect - they watch Bay Watch
and sitcoms!!).
When they play with their friends it is in English - these kids are in
the same English medium school, so it figures.
It may be interesting to you that many kids in the school also has
other home languages. This will typically be Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana,
Sotho, Portugese, Indian languages and in some cases even Italian and
It is not dying.
Growing? That is a complicated question. Many young kids are not
monolingual but have Afrikaans AND English as languages today.
Will one dominate? Need there be a dominating one? Who knows? Kids of
today will live in a different society than I did. Theirs will be one
of many cultures intermingling daily.
I would guess it is used as often in daily life as before.
It is scaled down on TV and radio but people still speak it in homes
and on the pavement.
The Afrikaans press and magazine business is healthy and sales are
Poetry and books are being published.
It is not dying. But TV, the Internet and global communication is
changing society and that impacts on all languages that are spoken by
less people or spoken by poorer people (no money, no satellite).
But inherent in this technology is the ability to "publish" in many
languages simultaniously and cheaply. The future will be interesting.
Re: Afrikaans studente in Amerika [boodskap #11144 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #11123] |
Fri, 31 October 1997 00:00  |
Leon van Staden
Boodskappe: 5 Geregistreer: April 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Dix wrote:
> Hello
> My naam is Dixie K. Ek is 'n studente by Brigham Young
> Universiteit in Amerika. Ek het Afrikaans is 'n vak. Ek hoop dat een
> dag ek sal goed Afrikaans praat.
> My onderwyser het gevra dat ons praat of e-mail Suid Afrikaanse mense en
> We are doing a study to find out how many families speak Afrikaans at
> home continuosly.
> When do you use English?
> Are you Afrikaans/English?
> Is Afrikaans growing and is it used often?
Hi Dixie,
I'm not sure if this is relevant but another angle to your study might be
South Africans overseas. There are a growing or perhaps growth peaked -
declining number of ex-SA's in other countries including USA.
My wife, son and I live in Sydney. I'm am from an afrikaans/english
background and fully bilingual. My wife is afrikaans. We speak afrikaans
to each other and english to our son. This enables our son to develop his
english ability faster and still possibly retain his afrikaans. We were
in SA till May this year and he is now 3 years old. It appears as though
he is learning to understand the language although not speaking it. I
would like him to be able to understand and possibly speak it when he is
older. I think that the language will not cease to exist. It might not
be growing rapidly but I think that most of the afrikaans speaking South
Africans wherever they are still remain quite loyal or proud of their
heritage and would like to retain their language.
I hope this helps your study.
Leon van Staden
Re: Afrikaans studente in Amerika [boodskap #11145 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #11123] |
Fri, 31 October 1997 00:00  |
Leon van Staden
Boodskappe: 5 Geregistreer: April 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Dix wrote:
> Hello
> My naam is Dixie K. Ek is 'n studente by Brigham Young
> Universiteit in Amerika. Ek het Afrikaans is 'n vak. Ek hoop dat een
> dag ek sal goed Afrikaans praat.
> My onderwyser het gevra dat ons praat of e-mail Suid Afrikaanse mense en
> We are doing a study to find out how many families speak Afrikaans at
> home continuosly.
> When do you use English?
> Are you Afrikaans/English?
> Is Afrikaans growing and is it used often?
Hi Dixie,
I'm not sure if this is relevant but another angle to your study might be
South Africans overseas. There are a growing or perhaps growth peaked -
declining number of ex-SA's in other countries including USA.
My wife, son and I live in Sydney. I'm am from an afrikaans/english
background and fully bilingual. My wife is afrikaans. We speak afrikaans
to each other and english to our son. This enables our son to develop his
english ability faster and still possibly retain his afrikaans. We were
in SA till May this year and he is now 3 years old. It appears as though
he is learning to understand the language although not speaking it. I
would like him to be able to understand and possibly speak it when he is
older. I think that the language will not cease to exist. It might not
be growing rapidly but I think that most of the afrikaans speaking South
Africans wherever they are still remain quite loyal or proud of their
heritage and would like to retain their language.
I hope this helps your study.
Leon van Staden
Re: Afrikaans studente in Amerika [boodskap #11146 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #11123] |
Fri, 31 October 1997 00:00  |
Leon van Staden
Boodskappe: 5 Geregistreer: April 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Dix wrote:
> Hello
> My naam is Dixie K. Ek is 'n studente by Brigham Young
> Universiteit in Amerika. Ek het Afrikaans is 'n vak. Ek hoop dat een
> dag ek sal goed Afrikaans praat.
> My onderwyser het gevra dat ons praat of e-mail Suid Afrikaanse mense en
> We are doing a study to find out how many families speak Afrikaans at
> home continuosly.
> When do you use English?
> Are you Afrikaans/English?
> Is Afrikaans growing and is it used often?
Hi Dixie,
I'm not sure if this is relevant but another angle to your study might be
South Africans overseas. There are a growing or perhaps growth peaked -
declining number of ex-SA's in other countries including USA.
My wife, son and I live in Sydney. I'm am from an afrikaans/english
background and fully bilingual. My wife is afrikaans. We speak afrikaans
to each other and english to our son. This enables our son to develop his
english ability faster and still possibly retain his afrikaans. We were
in SA till May this year and he is now 3 years old. It appears as though
he is learning to understand the language although not speaking it. I
would like him to be able to understand and possibly speak it when he is
older. I think that the language will not cease to exist. It might not
be growing rapidly but I think that most of the afrikaans speaking South
Africans wherever they are still remain quite loyal or proud of their
heritage and would like to retain their language.
I hope this helps your study.
Leon van Staden
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