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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110507] Thu, 08 June 2006 22:05 na volgende boodskap
Farticus  is tans af-lyn  Farticus
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: April 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
If there is a distinct difference between a Boer and an Afrikaner, why call
it The Boerevolk Freedom Foundation if its the Afrikaanders who want a
seperate homeland, why not the Afrikaander Volk Foundation?

Is the word Freedom really necessary?

Anyhow, a very interesting development.

"AussieSeek" wrote in message
> Boeres want their own country and Cricket team
> NewsGuy - posted this elsewhere and at the messageboards at
> Is this for real?
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
> History is underway in South Africa once again, as the Boere, an
> indigenous white ethnic nation in its own right, declare their
> sovereignty and push for a separate homeland within the country that
> saw blacks legally disband the Apartheid system some 10 years ago.
> Dr. Lets Pretorius, Spokesman for the Boer nation (Boerevolk), and Mr.
> Riaan Smith, an attorney, met with met with Adv. Cetswayo and Mr. LH
> Mapholaba from the office of the Speaker of the South African
> Parliament on May 25th to discuss The Majuba Declaration, the
> Boervolk's formal demand for an independent homeland. The Cape Town
> meeting was organized by The Boerevolk Freedom Foundation, which is
> driving the push for self-determination.
> The following statements were put forward during the meeting:
> 1. The Boerevolk is a definite entity and must be recognized as such.
> 2. There is a distinct difference between a Boer and an Afrikaner.
> 3. The Majuba Declaration is legally sound, based on section 235 of the
> Constitution of South Africa.
> Mr. Smith and Dr. Pretorius then demanded that:
> 1. The Boerevolk Freedom Foundation, and the Boerevolk be
> institutionally recognized. The Foundation will be the formal
> mouthpiece of the Boerevolk until the election of representatives or
> deputies of the Boerevolk has been held.
> 2. A forum be created to discuss related matters and demands of the
> Boerevolk.
> It was agreed that this forum will be held by the end of June, and will
> consist of delegations from both Parliament and the Boerevolk. The
> Parliamentary delegation will include the Chairman of the
> Constitutional Committee; the Minister of Agriculture of Land and
> Environmental Affairs, to address the Zimbabwe-like land grab currently
> taking place in South Africa; the Minister of Justice, to address the
> injustices against the Boerevolk taking place in South Africa's legal
> system; Minister of Safety and Security, to address the murders of
> farmers, and Black-on-Boere crime taking place.
> The Chairman of Human Rights of Minorities at the United Nations,
> Mr.Stauffenhagen, has also received the Majuba Declaration.
> For the first time in more than 100 years, the Boerevolk are actually
> being represented in South Africa. After 1902, they lost their freedom
> and were incorporated into the Afrikaner group and later into "White"
> South Africa under the Apartheid system.
> Listen to The Right Perspective, heard live every Friday 10pm EST over
> shortwave WWCR 3.215 MHz and the Internet at
>, for "Hello, Africa!," the official radio
> show of the Boerevolk.
> Keith said at
> Weve got lots of listeners who are bores. I can suggest also the right
> radio station for them
> to listen to. But as for giving them their own country.
> I dunno.
> Maybe their own cricket team for starters.
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110508 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110507] Fri, 09 June 2006 05:26 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Torreke  is tans af-lyn  Torreke
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
These people try to distinguish between Boere and Afrikaners as if these are
different identities. They attempt to demonstrate that the "Boerevolk"
dissappeared in 1902 and became part of the so called "Afrikaners" and later
the "White" population.

They conveniently forget that the term "Afrikaner" is almost as old as white
settlement in South Africa itself and was in fact used the first time when
one of the first Dutch Settlers, who were allowed to one land and farm for
own profit, called out to Van Riebeeck "I am an Afrikaner".

They also conveniently forget that the Afrikanervolk was referred to as
"Boere" during the days of the Boere Republics because the majority were in
fact farmers, that the shift from "Boere" to "Afrikaners" was a natural
development when the majority of these people became urbanised and took up
other occupations.

They also conveniently forget that the Boere established their republics on
land that was not only bought but also conquered by force from the Blacks
and that the Blacks were forced into submission and obedience to their
authority. That their "independence" was recognised by the world empire,
Great Britain, which made their independence in fact a deed of colonialism.

I am the descendent of these people, and I sympathise with their feelings.
However, one must be able to stand back and look objectively at your
history, face and acknowledge your mistakes and sins.


"Farticus" skryf in boodskap news:oa1ig.5763$
> If there is a distinct difference between a Boer and an Afrikaner, why
> call
> it The Boerevolk Freedom Foundation if its the Afrikaanders who want a
> seperate homeland, why not the Afrikaander Volk Foundation?
> Is the word Freedom really necessary?
> Anyhow, a very interesting development.
> "AussieSeek" wrote in message
>> Boeres want their own country and Cricket team
>> NewsGuy - posted this elsewhere and at the messageboards at

>> Is this for real?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------

>> History is underway in South Africa once again, as the Boere, an
>> indigenous white ethnic nation in its own right, declare their
>> sovereignty and push for a separate homeland within the country that
>> saw blacks legally disband the Apartheid system some 10 years ago.

>> Dr. Lets Pretorius, Spokesman for the Boer nation (Boerevolk), and Mr.
>> Riaan Smith, an attorney, met with met with Adv. Cetswayo and Mr. LH
>> Mapholaba from the office of the Speaker of the South African
>> Parliament on May 25th to discuss The Majuba Declaration, the
>> Boervolk's formal demand for an independent homeland. The Cape Town
>> meeting was organized by The Boerevolk Freedom Foundation, which is
>> driving the push for self-determination.

>> The following statements were put forward during the meeting:

>> 1. The Boerevolk is a definite entity and must be recognized as such.

>> 2. There is a distinct difference between a Boer and an Afrikaner.

>> 3. The Majuba Declaration is legally sound, based on section 235 of the

>> Constitution of South Africa.

>> Mr. Smith and Dr. Pretorius then demanded that:

>> 1. The Boerevolk Freedom Foundation, and the Boerevolk be
>> institutionally recognized. The Foundation will be the formal
>> mouthpiece of the Boerevolk until the election of representatives or
>> deputies of the Boerevolk has been held.

>> 2. A forum be created to discuss related matters and demands of the
>> Boerevolk.

>> It was agreed that this forum will be held by the end of June, and will

>> consist of delegations from both Parliament and the Boerevolk. The
>> Parliamentary delegation will include the Chairman of the
>> Constitutional Committee; the Minister of Agriculture of Land and
>> Environmental Affairs, to address the Zimbabwe-like land grab currently

>> taking place in South Africa; the Minister of Justice, to address the
>> injustices against the Boerevolk taking place in South Africa's legal
>> system; Minister of Safety and Security, to address the murders of
>> farmers, and Black-on-Boere crime taking place.

>> The Chairman of Human Rights of Minorities at the United Nations,
>> Mr.Stauffenhagen, has also received the Majuba Declaration.

>> For the first time in more than 100 years, the Boerevolk are actually
>> being represented in South Africa. After 1902, they lost their freedom
>> and were incorporated into the Afrikaner group and later into "White"
>> South Africa under the Apartheid system.

>> Listen to The Right Perspective, heard live every Friday 10pm EST over
>> shortwave WWCR 3.215 MHz and the Internet at
>>, for "Hello, Africa!," the official radio
>> show of the Boerevolk.

>> Keith said at


>> Weve got lots of listeners who are bores. I can suggest also the right
>> radio station for them
>> to listen to. But as for giving them their own country.
>> I dunno.
>> Maybe their own cricket team for starters.

Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110511 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110508] Fri, 09 June 2006 07:28 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Vuur  is tans af-lyn  Vuur
Boodskappe: 283
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Torreke wrote:
> These people try to distinguish between Boere and Afrikaners as if these are
> different identities. They attempt to demonstrate that the "Boerevolk"
> dissappeared in 1902 and became part of the so called "Afrikaners" and later
> the "White" population.
> They conveniently forget that the term "Afrikaner" is almost as old as white
> settlement in South Africa itself and was in fact used the first time when
> one of the first Dutch Settlers, who were allowed to one land and farm for
> own profit, called out to Van Riebeeck "I am an Afrikaner".
> They also conveniently forget that the Afrikanervolk was referred to as
> "Boere" during the days of the Boere Republics because the majority were in
> fact farmers, that the shift from "Boere" to "Afrikaners" was a natural
> development when the majority of these people became urbanised and took up
> other occupations.
> They also conveniently forget that the Boere established their republics on
> land that was not only bought but also conquered by force from the Blacks
> and that the Blacks were forced into submission and obedience to their
> authority. That their "independence" was recognised by the world empire,
> Great Britain, which made their independence in fact a deed of colonialism.
> I am the descendent of these people, and I sympathise with their feelings.
> However, one must be able to stand back and look objectively at your
> history, face and acknowledge your mistakes and sins.
> Torreke

oo-ne , each to his own , jy's n SAP in die ou taal.
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110521 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110511] Mon, 12 June 2006 06:46 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Torreke  is tans af-lyn  Torreke
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Soos altyd beantwoord jy nie die argument nie, jy "label" my net.

Soos ek vantevore gesê het: Jy beantwoord nie die argument nie, want jy kan
nie. 'n Rassis is iemand wat per definisie die persoon aanval en nie die
argument nie. Juis daarom is hy 'n rassis, omdat hy nie verder kan sien as
wat voor oë is nie, en omdat hy nie verder kan dink as wat sy neus lank is

"fire_" wrote in message .
> Torreke wrote:
>> These people try to distinguish between Boere and Afrikaners as if these
>> are
>> different identities. They attempt to demonstrate that the "Boerevolk"
>> dissappeared in 1902 and became part of the so called "Afrikaners" and
>> later
>> the "White" population.

>> They conveniently forget that the term "Afrikaner" is almost as old as
>> white
>> settlement in South Africa itself and was in fact used the first time
>> when
>> one of the first Dutch Settlers, who were allowed to one land and farm
>> for
>> own profit, called out to Van Riebeeck "I am an Afrikaner".

>> They also conveniently forget that the Afrikanervolk was referred to as
>> "Boere" during the days of the Boere Republics because the majority were
>> in
>> fact farmers, that the shift from "Boere" to "Afrikaners" was a natural
>> development when the majority of these people became urbanised and took
>> up
>> other occupations.

>> They also conveniently forget that the Boere established their republics
>> on
>> land that was not only bought but also conquered by force from the Blacks
>> and that the Blacks were forced into submission and obedience to their
>> authority. That their "independence" was recognised by the world empire,
>> Great Britain, which made their independence in fact a deed of
>> colonialism.

>> I am the descendent of these people, and I sympathise with their
>> feelings.
>> However, one must be able to stand back and look objectively at your
>> history, face and acknowledge your mistakes and sins.

>> Torreke

> oo-ne , each to his own , jy's n SAP in die ou taal.
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110522 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110521] Mon, 12 June 2006 08:32 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Vuur  is tans af-lyn  Vuur
Boodskappe: 283
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Torrek , ek geen net nie n duiwel om wat jy dink nie , dis al
Jy is n " tipical " afrikaan , skaam omdat jy wit is.
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110524 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110522] Mon, 12 June 2006 08:57 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Torreke  is tans af-lyn  Torreke
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek gee ook nie om wat jy van my dink nie!

Al waartoe jy in staat is, is om webbladsye te pos en mense se karakters aan
te val.
Jy beantwoord geen argument nie, want jy het nie die verstandelike vermoë om
dit te doen nie. Jou meesters het jou goed geleer: Moenie argumenteer nie
(want dan gaan jy vasval), val jou opponent se karakter aan. As ek nou nie
van beter geweet het nie, sou ek gedink het jy het by 'n COSATU-vakbond jou
opleiding gekry.

Ek het goeie raad vir jou: Gaan speel met jou albasters in 'n sandput. Daar
sal jou gebrek aan intelligensie dalk nie so opvallend wees nie.

"fire_" wrote in message .
> Torrek , ek geen net nie n duiwel om wat jy dink nie , dis al
> Jy is n " tipical " afrikaan , skaam omdat jy wit is.
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110527 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110524] Mon, 12 June 2006 09:39 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Vuur  is tans af-lyn  Vuur
Boodskappe: 283
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Torreke wrote:
> Ek gee ook nie om wat jy van my dink nie!
> Al waartoe jy in staat is, is om webbladsye te pos en mense se karakters aan
> te val.
> Jy beantwoord geen argument nie, want jy het nie die verstandelike vermoë om
> dit te doen nie. Jou meesters het jou goed geleer: Moenie argumenteer nie
> (want dan gaan jy vasval), val jou opponent se karakter aan. As ek nou nie
> van beter geweet het nie, sou ek gedink het jy het by 'n COSATU-vakbond jou
> opleiding gekry.
> Ek het goeie raad vir jou: Gaan speel met jou albasters in 'n sandput. Daar
> sal jou gebrek aan intelligensie dalk nie so opvallend wees nie.
> "fire_" wrote in message
> .
>> Torrek , ek geen net nie n duiwel om wat jy dink nie , dis al
>> Jy is n " tipical " afrikaan , skaam omdat jy wit is.

Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110529 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110527] Mon, 12 June 2006 11:53 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Torreke  is tans af-lyn  Torreke
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"fire_" wrote

> lol

Lag jy vir jouself?

Dan het jy ten minste 'n goeie sin vir humor!
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110530 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110529] Mon, 12 June 2006 12:57 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Vuur  is tans af-lyn  Vuur
Boodskappe: 283
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Torreke wrote:
> "fire_" wrote
>> lol
> Lag jy vir jouself?
> Dan het jy ten minste 'n goeie sin vir humor!

nee, net vir jou!!

Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110533 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110530] Mon, 12 June 2006 17:28 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Torreke  is tans af-lyn  Torreke
Boodskappe: 1165
Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"fire_" wrote in message .
> Torreke wrote:
>> "fire_" wrote

>>> lol

>> Lag jy vir jouself?

>> Dan het jy ten minste 'n goeie sin vir humor!
> nee, net vir jou!!
> lol

Nou's ek seker jou bont varkie is soek.
Re: Boeres want their own country and Cricket team [boodskap #110547 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #110533] Tue, 13 June 2006 14:27 Na vorige boodskap
Vuur  is tans af-lyn  Vuur
Boodskappe: 283
Geregistreer: April 2007
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Torreke wrote:
> "fire_" wrote in message
> .
>> Torreke wrote:
>>> "fire_" wrote
>>>> lol
>>> Lag jy vir jouself?
>>> Dan het jy ten minste 'n goeie sin vir humor!
>> nee, net vir jou!!
>> lol
> Nou's ek seker jou bont varkie is soek.

jy gaan aan soos n hond's dol hond , nogal snaaks vir my
Vorige onderwerp: Hello, Africa! Boer Holocaust
Volgende onderwerp: torrek , net vir jou!
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