Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » her: slawerny
her: slawerny [boodskap #10943] |
Fri, 03 October 1997 00:00 |
Boodskappe: 7 Geregistreer: November 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
| (ASAR2001) wrote:
> In his book "Capitalism and Slavery," Eric Williams places the ORIGIN of this
> revolution in historical perspective and calls attention to its early
> developments: When, in 1492, Columbus, representing the Spanish monarchy,
> discovered the New World, he set in train the long and bitter international
> rivalry over colonial possessions for which, after four and a half centuries,
> no solution had been found. Portugal claimed the new territories on the ground
> that they feel within the scope of a papal bull of 1455 'authorizing her to
> reduce to servitude---all infidel people.'
> After carefully sifting the rival claims, the Pope issued, in 1493, a series of
> papal bulls which established a line of demarcation between the colonial
> possessions of the states: The East went to PORTUGAL and the West went to
> SPAIN. Though the announcement of the fact came much later, the European
> "scramble for Africa," and subsequently Asia and North America, STARTED THIS
> ACT. The labor and raw materials of Africa, Asia, and South America, and the
> West Indies FINANCED the European Industrial Revolution.
> In the year 1457 the Council of Cardinals met in Holland and sanctioned, as a
> righteous and progressive idea, the enslavement of Black Africans for the
> purpose of the conversion to Christianity, and to be EXPLOITED in the labor
> market as chattel property. This devilish scheme speedily gained the
> sanctimonious blessing of the Pope and became a standard policy of the Roman
> Catholic Church, and later of the Protestant churches, enduring for three
> centuries.
> And so, the slave trade began, inaugurating an era that stands out as the most
> gruesome and macabre example of man's disregard for the humanity of man.
Ek moet hier saamstem dat die kerk en christenheid
grotendeels die direkte oorsprong is van die mees
gruwelike dade wat teen die mensdom gepleeg is.
Lank lewe ek al in 'n samelewing wat glo in die
bestaan van 'n god, n god so gruwelik en wreed,
'n god wat jaloers is en oorlog voer.
In verband met slawerny verwys ek na die bybel:
deuternomium 15 verse 12 tot 1, gaan lees dit
Slawerny is goedgepraat deur god, en alhoewel god
vra/beveel dat slawe goed behandel moet word, gaan
hy verder deur uit te wys dat die slaaf jou tog
geld gespaar het !
As aktiewe en uitgesproke atheis is ek van mening
dat die kerk/christendom die gehele mensdom
onverruklik in die verkeerde rigting van sosiale
en geestelike ontwikkeling gestuur het.
Geloof in god moedig jaloesie, rasisme, slawerny,
seksisme en oorlogvoering aan. Hier sluit ek alle
geloofstipes in god in, nie net christelikheid
Wat 'n ramp ! Ek is so spyt dat die mens in al sy
barbaarsheid hierdie hipokrietiese lewensfilosofie
aangeneem het.
Al die goedheid wat daar wel uit hierdie geloofs
filosofie gekom het kan nie die gruwelikheid
daarvan verlig nie.
vriendelike groete
Vyg Fynbos
(ek aanvaar wel elke individu op eie meriete
indien hulle glo of nie, so moet my atheisme nie
as 'n dreigement teenoor jou persoonlike geloof
sien nie)
............................................................ ........................
ander atheiste kan gerus ontwaak en uit die klas
klim !
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