Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » What has Afrikanerdom learned?
What has Afrikanerdom learned? [boodskap #108985] |
Sat, 18 February 2006 04:49  |
Boodskappe: 1 Geregistreer: February 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
My Dear Friends,
Hmmmmm ... I've just been to visit the websites of Orania and the
so-called "Freedom Front." Self-determination in autonomous
territories?" Sounds a bit like "bantustans" doesn't it? Is this all
that Afrikanerdom has learned from its three-and-one half centuries of
Well, not to worry, my little blondies: those who suffered under the
brutal, murderous pigmentocracy of your spiritual forbears have no
intention of letting you get your Hitlerian little hands on the reins
of power ever - ever! - again!
Oh, we'll let you speak Afrikaans to your heart's content (actually
it's a rather nice language). We'll even allow you to eat boerewors on
special occasions and consume whatever other limp, vinegary sausages
tickle your fancy.
You can even keep your Voortrekker monument and celebrate the Day of
the Covenant once a year.
And, to prove our magnanimity and tolerance, we'll even allow you to
live in little enclaves (like, say, Orania, only preferably further out
from major metropolitan areas). There, happily developing separately
from the rest of humankind, you can have your braai's, talk die Taal to
each other and faithfully attend your Kerk on Sunday.
We can even set up a completely separate educational system for you
wherein you can apply the principles of Christian National Education: I
can just see it now, "Johannes Gerhardus Strijdom College." Has a nice
sound, no?
Then, after a few generations, through the miracle of inbreeding, I
suspect that if Afrikanerdom doesn't cease to exist entirely, its
pitiful remnant will be comprised of proto-hominids barely capable of
using hand tools or scratching signs in the mud with sticks.
Hopefully, your descendents will not be too genetically degraded to
train to work some menial tasks in the wonderful vineyards of the Cape.
Well, what can I say? I do hope your God looks out for you - but I
really have my doubts. People (and Peoples) tend to get what they
Oh, and by the way: Thank You ever so much for sending US Charlize
Yours Faithfully,
(Prof. Adv.) W.A.M. Coorsen
Organisation for the Promotion of Afrikaner Voluntary Sterilisation
Holder of the Demitri Tsafendas Chair in Afrikaans Language &
Literature, University of New Sodom (USA)
Re: What has Afrikanerdom learned? [boodskap #109024 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #108985] |
Mon, 20 February 2006 11:17   |
Boodskappe: 1165 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
"Jim Again..." skryf
> And, then we may assume (rather accept) that included
> within those "Irish, Dutch, and French" ancestry of yours,
> we will find European Jewish genes, because a certain
> percentage of Jewish genes are found in almost all ethnic
> groups. And we know today that Jewish genes mostly ex-
> hibit typical liberal (Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood)
> traits, trends and properties. - Indeed the properties we
> see in you.
A "certain percentage of Jewish genes are found in almost all ethnic
groups", behalwe in Jim Again!
Jim Again ken al sy voorgeslagte tot by Adam. Hy het hulle een en elk
persoonlik ontmoet en hulle DNA nagegaan. Daar's nêrens 'n Jood nie! - en
nêrens iemand met pigmente effens donkerder as haelwit nie. Daar is nie 'n
krakie in sy "blanke" herkoms te vind nie, daarvoor kan hy met sy hand op
die Bybel sweer.
Jy gaan aan asof jy persoonlik al jou voorgeslagte tot by Adam ken en vir
hulle kan instaan. Watter bewyse het jy dat almal wie se name in die
geslagsregister staan, die werklike
biologiese vaders of moeders was? Waarom dink jy het sommige ridders in
die Middeleeue dit nodig geag
om hulle vrouens se geslagsdele met 'n "belt" toe te sluit terwyl hulle van
die huis af weg was? Wil jy regtig beweer dat daar nêrens in
jou voorgeslagte 'n vader of 'n moeder was wat 'n buite-egtelike verhouding
gehad het nie? - nie 'n enkele een wat met iemand van 'n ander ras omgang
gehad het nie, met of sonder instemming?
Ek het jou vantevore gesê, Jim Again, Jy's tog nie regtig so naief nie, is
Jy sê jy verlaat jou net op die Bybel. Die Bybel leer dat alle mense van
Adam afstam. Nou hoe verklaar jy dan die bestaan van verskillende rasse,
Jim, as almal van 'n "blanke" Adam afstam?
Is dit dalk "spontane genetiese veranderings agv klimatologiese invloed"?
NS: Ek begin soos Gloudina agterdogtig raak oor jou. Ek begin dink jy glo
self nie wat jy sê nie. Jy weerspreek jouself te dikwels om regtig ernstig
te wees nie. Jy is nie dom nie, trouens, ek dink dat jy waarskynlik goeie
tersiêre opleiding gehad het. Tog spreek jy veragting vir die "spul"
"akademici" uit. Ek begin
vermoed jy soek net reaksie - soos 'n stout kleuter in sy "terrible twos".
Re: What has Afrikanerdom learned? [boodskap #109089 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #109064] |
Tue, 21 February 2006 16:15  |
Boodskappe: 14 Geregistreer: February 2006
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Orania is eitlik n baie goei idee en behoor ons " support te kry"
Ek dink natuurlik daaraan as n potensiele ARK vir ons nasie , ons moet
net verseker dat hulle geneties goei materiaal kry , beste verstande
van ons nasie en natuurlik die beste look's
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