Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Die bOERE Taal is Dood
Re: Die bOERE Taal is Dood [boodskap #105278 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105277] |
Sat, 20 August 2005 17:23   |
Boodskappe: 143 Geregistreer: May 2005
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
On Sat, 20 Aug 2005 13:45:42 -0300, "news" wrote:
> "DD" wrote in message
> On 20 Aug 2005 05:12:59 -0700, wrote:
>> Dit is 'n indikasie van watter stoffasie jy is gesien dat jy anoniem
>> jou haat spraak toepas.
> Pieter, wat hy ookal gesê het, weet die groep nie.
> Jy wat nuut is, weet want jy het het hom nog nie
> op jou killfile gesit nie.
> Ha haaaaa DD, ek moet lag, want dis so waar, ek het omtrent net 6 mense NIE
> op my killfile nie, en soms mis ek nogal interessante goed.
> Ellie
Ellie.(!).. ek is een van daai 6!
Lol... dankie daarvoor:-0
Re: Die bOERE Taal is Dood [boodskap #105361 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105267] |
Wed, 24 August 2005 13:37   |
Boodskappe: 22 Geregistreer: August 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
Lees wat Top Dollar skrywe van hierdie gemors. Jammer dit is in engels.
Many times I tried to understand why mail2news subscribers, act as a judge
and condemm the good as well as the bad guys when they post any promotions
on the news. Have you ever tried to find this scammers - no website
available, they hide behind shonky email and some can't even spell. They
seem to be uneducated as well, and their actions speak volumes. They seem to
"SCAM" a product or promotion even without actually looking what is
available or maybe if they do look, do not understand what it is all about-
proof of the statement "uneducated". It will appear that the only way you
can actually get this mail2news, is when you apply for a job as email reader
from some or other shonky web business that actually -So I understand - pay
you to read emails. Yeah right, you must be a very big dumphkopf(stupid) to
belief they will pay you.
Now they seem to have the "POWER" to condemm your business even if they do
not understand it. Man they think they get paid to be clever, which is what
they are not!
So, be aware of this scammers and low lifes of society hiding behind the
internet, they promote their own sites and wares on the internet under
different business names and do not want your competition!!!! THAT IS WHY
Please read and investigate every promotion before you act or join. There
are people out there just like mail2news that will actually rob you. If
there is no product but only a get rich quick scheme, be very careful.
If it is a MLM (multilevel marketing) the best will be to find out if you
can make more than the person that you intend to join. If yes they are on
the level, if no, forget it. Use your imagination to con the con artist and
get the answers you want out of the proposer. A working email for starters,
then a telephone number and if possible a meeting. If the meeting is not
possible because you are in another country, ask for video footage of
This information is from real people to the winners out there!!!
"Naartjie Bunker" skryf in boodskap news:EMVYTO3G38584.4904050926@anonymous.poster...
> Ja fok die dom bOERE taal - the taal van die bobbejaan.
> Sien hoe die jong bOERE doose huil oor die gewese taal.
> -----
> Students march over 'sidelining of die taal'
> Pretoria - University of Pretoria students sang the Die Stem during a
> protest
> yesterday against the they claimed sidelining of Afrikaans at the
> institution.
> Protesters sported a Freedom Front Plus banner, the university coat of
> arms,
> placards and chanted slogans like: "Engels se gat" and "Waar's demokrasie
> nou?"
> (Where is democracy now?).
> During a protest march on campus, the group delivered a memorandum to the
> university administration to complain about what they said was the
> marginalising of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction.
> "In July the university management told us they were ready to do away with
> Afrikaans completely in classes," said march organiser and student
> representative council president Cornelius van Rensburg.
> "We cannot let that happen." The group demanded an immediate halt to
> classes
> being "anglicised" and insisted on Afrikaans classes being accommodated.
> Van Rensburg estimated between 500 and 1 000 students had joined the
> march.
> "Afrikaans money paid for this university. We have paid for an Afrikaans
> education, but we do not receive it. It is our constitutional right to be
> taught in our mother-tongue," he said, addressing the crowd to loud
> applause
> and cheering.
> He alleged that staff being hired at the university did not speak "a word
> of
> Afrikaans" and suggested that this increased the workload of
> Afrikaans-speaking
> staff.
> The march was peaceful and was observed by campus security personnel.
> "I don't have a problem with people expressing their opinion. It is their
> democratic right," said bystander Ishmael Mohono, a member of the Pan-
> Africanist Students' Movement of Azania, the youth wing of the
> Pan-Africanist
> Congress.
> "But statements worn on the T-shirts of these protesters such as 'English
> Only
> is erger as slegs blankes' (English Only is worse than whites only) or
> 'Praat
> Afrikaans of hou jou bek' (Speak Afrikaans or shut up) are really
> insulting and
> disturbing."
> The Freedom Front Plus said the level of support for the protest march
> should
> send a clear message that Afrikaans students were experiencing "serious
> discomfort" over the "deterioration" of the language at tertiary education
> level. Labour union Solidarity's youth wing, which said it helped organise
> the
> march, said further protest action was being planned. - Sapa
Re: Die bOERE Taal is Dood [boodskap #105366 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105267] |
Wed, 24 August 2005 14:21   |
Boodskappe: 22 Geregistreer: August 2005
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
What did the English do in America, They killed Red Indians till nearly none
What did the English do in Australia, They killed Aboriginals till only a
handfull left and the rest they removed from their mothers What did the
Spanish do in South America, They killed all the Inka
Indians -none left.
What did the Portugese do in Africa, They exported blacks to America and
other countries What did the Germans do in Europe, They killed millions of
people under
cover of two wars What did the muslims do, They killed many people that is
branded as infidels
What did the Catholic Church (Italians) do, They killed many under the
Except for the Boers in South Africa or aboard, if you are any of the
above( including the meide naiers that fled South Africa and now try and
shit on it from a distance) then I tell you to F--K off and go and shit in
your own backyard , eat it and hope to get wise. Including the name
underneath "Paule Naude" en nou Naartjie
Bunker Ja fok die dom bOERE taal - the taal van die bobbejaan.[/color]
> Sien hoe die jong bOERE doose huil oor die gewese taal.
> -----
> Students march over 'sidelining of die taal'
> Pretoria - University of Pretoria students sang the Die Stem during a
> protest
> yesterday against the they claimed sidelining of Afrikaans at the
> institution.
> Protesters sported a Freedom Front Plus banner, the university coat of
> arms,
> placards and chanted slogans like: "Engels se gat" and "Waar's demokrasie
> nou?"
> (Where is democracy now?).
> During a protest march on campus, the group delivered a memorandum to the
> university administration to complain about what they said was the
> marginalising of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction.
> "In July the university management told us they were ready to do away with
> Afrikaans completely in classes," said march organiser and student
> representative council president Cornelius van Rensburg.
> "We cannot let that happen." The group demanded an immediate halt to
> classes
> being "anglicised" and insisted on Afrikaans classes being accommodated.
> Van Rensburg estimated between 500 and 1 000 students had joined the
> march.
> "Afrikaans money paid for this university. We have paid for an Afrikaans
> education, but we do not receive it. It is our constitutional right to be
> taught in our mother-tongue," he said, addressing the crowd to loud
> applause
> and cheering.
> He alleged that staff being hired at the university did not speak "a word
> of
> Afrikaans" and suggested that this increased the workload of
> Afrikaans-speaking
> staff.
> The march was peaceful and was observed by campus security personnel.
> "I don't have a problem with people expressing their opinion. It is their
> democratic right," said bystander Ishmael Mohono, a member of the Pan-
> Africanist Students' Movement of Azania, the youth wing of the
> Pan-Africanist
> Congress.
> "But statements worn on the T-shirts of these protesters such as 'English
> Only
> is erger as slegs blankes' (English Only is worse than whites only) or
> 'Praat
> Afrikaans of hou jou bek' (Speak Afrikaans or shut up) are really
> insulting and
> disturbing."
> The Freedom Front Plus said the level of support for the protest march
> should
> send a clear message that Afrikaans students were experiencing "serious
> discomfort" over the "deterioration" of the language at tertiary education
> level. Labour union Solidarity's youth wing, which said it helped organise
> the
> march, said further protest action was being planned. - Sapa
Re: Die bOERE Taal is Dood [boodskap #105591 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #105267] |
Sun, 04 September 2005 10:09  |
Boodskappe: 25 Geregistreer: October 2004
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
"Naartjie Bunker" skryf in boodskap news:EMVYTO3G38584.4904050926@anonymous.poster...
> Ja fok die dom bOERE taal - the taal van die bobbejaan.
> Sien hoe die jong bOERE doose huil oor die gewese taal.
En jy wil se dat Engels 'n logiese taal is????
Being Dutch, I find that English is the most illogical language I ever came
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