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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do...
- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10470] Tue, 26 August 1997 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Lara Johnstone  is tans af-lyn  Lara Johnstone
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Geen C wrote:
> ASAR2001 wrote:
>> I'd like to know what is the White population (Afrikaaners) there in
>> South
>> Africa doing to help solve some of the nations problems BESIDES
>> complaining?
> Troll, troll, troll your boat, gently through the crap...

Speak for yourself - you cannot even admit to who you are!! Mr Geen! You
are right - you are GEEN - NOTHING!!!

> Hierdie persoon is dieselfde persoon wat elke nou-en-dan mense provokeer
> op soc.sulture.south-africa. As ek dit nie mis het nie, het hy homself
> eers C genoem. Die skryfstyl is dieselfde, die godsdienstige inslag (ek
> glo nie dat hierdie persoon 'n christen is nie.) en die gebruik van
> HOOFLETTERS. Hy gebruik halwe waarhede en oorvereenvoudigings van die
> waarheid om sy "punt" oor te bring.

This is the same person who often provokes people on
soc.culture.southafrica. If I am not wrong, he called himself C. The
writing style is the same, and the mentions of Christainity (and I dont
think that he is a Christian!), and the use of Capitals!. He uses
half-truths and simplified arguments of the truth to get his point


I dont know if C is AUSUR, and quite frankly I do not care - what he/she
says is true, and it is your "head in the sand" refusal to see truth for
what it is, who is the person who twists things and thinks he is talking
half-truths. So take your supposedly "christain" ass out of here, and
come back when you can reply to his argument in a manner that is
becoming someone who "proposes to be a christain"!!!
> Ek doen 'n beroep op almal hier om hom te ignoreer.


I make an appeal on all to ignore him.


I refuse to ignore him, since he seems to be one of the few people who
actually wish to speak the truth and confront issues as they really are.
So why dont you ignore us both, since you seem to refuse to see things
in a different way than apartheid brought you up to see things as!!


> GeenC
- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10471 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Tue, 26 August 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
ASAR2001  is tans af-lyn  ASAR2001
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: August 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
> Subject: Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do...
> From: (Ewout Boks)
> Date: 26 Aug 1997 14:06:58 GMT

> In article ,
> (ASAR2001) wrote:
>> I'd just like to point out that it is insane for Whites to expect Black
people to help themselves out of something that Whites help them INTO. In
other words, if the White racist government once denied the indigenous
people land of their own and the means to prosper from that land, when are
you "good people" going to help your fellow mates turn their despair into
>> Just ask the people in Rwanda and Burundi what their black 'fellow
mates' did to help out.
**Are you coherent? Did you notice what newsgroup I am posting in? If I
was on the Rwanda and Burundi newsgroup then I would be asking them, but
since I'm not...

I know what happened there and there are things being done about that to
make sure it doesn't happen again, but what does that have to do with the
questions and concerns I raised here? NOTHING...

You are just upset that I am bringing up these truths...i understand.

>> Just curious -
> I'm sure you are, you cynical bastard.
**You must be a Christian (pun intended)

> Nice name, racist.
**You fool. My name has nothing to do with being racist. But a real racist
wouldn't recognize that...

> Ik heb de eerdere oproepen gelezen, om deze 'Ausar' te ignoreren - maar ik
> kon het niet laten. Mijn excuses als ik nu een vervelende discussie aan
> deze hoop stront heb ontlokt.
> '-) Ed & Jess
**Save your garbled twisted words for someone who cares.

- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10478 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Wed, 27 August 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Dries Venter  is tans af-lyn  Dries Venter
Boodskappe: 299
Geregistreer: January 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Dit is vir my baie duidelik dat LARA nie vir KOOS ken nie! Ek dink ook die
ou (nie Koos nie, die anner ou) is belaglik en ek sou kon lag oor sy
na"iwiteit, as dit nie was dat ek so pas vandag probeer uitwerk het wat ek
WERKLIK betaal aan die keiser nie...Kon nie presies uitwerk nie want ek ken
nie al die versteekte belastings nie, maar dit behoort so in die omgewing
van 60% van jou bruto inkomste te wees. So in atwoord op die stommerik se
ge"impliseerde aantygings, 20% van die bevolking befonds die ander 80% se


Lara Johnstone wrote in article
> Koos wrote:
>> On Tue, 26 Aug 1997 09:40:08 +0200, Geen C wrote:
- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10479 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Wed, 27 August 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
fantim  is tans af-lyn  fantim
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: August 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Luister hier jou poephol,

Ek is nou maar vir 4 maande in die VSA en een ding is seker.  Amerikaners
is die grootste rassiste onder die son.  Wat meer is, die Amerikaanse
swartmense is meer rassisties as die wit mense.

So sorteer eers julle eie land uit voor jy ons land en sy mense kom

- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10484 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Thu, 28 August 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
ASAR2001  is tans af-lyn  ASAR2001
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: August 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
> Subject: Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do...
> From: Lara Johnstone
> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 17:29:45

>> Hierdie persoon is dieselfde persoon wat elke nou-en-dan mense
provokeer op soc.sulture.south-africa. As ek dit nie mis het nie, het hy
homself eers C genoem. Die skryfstyl is dieselfde, die godsdienstige
inslag (ek glo nie dat hierdie persoon 'n christen is nie.) en die gebruik
van HOOFLETTERS. Hy gebruik halwe waarhede en oorvereenvoudigings van die
waarheid om sy "punt" oor te bring.
> This is the same person who often provokes people on
> soc.culture.southafrica. If I am not wrong, he called himself C.
**Well you are wrong. I am AUSAR, not C. The problem you are having is
that more than one (1) person is seeing things in a different light than
you do. So you can ASSume that AUSAR is C if that makes you feel better...

> The writing style is the same, and the mentions of Christainity (and I
dont think that he is a Christian!), and the use of Capitals!. He uses
half-truths and simplified arguments of the truth to get his point
**Lara responded with::
> REPLY!!!
> I dont know if C is AUSUR, and quite frankly I do not care - what he/she
says is true, and it is your "head in the sand" refusal to see truth for
what it is, who is the person who twists things and thinks he is talking
half-truths. So take your supposedly "christain" ass out of here, and come
back when you can reply to his argument in a manner that is becoming
someone who "proposes to be a christain"!!!
**Here-Here!! (I totally agree)

>> Ek doen 'n beroep op almal hier om hom te ignoreer.
> I make an appeal on all to ignore him.
**This is the response of a coward or someone who wishes these truths
would go away...

> I refuse to ignore him, since he seems to be one of the few people who
actually wish to speak the truth and confront issues as they really are. So
why dont you ignore us both, since you seem to refuse to see things in a
different way than apartheid brought you up to see things as!!
> Lara
**Oops. I guess she told you! Furthermore, why do you insist on evading
the issues?

Ignore, ignore, ignore...maybe he'll go away. NOT!!!

- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10500 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Fri, 29 August 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mike Rochford  is tans af-lyn  Mike Rochford
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: August 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
ASAR2001 wrote:

> **
> **Something happened. I heard that the Whites who exploited and stolen
> much of SA resources have left and took the money with them. I don't find
> this point hard to believe, but if I'm wrong---educate me.
>> (Where is the money going then? Still to the whites? Into the ANC's pockets?)


So what you are saying is that you posted your trolling post without
checking the facts.

Everyday in our local papers here you can read about another ANC
minister, MP or hanger-on who has lined his own pocket with taxpayers
and overseas donors money, or has spent money without proper
authorization, or took a bribe. Examples Boesak, Zuma, Sikau (Sorry
can't spell her name !!).

I'm not saying that this kind of thing did not happen in the past, so
don't jump up and down on that one, but the recent Auditor General's
report clearly stated that corruption is running at unacceptable levels.

And then you come in with your posting regarding there is no money left
to build houses.

Then when challenged on it, you ask us to educate you !!!

Educate yourself before you post things that you hear are facts but are
in fact a conclusion based upon insufficient facts !!!!!


PS - Ek is jammer dat heidie post nie afrikaans is, maar ASURHOLE sal
did nie verstaand as dit nie in Engels is.
- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10531 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Mon, 01 September 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mike Rochford  is tans af-lyn  Mike Rochford
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: August 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Koos wrote:
>  On Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:04:54 -0500, fantim@geocities.z (Tim Fan)
>  wrote:
>  >
>> Ek is nou maar vir 4 maande in die VSA en een ding is seker.  Amerikaners
>> is die grootste rassiste onder die son.  Wat meer is, die Amerikaanse
>> swartmense is meer rassisties as die wit mense.

Trans - I have been in the USA for 4 months and one thing is for sure.
Americans are the biggest racists under the sun. And the American Blacks
are more racist than the Whites.

>> So sorteer eers julle eie land uit voor jy ons land en sy mense kom
>> beledig

So sort out your own land before pointing fingers at us.

>> FanTim>>>
>  Aplous.

I thought that this could do with some translation for those of you who
cannot understand Afrikaans !!!!

- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10532 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Mon, 01 September 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Teunis van Ree  is tans af-lyn  Teunis van Ree
Boodskappe: 33
Geregistreer: June 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
ASAR2001 ( wrote:

A crock of shit.

Die soort van artikel kom elke paar maande op hierdie nuusgroep. Ons gaan
in sirkels. Die persoon stel in elk geval nie belang in enigiemand se
opinie, behalwe sy eie, nie.

This sort of posting appears every couple of months on this NG (boring...).
What goes 'round comes 'round. Anyway, this person is not interested in
anyone else's opinion except his/her own.

Been there, heard that....
- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10633 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Mon, 08 September 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Stefan Andreasson  is tans af-lyn  Stefan Andreasson
Boodskappe: 7
Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Mike Rochford wrote:
>  Koos wrote:
>>  On Wed, 27 Aug 1997 20:04:54 -0500, fantim@geocities.z (Tim Fan)
>>  wrote:
>  Trans  - Listen here you arsehole.
>>> Ek is nou maar vir 4 maande in die VSA en een ding is seker.  Amerikaners
>>> is die grootste rassiste onder die son.  Wat meer is, die Amerikaanse
>>> swartmense is meer rassisties as die wit mense.
>  Trans - I have been in the USA for 4 months and one thing is for sure.
>  Americans are the biggest racists under the sun. And the American Blacks
>  are more racist than the Whites.
>>> So sorteer eers julle eie land uit voor jy ons land en sy mense kom
>>> beledig
>  So sort out your own land before pointing fingers at us.
>>> FanTim>>>
>>  Aplous.
>  I thought that this could do with some translation for those of you who
>  cannot understand Afrikaans !!!!
>  Mike

Thanks for the help! It's funny though how similar many of the words are
to my native Swedish language. I will get the hang of this eventually :)
Got pretty much everything in this post. Now understanding the speech is
another thing. Is there any audio site in Afrikaans I could access on
the internet to practice listening?
Stefan Andreasson
- Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do... [boodskap #10655 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10470] Tue, 09 September 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
andr...  is tans af-lyn  andr...
Boodskappe: 62
Geregistreer: September 1997
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Enige iemand wat na homself verwys as die lord van the perfect black ly aan
'n selfbeeld probleem. Ek dink die dom donner moet verban word om ooit aan
'n sleutelbord te raak! Dit is darem snaaks hoe minderwaardig die deursnee
swart (perfect black?) is. Asof hulle geen deel gehad het in die verlede
nie (Kerkstraat bom, ens.). Dit is mos maklik om die vorige regering en
apartheid te blameer. Hoekom doen hulle nie iets om hulself op te hef nie?
Ek was veels te jonk om aan apartheid deel te neem maar vandag is ek die
een wat gepenaliseer moet word dmv regstellende aksie ens. Ek het simpatie
met die swartes maar die enigste manier wat ons gaan vooruitgaan in die
land is as ons saamstaan en begin werk vir 'n beter toekoms. Om die vorige
stelsel te blameer en te wag dat iemand vir hulle moet sorg gaan geen
vooruitgang vir die land bring nie. Vergeet van die verlede en begin met
'n skoon bladsy anders gaan jy so honger ly dat jy soos 'n Ethopier in
hongersnood lyk en gladnie soos die perfect black nie.

ASAR2001 wrote in article
>> Subject: Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD help, it's the Christian thing to do...
>> From: Lara Johnstone
>> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 17:29:45
>>> Hierdie persoon is dieselfde persoon wat elke nou-en-dan mense
> provokeer op soc.sulture.south-africa. As ek dit nie mis het nie, het hy
> homself eers C genoem. Die skryfstyl is dieselfde, die godsdienstige
> inslag (ek glo nie dat hierdie persoon 'n christen is nie.) en die gebruik
> van HOOFLETTERS. Hy gebruik halwe waarhede en oorvereenvoudigings van die

> waarheid om sy "punt" oor te bring.
>> This is the same person who often provokes people on
>> soc.culture.southafrica. If I am not wrong, he called himself C.
> **
> **Well you are wrong. I am AUSAR, not C. The problem you are having is
> that more than one (1) person is seeing things in a different light than
> you do. So you can ASSume that AUSAR is C if that makes you feel better...
>> The writing style is the same, and the mentions of Christainity (and I
> dont think that he is a Christian!), and the use of Capitals!. He uses
> half-truths and simplified arguments of the truth to get his point
> across
> **
> **Lara responded with::
>> REPLY!!!
>> I dont know if C is AUSUR, and quite frankly I do not care - what he/she
> says is true, and it is your "head in the sand" refusal to see truth for
> what it is, who is the person who twists things and thinks he is talking
> half-truths. So take your supposedly "christain" ass out of here, and come
> back when you can reply to his argument in a manner that is becoming
> someone who "proposes to be a christain"!!!
> **
> **Here-Here!! (I totally agree)
>>> Ek doen 'n beroep op almal hier om hom te ignoreer.
>> I make an appeal on all to ignore him.
> **
> **This is the response of a coward or someone who wishes these truths
> would go away...
>> I refuse to ignore him, since he seems to be one of the few people who
> actually wish to speak the truth and confront issues as they really are. So
> why dont you ignore us both, since you seem to refuse to see things in a
> different way than apartheid brought you up to see things as!!
>> Lara
> **
> **Oops. I guess she told you! Furthermore, why do you insist on evading
> the issues?
> Ignore, ignore, ignore...maybe he'll go away. NOT!!!
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Enige iemand wat na homself verwys as =
die lord van the perfect black ly aan 'n selfbeeld probleem.  Ek =
dink die dom donner moet verban word om ooit aan 'n sleutelbord te raak! =
 Dit is darem snaaks hoe minderwaardig die deursnee swart (perfect =
black?) is.  Asof hulle geen deel gehad het in die verlede nie =
(Kerkstraat bom, ens.).  Dit is mos maklik om die vorige regering =
en apartheid te blameer.  Hoekom doen hulle nie iets om hulself op =
te hef nie?  Ek was veels te jonk om aan apartheid deel te neem =
maar vandag is ek die een wat gepenaliseer moet word dmv regstellende =
aksie ens.  Ek het simpatie met die swartes maar die enigste manier =
wat ons gaan vooruitgaan in die land is as ons saamstaan en begin werk =
vir 'n beter toekoms.  Om die vorige stelsel te blameer en te wag =
dat iemand vir hulle moet sorg gaan geen vooruitgang vir die land bring =
nie.  Vergeet van die verlede en begin met 'n skoon bladsy anders =
gaan jy so honger ly dat jy soos 'n Ethopier in hongersnood lyk en =
gladnie soos die perfect black nie.ASAR2001 <> =
wrote in article <>...& gt; >Subject: Re: Afrikaaners SHOULD =
help, it's the Christian thing to do...> >From: Lara Johnstone =
<>> >Date: Tue, 26 Aug 1997 17:29:45 =
> > >> Hierdie persoon is dieselfde persoon wat elke =
nou-en-dan mense> provokeer op soc.sulture.south-africa. As ek =
dit nie mis het nie, het hy> homself  eers C genoem. Die =
skryfstyl is dieselfde, die godsdienstige> inslag (ek glo nie dat =
hierdie persoon 'n christen is nie.) en die gebruik> van =
HOOFLETTERS. Hy gebruik halwe waarhede en oorvereenvoudigings van die =
> waarheid om sy "punt" oor te bring.> =
>> >TRANSLATION:> >This is the same person who =
often provokes people on> >soc.culture.southafrica. If I am =
not wrong, he called himself C.> **> **Well you are wrong. =
I am AUSAR, not C.  The problem you are having is> that more =
than one (1) person is seeing things in a different light than> =
you do. So you can ASSume that AUSAR is C if that makes you feel =
better...> > >The writing style is the same, and the =
mentions of Christainity (and I> dont think that he is a =
Christian!), and the use of Capitals!. He uses> half-truths and =
simplified arguments of the truth to get his point> =
across> **> **Lara responded with::> =
>REPLY!!!> >> >I dont know if C is AUSUR, and =
quite frankly I do not care - what he/she> says is true, and it =
is your "head in the sand" refusal to see truth for> =
what it is, who is the person who twists things and thinks he is =
talking> half-truths. So take your supposedly =
"christain" ass out of here, and come> back when you =
can reply to his argument in a manner that is becoming> someone =
who "proposes to be a christain"!!!> **> =
**Here-Here!! (I totally agree) > > >> Ek doen 'n =
beroep op almal hier om hom te ignoreer.> >> =
>TRANSLATION:> >> >I make an appeal on all to =
ignore him.> **> **This is the response of a coward or =
someone who wishes these truths> would go away...> =
> >REPLY:> >> >I refuse to ignore him, =
since he seems to be one of the few people who> actually wish to =
speak the truth and confront issues as they really are. So> why =
dont you ignore us both, since you seem to refuse to see things in =
a> different way than apartheid brought you up to see things =
as!!> >> >Lara> **> **Oops. I guess =
she told you! Furthermore, why do you insist on evading> the =
issues? > > Ignore, ignore, ignore...maybe he'll go away. =

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