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- Moorde op SA boere [boodskap #10399 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #21527] Thu, 04 March 1999 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Alwyn Nel  is tans af-lyn  Alwyn Nel
Boodskappe: 174
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Die volgende artikel het verskyn in Saluut, nuusbrief van die SANDF
(South African National Defence Force)

...planned with proficiency
Article compiled from a Paper presented by Dr Benjamin White Haefele,
Centre for Military Studies, University of Stellenbosch.
It has been disclosed that, during the first six months of 1998, there
was a 72 percent increase in murders of farmers. This once again
points to the seriousness of this type of crime as having all the
ingredients of threatening the core of our economy. The majority of
attacks occurred (in order of prominence) in KwaZulu-Natal, the Free
State, Mpumalanga, as well as the North West, Eastern and Northern
Provinces. Attacks in rural areas of Gauteng are usually launched
against the owners or occupants of smallholdings. These smallholdings
often border on informal settlements with high unemployment rates,
where residents are exposed to poor socio-economic conditions.
The State cannot take sole responsibility for protecting and securing
the farming or rural communities. It is quite clear that farmers will
also have to rely on their own resources and ingenuity to minimise
attacks on their homesteads and their employees. With this in mind -
and in conjunction with the South African Agricultural Union - the
SANDF and the SAPS have compiled a list of means and methods whereby
the possibilities of attacks could be minimised. A study made of the
various farm attacks revealed certain characteristics. During
1994/1995 the primary crimes committed against farmers were robbery,
followed by assault, murder and rape. This tendency changed
drastically during 1996/1997, with robbery and murder at the top of
the list, followed by assault and rape. Most attacks can be broadly
characterized by the following, which might serve to identify possible
motives for attacks on farms and smallholdings:
* Cases have been reported of attacks aimed solely at committing
* The attacks are well-planned and carried out with what seems to be
military precision.
* The attacks are deadly.
* Prominent farmers often seem to be the target of attacks.
* The attacks have an emotional impact on the farming community.
* The entire farming community throughout South Africa is affected.
* Black farmers do not escape the attacks and farm workers are also
attacked and killed, especially when they interfere with the
* The robbery of firearms, cash and vehicles, in that order, seems to
be the common characteristic of many attacks.
* Older people and vulnerable people seem to be frequently targeted.
* The attackers operate in groups of three to six.
* Some of these attacks are committed by people pretending to be
members of the security forces, and
* The attacks are extremely brutal.
It is interesting to note that in 41,1 percent of incidents, criminals
gained unforced entry to homesteads, while in 35,6 percent, entry was
forced. 19,6 percent of incidents occurred away from the homestead.
The details of the remaining 3,7 percent of incidents were not
reported. The majority of incidents occurred between 16:00 - 19:00.
There also seems to be a definite pattern with regard to the modus
operandi followed by the attackers. They are usually armed with hand
guns, knives or pangas when they enter the farm. They carefully plan
the attacks and usually arrive during the day. In most attacks they
wait for the family inside the house after gaining access. The
attackers usually wait for the right moment, when there is less
activity, before attacking the farmer. Farmers are also attacked when
they go out at night to switch off electrical equipment or tend to
sick animals. This obviously suggests that a careful study has been
made of the habits of the farmer concerned.
Attackers often pretend to buy farm produce, after which they gain
access to the property and summarily attack the family. In some cases,
the attackers drive around in the vicinity of the farm to gain
information regarding movements and routines. Workers are often
questioned about activities on the farm and they innocently divulge
such information to the prospective perpetrator.
Various attempts have been made to formulate the causes responsible
for the attacks on farmers and smallholdings. The most obvious of
these is South Africa's culture of violence. Our country's history of
confrontation, conflict, conquest and forced removals has bestowed on
the country a "culture of violence". The result of this is that
violence has become an acceptable means of resolving conflict and
achieving political goals and personal aims. Poverty and unemployment
countrywide are main contributing factors to the high level of crime.
The uneven distribution of wealth, development and access to resources
are perceived by many as a justification for crime. The easy
availability of weapons in South Africa is, no doubt, one of the main
reasons for attacks on farmers. Likewise, there is the perception that
all farmers possess firearms and obtaining these serves as an
additional incentive for attacks.

Skrikwekkend, is dit nie?
- Re: Moorde op Boere [boodskap #21527 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10399] Mon, 18 August 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Mike Rochford  is tans af-lyn  Mike Rochford
Boodskappe: 3
Geregistreer: August 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Herstigte Nasionale Party/ Die Afrikaner wrote:
> Om hierdie boodskap netjies te kan lees, gebruik 'n "Font" soos
> Courier
> In hierdie week se uitgawe van Die Afrikaner verskyn daar 'n artikel
> "Beskerming en veiligheid op plase en kleinhoewes"
> Die volgende onrusbarende statistiek oor die Volksmoord wat tans op
> die Boere gepleeg word verskyn daar.
> Gaan lees gerus die volledige artikel by

Ek gaan hiedie pos in Engels beantwoord, want my Afrikaans nie goed
ge-noeg is om my idees te verduidelik.

I do not think that there is a "Volksmoord teen die boere" in our
country at the moment.

The statistics that you quote indicate that crime is on the increase,
but this effects everyone, not only the Boere.

- Re: Moorde op SA boere [boodskap #21540 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #21527] Fri, 05 March 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Errol Back-Cunningham  is tans af-lyn  Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999 22:31:56 +0800, "Daniel" wrote:

|....en om te dink dat ek volgende week hierdie tyd in SA sal wees!!!!!!
Daaintjie, gaan jy ons alles vertel wat jy ondervind - probeer meer goeie goed
raaksien as negatiewe goed!

Geniet dit!
- Re: Moorde op SA boere [boodskap #21541 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #21527] Fri, 05 March 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Daniel  is tans af-lyn  Daniel
Boodskappe: 68
Geregistreer: July 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
....en om te dink dat ek volgende week hierdie tyd in SA sal wees!!!!!!

Alwyn Nel wrote in message ...
> Die volgende artikel het verskyn in Saluut, nuusbrief van die SANDF
> (South African National Defence Force)
- Re: Moorde op SA boere [boodskap #21554 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #21527] Sun, 07 March 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Alwyn Nel  is tans af-lyn  Alwyn Nel
Boodskappe: 174
Geregistreer: March 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Mmmm maar dink net Maatjie ... as jy terugkom in een stuk (hopenlik!) dan
gaan ons een aand Northbridge toe vir 'n jol. As jy nou vergeet het om
jou woonstel deur te sluit is dit nou nie so bad nie. Ons vat die
trein hier op Claremont stasie, want Perth het mos 'n werkbare Public
Transport system en ons gaan jol ons longe los sonder om te worry oor
inbrake en al daai .... amper se ek kak. (ala SA)


Daniel wrote:
> ....en om te dink dat ek volgende week hierdie tyd in SA sal wees!!!!!!
> Alwyn Nel wrote in message ...
>> Die volgende artikel het verskyn in Saluut, nuusbrief van die SANDF
>> (South African National Defence Force)
- Re: Moorde op SA boere [boodskap #21558 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #21527] Sun, 07 March 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
G.B.  is tans af-lyn  G.B.
Boodskappe: 2172
Geregistreer: May 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Alwyn Nel writes:

> Mmmm maar dink net Maatjie ... as jy terugkom in een stuk (hopenlik!)
> dan
> gaan ons een aand Northbridge toe vir 'n jol. As jy nou vergeet het om
> jou woonstel deur te sluit is dit nou nie so bad nie. Ons vat die
> trein hier op Claremont stasie, want Perth het mos 'n werkbare Public
> Transport system en ons gaan jol ons longe los sonder om te worry oor
> inbrake en al daai .... amper se ek kak. (ala SA)
> Alwyn

Onthou tog maar net van die Suid-Afrikaners
in NZ, wat gedink het dat hulle nie diefstal
daar het nie, en nie assuransie uitgeneem het
nie, en toe word hulle kaal gesteel. Maar ek
vergeet - Perth is so ver uit die pad uit
van waar die regte aksie in Australi"e is,
ek sou my nie verwonder as daar nie baie
mense is wat daar rondloop en steel nie.
Julle buurstaat is mos Antarktika.

Piggy naby die Arktika
- Re: Moorde op SA boere [boodskap #21587 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #21527] Mon, 08 March 1999 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Errol Back-Cunningham  is tans af-lyn  Errol Back-Cunningham
Boodskappe: 1029
Geregistreer: August 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On 7 Mar 1999 00:41:26 GMT, wrote:
| Onthou tog maar net van die Suid-Afrikaners
| in NZ, wat gedink het dat hulle nie diefstal
| daar het nie, en nie assuransie uitgeneem het
| nie, en toe word hulle kaal gesteel.

Onthou tog maar net van die Suid Afrikaners in NZ, wat gedink het dat hulle nie
diefstal daar het nie, en nie assuransie uitgeneem het nie, en toe leef hulle
tot nou toe sonder om beroof te word!

| Maar ek
| vergeet - Perth is so ver uit die pad uit
| van waar die regte aksie in Australi"e is,

Pontifikasies soos jy nie sal glo nie. Kom ons gee die ouens wat daar woon kans
om vir ons te vertel hoe dit daar is. Ek wonder of jy regte aksie sal erken as
jy dit sien, ou tante !?!?
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