Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel advice)
How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel advice) [boodskap #102776] |
Sun, 01 May 2005 00:29  |
kosmiese messias
Boodskappe: 10 Geregistreer: December 2004
Karma: 0
Junior Lid |
On the
higher, medium and/or lower astral,
(paradise ( (win-win) combined) ), cosmic and/or universe,
galaxy (grouping), galaxy, planetary, continental,
(economic zone and/or country)
and/or elsewhere where present,
exclusive and/or understand inclusive,
if at all, if ever.
After, during and/or before
returning from better argument ( (win-win) paradise, cosmos, universe,
and/or) world,
and/or as preferred,
if at all, if ever.
Assumed alone,
combined with
Representatives, Heads Administrators, and/or Partners,
(Members and/or) Leaders of Queen and/or King Lucifer,
of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna,
and/or of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna and/or the last
and/or current Maitreya,
and/or of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna and/or the same
Maitreya (alliance)
('s paradise),
(and/or betterment of argument, (Win-win combined) Enjoyable outcome
Society, )
and/or as preferred
if at all, if ever.
With goals and visions to be realized, is, and/or being planned,
in the renew-build-grow-steel, and/or achievement,
of a (Paradise) (Win-win) Combined Theocracy,
and/or betterment of argument,
(combined overseeing form of government, )
as assumed laid out in the Holy Quran,
and/or Acts (of the Apostles).
After, during and/or before
conducting in negotiations,
with above mentioned
Assume well known,
Permanent and/or Temporary,
Primary and/or Secondary,
support co-Governing and/or co-Present, and/or Governing and/or
Representatives, Heads and/or Administrators,
and/or betterment of argument,
Enjoyable outcome Advisors
if any,
if at all, if ever, as supported.
Hope this helps.
All combined together for each other - towards a fair and free
enjoyable outcome ( (win-win combined) paradise, cosmos, universe,
and/or) world.
(Service can also sometimes mean love. )
(Unity is Strength.
(Members and/or) Leaders that support each other,
survive together in a better ( (win-win) (combined) paradise, cosmos,
universe, and/or) world.
This is an attempt to build a path
to the Very last and/or same Millennium, century and/or decade,
with greatness, goodness and grace. )
(Become a
Miracle working, magical, successful, energetic, and/or motivational
(fair and free) Wishes and/or desires Achievement official,
exclusive and/or support inclusive,
(Member and/or) Leader ?,
and (request to) increase and/or support enjoyable outcome
(alone and/or combined (together) (on behalf of others), if at all
required, and/or prefer to do so, if at all, )
in the renew-build-grow-steel
from a more enjoyable fair and free outcome society,
assume (paradise), and/or betterment of argument,
( (win-win) combined overseeing form of government, )
where everybody is healthy and/or happy,
and are supportive to each other's needs,
if at all required and/or possible (to achieve),
if at all, if ever, as understood. )
(Renew-build-grow-steel (fully) ?,
the psychology, physique, and/or ability,
(mind, body and/or spirit in assumed general, )
of the (Members and/or) Leaders
of the better argument and/or above mentioned (enjoyable outcome)
with pride, prestige, passion,
as well as ahead profitably,
to increase the reaching of mega-further than further,
higher, medium and/or lower level(s)
of enjoyable outcome(s),
and/or of peace, prosperity, friendship and/or well-being,
exclusive and/or support inclusive,
if at all preferred to do so,
if at all, if ever, as understood. )
(Stand fair and free more up ?,
for the rights of Enjoyable outcome (Members and/or) Leaders,
as Enjoyable outcome Supporters,
to renew-build-grow-steel
(Enjoyable outcome(s) )
from higher, medium and/or lower level(s)
after, during and/or before
the transferring of (received) return reaping benefits, and/or funds,
(and/or a (fair and free) portion thereof, )
(to abovementioned ( (Members and/or) Leaders, ) )
to renew-build-grow-steel the reaching of successes,
from higher, medium and/or lower level(s),
if at all preferred to do so,
if at all, if ever, as supported. )
(Enjoyable outcome (Members and/or) Leaders
budget ?,
to make their life overflowing and/or full
with the new, current and/or previous,
after, during and/or before
to renew-build-grow-steel there from. )
(As submitted in Afrikaans. )
(Soos in Afrikaans geplaas. )
(Developed from Afrikaans. )
(A Definitive, pro- and/or maybe (supportive)
Primary and/or Secondary,
and/or Coalition (Partnership) supportive Group and/or Leader,
(easily identifiable)
Swing support media,
is being developed,
Including the use of acquaintancy initiatives,
and/or as well as
Swing matrices,
in regard where from and/or where to
to renew-build-grow-steel,
exclusive and/or (support) inclusive,
the inclusion of achievement of potential,
after, during and/or before the receiving of acquaintancy initiatives,
return reaping benefits, (and/or funds),
(if at all required, if at all, )
(if at all wishing to renew-build-grow-steel towards it,
if not already en route to renew-build-grow-steel there from)
and will be delivered,
upon completion,
after, during and/or before
the request for the blue-green light is to be submitted in the regard,
if the mentioned (Contribution)
is at all required,
if at all, if ever, as understood. )
Re: How happy is Dr. B and R F Oppenheimer and/or Associates ? (forward renew-build-grow-steel advice) [boodskap #102779 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102776] |
Sun, 01 May 2005 20:54   |
Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Dink julle iemand moet op hierdie drivel reageer? Dalk sal hy weggaan?
"kosmiese messias" wrote in message
> On the
> pro-dimensional,
> higher, medium and/or lower astral,
> (paradise ( (win-win) combined) ), cosmic and/or universe,
> galaxy (grouping), galaxy, planetary, continental,
> (economic zone and/or country)
> level,
> and/or elsewhere where present,
> exclusive and/or understand inclusive,
> if at all, if ever.
> After, during and/or before
> returning from better argument ( (win-win) paradise, cosmos, universe,
> and/or) world,
> and/or as preferred,
> if at all, if ever.
> Assumed alone,
> and/or
> combined with
> Representatives, Heads Administrators, and/or Partners,
> of
> (Members and/or) Leaders of Queen and/or King Lucifer,
> and/or
> of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna,
> and/or of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna and/or the last
> and/or current Maitreya,
> and/or of (Members and/or) Leaders of Shri Krishna and/or the same
> Maitreya (alliance)
> ('s paradise),
> (and/or betterment of argument, (Win-win combined) Enjoyable outcome
> Society, )
> and/or as preferred
> if at all, if ever.
> With goals and visions to be realized, is, and/or being planned,
> in the renew-build-grow-steel, and/or achievement,
> of a (Paradise) (Win-win) Combined Theocracy,
> and/or betterment of argument,
> (combined overseeing form of government, )
> as assumed laid out in the Holy Quran,
> and/or Acts (of the Apostles).
> After, during and/or before
> conducting in negotiations,
> with above mentioned
> Assume well known,
> Permanent and/or Temporary,
> Primary and/or Secondary,
> and/or
> support co-Governing and/or co-Present, and/or Governing and/or
> Present,
> Representatives, Heads and/or Administrators,
> and/or betterment of argument,
> Enjoyable outcome Advisors
> if any,
> if at all, if ever, as supported.
> Hope this helps.
> All combined together for each other - towards a fair and free
> enjoyable outcome ( (win-win combined) paradise, cosmos, universe,
> and/or) world.
> (Service can also sometimes mean love. )
> (Unity is Strength.
> (Members and/or) Leaders that support each other,
> survive together in a better ( (win-win) (combined) paradise, cosmos,
> universe, and/or) world.
> This is an attempt to build a path
> to the Very last and/or same Millennium, century and/or decade,
> with greatness, goodness and grace. )
> (Become a
> Miracle working, magical, successful, energetic, and/or motivational
> and/or
> (fair and free) Wishes and/or desires Achievement official,
> exclusive and/or support inclusive,
> (Member and/or) Leader ?,
> and (request to) increase and/or support enjoyable outcome
> negotiations,
> (alone and/or combined (together) (on behalf of others), if at all
> required, and/or prefer to do so, if at all, )
> in the renew-build-grow-steel
> from a more enjoyable fair and free outcome society,
> assume (paradise), and/or betterment of argument,
> ( (win-win) combined overseeing form of government, )
> where everybody is healthy and/or happy,
> and are supportive to each other's needs,
> if at all required and/or possible (to achieve),
> if at all, if ever, as understood. )
> (Renew-build-grow-steel (fully) ?,
> the psychology, physique, and/or ability,
> (mind, body and/or spirit in assumed general, )
> of the (Members and/or) Leaders
> of the better argument and/or above mentioned (enjoyable outcome)
> society,
> with pride, prestige, passion,
> and/or
> as well as ahead profitably,
> to increase the reaching of mega-further than further,
> higher, medium and/or lower level(s)
> of enjoyable outcome(s),
> and/or of peace, prosperity, friendship and/or well-being,
> exclusive and/or support inclusive,
> if at all preferred to do so,
> if at all, if ever, as understood. )
> (Stand fair and free more up ?,
> for the rights of Enjoyable outcome (Members and/or) Leaders,
> as Enjoyable outcome Supporters,
> to renew-build-grow-steel
> (Enjoyable outcome(s) )
> from higher, medium and/or lower level(s)
> after, during and/or before
> the transferring of (received) return reaping benefits, and/or funds,
> (and/or a (fair and free) portion thereof, )
> (to abovementioned ( (Members and/or) Leaders, ) )
> to renew-build-grow-steel the reaching of successes,
> from higher, medium and/or lower level(s),
> if at all preferred to do so,
> if at all, if ever, as supported. )
> (Enjoyable outcome (Members and/or) Leaders
> budget ?,
> to make their life overflowing and/or full
> with the new, current and/or previous,
> after, during and/or before
> decided
> to renew-build-grow-steel there from. )
> (As submitted in Afrikaans. )
> (Soos in Afrikaans geplaas. )
> (Developed from Afrikaans. )
> (A Definitive, pro- and/or maybe (supportive)
> Primary and/or Secondary,
> and/or Coalition (Partnership) supportive Group and/or Leader,
> (easily identifiable)
> Swing support media,
> Contribution
> is being developed,
> optionally,
> Including the use of acquaintancy initiatives,
> and/or as well as
> Swing matrices,
> in regard where from and/or where to
> to renew-build-grow-steel,
> exclusive and/or (support) inclusive,
> the inclusion of achievement of potential,
> after, during and/or before the receiving of acquaintancy initiatives,
> and/or
> return reaping benefits, (and/or funds),
> (if at all required, if at all, )
> (if at all wishing to renew-build-grow-steel towards it,
> if not already en route to renew-build-grow-steel there from)
> and will be delivered,
> upon completion,
> after, during and/or before
> the request for the blue-green light is to be submitted in the regard,
> if the mentioned (Contribution)
> is at all required,
> if at all, if ever, as understood. )
Re: How happy is (knip) [boodskap #102811 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #102787] |
Tue, 03 May 2005 22:14  |
Francois Human
Boodskappe: 360 Geregistreer: April 2006
Karma: 0
Senior Lid |
Met hy bedoel ons die wydste sin van die woord, nl. hy/sy/dit
"D@D" skryf in boodskap
> On Mon, 2 May 2005 09:53:39 +0100, camerama
> wrote:
>> Nee, hy het 'n ernstig probleem met sy kop. Hy gaan slegs weg as hy
>> "ten heemelen styg" of opgesluit wrod in die loony-bin.
>> p.
>> In article ,
>> Francois Human wrote:
>>> Dink julle iemand moet op hierdie drivel reageer? Dalk sal hy weggaan?
> julle klink nogal seker van julself as julle praat van 'hy'.
> Dink weer.
> DD
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