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oogs ploggers deplompf deebittiesdorf in snag oort [boodskap #10230] Di, 05 Augustus 1997 00:00 na volgende boodskap
Mark Adkins  is tans af-lyn  Mark Adkins
Boodskappe: 1
Geregistreer: Augustus 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Dear Sir or Madam:
I noticed that one of you posted from an organization called
"Tukkies". I don't know what this is but you must admit it sounds
remarkably silly.
Speaking of which, I think you must all agree that Afrikaans easily
ranks as silliest language in print in the world, outside of Doctor
Seuss storybooks, and quite frankly I think the Cat in the Hat sounds
like a cosmopolitan sophisticate by comparison. Isn't it about time
you took the marbles out of your mouths and learned a real adult
language? Unfortunately, this sort of degeneracy is unavoidable
when generations of Eurotrash inbreed on isolated farms and get fat,
lazy, and stupid on the work of other people (namely the native
I understand that a lot of you are whining because your fascist
policemen are confessing to their crimes against humanity in order
to avoid prosecution, because you don't want to believe what they
say they have being doing in your name for the last several decades.
Quite frankly I am mystified that anyone would grant blanket amnesty
for the unspeakable horrors perpetrated by your "culture," but
given your barbaric propensities along with your ingrained habit of
complete denial, it does not surprise me that you have reponded to
this miraculous reprieve with anything other than the swinish
contempt typical of your ilk.

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Re: oogs ploggers deplompf deebittiesdorf in snag oort [boodskap #10252 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10230] Wo, 06 Augustus 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Gys Dubbeld  is tans af-lyn  Gys Dubbeld
Boodskappe: 21
Geregistreer: April 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
In article (Mark Adkins) writes:
> Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 03:33:09 -0600
> From: (Mark Adkins)
> Subject: oogs ploggers deplompf deebittiesdorf in snag oort

> Dear Sir or Madam:
> I noticed that one of you posted from an organization called
> "Tukkies". I don't know what this is but you must admit it sounds
> remarkably silly.
> Speaking of which, I think you must all agree that Afrikaans easily
> ranks as silliest language in print in the world, outside of Doctor
> Seuss storybooks, and quite frankly I think the Cat in the Hat sounds
> like a cosmopolitan sophisticate by comparison. Isn't it about time
> you took the marbles out of your mouths and learned a real adult
> language? Unfortunately, this sort of degeneracy is unavoidable
> when generations of Eurotrash inbreed on isolated farms and get fat,
> lazy, and stupid on the work of other people (namely the native
> population).
> I understand that a lot of you are whining because your fascist
> policemen are confessing to their crimes against humanity in order
> to avoid prosecution, because you don't want to believe what they
> say they have being doing in your name for the last several decades.
> Quite frankly I am mystified that anyone would grant blanket amnesty
> for the unspeakable horrors perpetrated by your "culture," but
> given your barbaric propensities along with your ingrained habit of
> complete denial, it does not surprise me that you have reponded to
> this miraculous reprieve with anything other than the swinish
> contempt typical of your ilk.

> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Dear Mark,

Where were you when:

Abraham Fischer (an Afrikaner!!) was rotting away on Robben Island for his
resistance to Apartheid?

When (Afrikaans!!!) poet Breyten Breytenbach was locked up for his attempts
to set up an internal Afrikaner-based resistance movement to Apartheid?

When Beyers Naude (an Afrikaans Minister) had his passport taken away and
placed under a banning order when he declared that Apartheid was contrary
to Christian principles?

When (English speaking) Clive Derby-Lewis (complete with cravatt and RAF
moustache) plotted to kill black liberation leader Chris Hani, and when (
Polish immigrant) Janusz Waluszj carried it out???

And how about Brian Mitchell, Andy Taylor etc responsible for the massacres
and murders in the name of apartheid, of black people - how Afrikaans do
their names sound to you???

When English and American owned mining interest set up the Migrant Labour
System which destroyed African Family Life (and laid the foundations for

When (English-speaking!!!) Americans and Canadians wiped out the Native
Americans and left the small remaining groups starving and impoverished in
the reserves? (Did the statement "the only good Indian is a dead Indian"
not originate in North America??)

When the aboriginals in Australia and the Maori's in New Zealand were
slaughtered by the "civilised English settlers"???

Yes, apartheid was unjust, but it was not invented by Afrikaners, it was
essentially a tool to ensure cheap labour for the (mainly English-owned)
mining and manufacturing industry and commerce. Yes, it was codified in law
by an Afrikaner-dominated Government and for that it and its agents must
carry the responsibility. But at least Afrikaners did not wipe out most of
the Native population as happened in (English dominated!!!) North America,
Australia and New Zealand!!!

And when will we see a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" for those
crimes committed in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand???. Probably
never because those societies have been organised to ensure that the Native
populations will remain in a state of powerless servitude in perpetuity!!!

Aan daai blêrrie soutie, Mark Atkinds: was Re: oogs ploggers deplompf deebittiesdorf in snag oort [boodskap #10261 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10230] Do, 07 Augustus 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
fantim  is tans af-lyn  fantim
Boodskappe: 8
Geregistreer: Augustus 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Wel nou kom druk die souties nog hulle neuse hier ook in ons sake.
Mark, stuur al jou politieke opmerkings asseblief na
soc.culture.south-africa. Hulle hou daar van om politiek daar te
praat. O ja, ek skryf doelbewus in afrikaans met die hoop dat jy
genoeg sal belangstel om 'n wonderlike taal aan te leer.

(On)Vriendelike Groete

Re: oogs ploggers deplompf deebittiesdorf in snag oort [boodskap #10272 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10230] Vr, 08 Augustus 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
z zondagh  is tans af-lyn  z zondagh
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: Julie 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Mark Adkins wrote in article

Ek laat die artikel uit aangesien dit regtig nie 'n tweede geboorte nodig
het nie.

Dit verbaas my dat iemand met so duidelike afkeur aan die Afrikaanse taal
en kultuur sy tyd mors om beledigings uit te deel aan mense wat hy na
bewering nie verstaan nie. Dit blyk vir my alte veel asof die persoon 'n
besondere rede het waarom hy so duidelike aanvallende brief gepos het.
Dalk uit sy eie minderwaardige kultuurlose agtergrond (?) voel hy afgunstig
op ons met so unieke kultuur en die vermoe van Afrikaners om te kan
kommunikeer oor wye velde van belangstelling. Moontlik probeer Mark net
reaksie uitlok en ons kwaad maak, wel in my besondere geval het hy geslaag
om my redelik die duiwel in te kry, maar ek huiwer voordat ek afdaal tot 'n
vlak van niksseggende belediging gegrond op onkunde. Miskien kan die
persoon ons eerder toelig oor sy wanbegrip van die Afrikaanse kultuur en
ons sogenaamde sondes. So 'n blatante voorbeeld van stereotipering het ek
lanklaas teegekom, diskriminasie teen 'n sekere kultuur, is niks beter as
rassisme gegrond op kultuur nie.

Ek is nie eintlik iemand van veel woorde nie maar ek beroep my op Leendert
en Gloudina om hierdie jafel oordentlik op sy plek te sit. Ons kan hom
regtig nie hiermee laat wegkom nie.
Re: oogs ploggers deplompf deebittiesdorf in snag oort [boodskap #10286 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #10230] Sa, 09 Augustus 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Koos[1]  is tans af-lyn  Koos[1]
Boodskappe: 746
Geregistreer: Januarie 1996
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On 6 Aug 97 02:54:38 GMT, wrote:
><<>In <>, (Mark Adkins) writes:
>> Speaking of which, I think you must all agree that Afrikaans easily
>> ranks as silliest language in print in the world, outside of Doctor
>> Seuss storybooks, and quite frankly I think the Cat in the Hat sounds
>> like a cosmopolitan sophisticate by comparison. Isn't it about time
>> you took the marbles out of your mouths and learned a real adult
>> language?
> ... Liewe Mark,
> Tussen my en jou: Jy is 'n POEPHOL.
> Vriendelike groete>>>

Hy is uniek, ja. 'n Wandelende poephol.
Dit verbaas my altyd dat die menslike ras sulkes soos hy ook kan
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