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Tuis » Ernstig » Gesondheid & boereraat » 'Failed' docters at work in South Africa
'Failed' docters at work in South Africa [boodskap #102036] Wed, 23 March 2005 09:27
Daun Johnson  is tans af-lyn  Daun Johnson
Boodskappe: 1155
Geregistreer: January 2009
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
The Mercury - Wednesday March 23 2005

Jullian Green

Ten foreign docters who failed their statutory South African board
examinations are practising in state hospitals around the country.

The Health Professions Council of South Africa's committeee
co-ordinator for foreign qualified practitioners, Ntombi Ramatlo, has
been dismissed for fraudulently registering the doctors, who are
mostly from Eastern Europe end the Democratic Republic of Congo, and
criminal charges may be brought against her.

However, even though the councill is aware of the situation, the
doctors are working in the goverment hospitals around the country,
including Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town.


They are doctors Usama Sirsawy (Ukraine) (ek is seker ek het die naam
Usama al erens gehoor) Youlain Mitchev (Bulgaria) Ditsia Maponda (DRC)
en so word almal se name en die meeste se nasionaliteite genoem.




She (Anina Steel- Health Professions Council spokeswoman) said it did
not appear to the council that the doctors have been directly involved
in the fraudulent processes.


Ou Frikkie, ek wens jy kon meer doen as copy en paste, want ek sou so
graag jou gewigdraende mening hieroor wou hoor.

Vorige onderwerp: Aptekers - Moerfie, 'n vragie
Volgende onderwerp: Staatshospitale... al weer
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