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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Adjective endings in Afrikaans
Adjective endings in Afrikaans [boodskap #4320] Do, 01 April 2004 11:48
Marcelo Bruno  is tans af-lyn  Marcelo Bruno
Boodskappe: 17
Geregistreer: Maart 2004
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Hello again,

Could anyone in this group kindly explain to me the rules for
adjective endings in Afrikaans ? Reading through your messages, it
would appear to me that predicative adjectives have zero endings
whereas attributive adjectives add -e to the stem. However, I have
seen a couple of attributive adjectives (i.e. adjectives placed before
the noun they modify) without the -e ending. Is that phenomenon
reminiscent of the Dutch gender system or a result of non-gender
related phonetic rules ?

Thank you for your assistance. I apologize if my questions on
Afrikaans grammar are not pertinent to this group.

Best regards,

Marcelo G. S. Bruno
Vorige onderwerp: Max
Volgende onderwerp: 1 April
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