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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Ralph Nader (Engels)
Ralph Nader (Engels) [boodskap #4072] Do, 26 Februarie 2004 22:04 na volgende boodskap
Lorinda[2]  is tans af-lyn  Lorinda[2]
Boodskappe: 531
Geregistreer: Mei 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Katryn, ek lees die volgende in die Guardian: "Some Democrats think
Ralph Nader will split the progressive vote again, but they have
little to fear" "Don't blame Ralph Nader for President George Bush.
Blame Al Gore, or Hillary Clinton, or better still George Bush.
Clarence Thomas, the US supreme court judge, had more responsibility
for elevating Bush than Nader did. So don't try to lock up poor old
Ralph. Let him run around in the yard a bit. He won't go far.
Maybe he cost the Democrats the state of Florida in the 2000 election,
as many believe, but maybe not. He took 97,000 votes there, with Gore
losing to Bush by only 537. That doesn't mean that the 97,000 would
have voted for Gore. They might have stayed home"

Wat dink jy van Ralph Nader?

Re: Ralph Nader (Engels) [boodskap #4073 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4072] Vr, 27 Februarie 2004 00:55 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Katryn  is tans af-lyn  Katryn
Boodskappe: 962
Geregistreer: Julie 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On 26 Feb 2004 14:04:16 -0800, (Lorinda) wrote:

> Katryn, ek lees die volgende in die Guardian: "Some Democrats think
> Ralph Nader will split the progressive vote again, but they have
> little to fear" "Don't blame Ralph Nader for President George Bush.
> Blame Al Gore, or Hillary Clinton, or better still George Bush.
> Clarence Thomas, the US supreme court judge, had more responsibility
> for elevating Bush than Nader did. So don't try to lock up poor old
> Ralph. Let him run around in the yard a bit. He won't go far.
> Maybe he cost the Democrats the state of Florida in the 2000 election,
> as many believe, but maybe not. He took 97,000 votes there, with Gore
> losing to Bush by only 537. That doesn't mean that the 97,000 would
> have voted for Gore. They might have stayed home"

Ek hou baie van hierdie Guardian van julle. ;-))

> Wat dink jy van Ralph Nader?

Ek hou van hom. ;-)
Ek sou ook baie graag meer Independents wou sien in die Senaat en
Kongres. Ralph gaan as Independent run, en nie as sy gewone "Green
Party" nie. Hy het goeie idees, en ek dink hy sal eerder stemme van
Bush wegneem as van die Demokratiese kandidaat. Daar is kiesers wat
NOOIT vir 'n Demokraat sal stem nie (weens dommigheid en watookal
), maar hierdie groep is ook al moeg vir Bush, so hulle het darem
nou 'n geleentheid om te stem vir 'n onafhanklike, anders sou hulle
dalk maar vir Bush gestem het, net om te stem. As dit sin maak?
Maar dit is maar net hoe ek dinge sien.
Kompetisie is mos altyd goed. Kerry of Edwards sal nou net so bietjie
harder moet werk, en dalk meer geld moet bestee, maar aan die einde
van die dag glo ek nie dit sal skade doen nie.
So, ek is 'n Dem wat sê Run Ralph, run!
Nada for Nader (weer die Guardian) [boodskap #4077 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4073] Vr, 27 Februarie 2004 20:07 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Katryn  is tans af-lyn  Katryn
Boodskappe: 962
Geregistreer: Julie 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Dit is vandag Ralph Nader se 70ste verjaarsdag. ;-)

Hier is nog 'n interessante skakel oor hom en die eleksie uit die
Guardian. ;-),13918,1155 664,00.html

Ek hou van die laaste paragraaf:

" As the demonstration's end nears, one man carrying a coffee strides
through the middle of the placards and halts just before the entrance
to 100 Summer Place. He shouts over his shoulder:

"Nuke Iraq, nuke the whole of the Middle East...You're a bunch of
traitorous bastards!"

"Bin Laden works for Bush!" a couple of the rainbow coalition of
progressives, shout back. The three police officers who have been
keeping an eye on things, gently move in, and it is time to stop. With
or without Ralph Nader, America is pumped up for a rough election"
Re: Nada for Nader (weer die Guardian) [boodskap #4080 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #4077] Sa, 28 Februarie 2004 19:22 Na vorige boodskap
Lorinda[2]  is tans af-lyn  Lorinda[2]
Boodskappe: 531
Geregistreer: Mei 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Katryn skryf in boodskap news:...
> With
> or without Ralph Nader, America is pumped up for a rough election"

En ons hou dit met opgehoude asem dop.....

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