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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Vraag
Vraag [boodskap #3680] Sa, 17 Januarie 2004 20:25 na volgende boodskap
Lorinda[2]  is tans af-lyn  Lorinda[2]
Boodskappe: 531
Geregistreer: Mei 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
In die koerante hier vandag was daar 'n hele paar artikels oor hoe
hoog die pryse in Suid-Afrika geword het bv die volgende oor Kaapstad:

"Restaurants were accused yesterday of inflating prices by more than
1,000% in a frenzy of greed damaging South Africa's tourism industry".


"An investigation by the Congress of South African Trade Unions
(Cosatu), which fears big job losses if tourists stay away, found some
restaurants charging £54 for a starter portion of perlemoen, a local
shellfish, and £65 for crayfish, when the cost price was under £2.

Restaurants on the waterfront were found to be the biggest offenders,
with price increases in excess of 1,000% over the past couple of
years, But hotels were also profiteering by charging up to 40% more
than last year - outstripping some luxury New York hotels.

Wat ek nou nie verstaan nie, is moet almal hierdie pryse betaal? Ek
bedoel, dit moet mos verskriklik duur wees vir Suid-Afrikaners, so is
daar 'n ander prys vir Suid-Afrikaners as vir toeriste?

Re: Vraag [boodskap #3684 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #3680] So, 18 Januarie 2004 08:41 Na vorige boodskap
DD  is tans af-lyn  DD
Boodskappe: 1166
Geregistreer: Junie 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
On 17 Jan 2004 12:25:52 -0800, (Lorinda) wrote:

> In die koerante hier vandag was daar 'n hele paar artikels oor hoe
> hoog die pryse in Suid-Afrika geword het bv die volgende oor Kaapstad:
> "Restaurants were accused yesterday of inflating prices by more than
> 1,000% in a frenzy of greed damaging South Africa's tourism industry".
> en
> "An investigation by the Congress of South African Trade Unions
> (Cosatu), which fears big job losses if tourists stay away, found some
> restaurants charging £54 for a starter portion of perlemoen, a local
> shellfish, and £65 for crayfish, when the cost price was under £2.
> Restaurants on the waterfront were found to be the biggest offenders,
> with price increases in excess of 1,000% over the past couple of
> years, But hotels were also profiteering by charging up to 40% more
> than last year - outstripping some luxury New York hotels.
> Wat ek nou nie verstaan nie, is moet almal hierdie pryse betaal? Ek
> bedoel, dit moet mos verskriklik duur wees vir Suid-Afrikaners, so is
> daar 'n ander prys vir Suid-Afrikaners as vir toeriste?
> Lorinda

'n Paar dae gelede het ek in 'n Durban koerant 'n verslag gelees
oor die afgelope tyd se styging in eiendomspryse in Suid Afrika.
Daar word genoem dat eiendomspryse oral in Suid Afrika styg
behalwe in Kaapstad waar eiendomspryse daal, (as ek reg
onthou is na 'n spesifieke deel van Kaapstad verwys) met
so ietwat sarkastiese verwysing na R20 miljoen en die
feit dat beleggers nou uitwyk na ander stede waar
meer realistiese pryse heers.

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