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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Hysbakke of hygbakke
Hysbakke of hygbakke [boodskap #3452] Ma, 29 Desember 2003 16:17 na volgende boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Subject: Some african jokes

The Cape Times (Cape Town) "I have promised to keep his identity
confidential," said Jack Maxim, a spokeswoman for the Sandton Sun
Hotel, Johannesburg, "but I can confirm that he is no longer in our
employment". "We asked him to clean the lifts and he spent four days
on the job. When I asked him why, he replied; " Well, there are forty
of them, two on each floor, and sometimes some of them aren't there."
Eventually, we realised that he thought each floor had a different
lift, and he'd cleaned the same two twelve times. "We had to let him
go. It seemed best all round. I understand he is now working for

Verskoon die ingels...
Re: Hysbakke of hygbakke [boodskap #3454 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #3452] Ma, 29 Desember 2003 17:13 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Katryn  is tans af-lyn  Katryn
Boodskappe: 962
Geregistreer: Julie 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Jonas" wrote:

> Subject: Some african jokes
> I understand he is now working for
> Woolworths."

LOL!!!! Moet ek aanneem dat Woolies nie hysbakke het nie? Dit was
nogal altyd my geliefkoosde winkel om kos te gaan koop.
Ai, die dinge wat mense darem kan aanvang.
In ons plaaslike koerantjie is daar elke maand so spesiale stukkie oor
weird en wonderful dinge wat mense aanvang hier in Amerika. Ek wens
ek kan dit alles onthou, want sommige van die goed is net eenvoudig te
Re: Hysbakke of hygbakke [boodskap #3458 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #3454] Ma, 29 Desember 2003 18:03 Na vorige boodskapna volgende boodskap
Lorinda  is tans af-lyn  Lorinda
Boodskappe: 557
Geregistreer: Augustus 2003
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
"Katryn" skryf in boodskap
> In ons plaaslike koerantjie is daar elke maand so spesiale stukkie oor
> weird en wonderful dinge wat mense aanvang hier in Amerika.

Dis dieselfde met die koerant in Brighton, maar Brighton is oor die algemeen
'n eienaardige plek :-) Ek plaas een hier onder oor Eastbourne en Brighton
wat in die koerant was. (Jammer oor die Engels).

Criminals are to receive a festive card from the police wishing them a merry
Christmas and a New Year in jail if they do not change their ways.
Ten of the most prolific offenders in Eastbourne will be sent the cards
which have a picture of a snowcapped, old-style police lamp on the front and
a message inside saying: "You are regularly coming to police attention for
committing crime in Eastbourne. You will be arrested unless you stop.

"Happy Christmas, Chief Inspector Peter Mills."

Chief Inspector Mills, who took over command of the Eastbourne district at
the beginning of November, said: "The intention has always been, as part of
Operation Confront, to disrupt the criminal element in Eastbourne and to
tell them that no longer will they remain anonymous but will be persistently
"I will do my best to ruin their Christmas."

The cards sparked controversy when the ywere issued to criminals in Brighton
both at Christmas and on St Valentine's Day last year.
Two days after the Valentine mail drop, The Argus reported how one card had
sparked a lovers' tiff when the girlfriend of a convicted burglar, recently
released from prison, mistakenly thought the card was from a love rival. She
hit her partner over the head with an ashtray. Legal action against the
police was later dropped.
Re: Hysbakke of hygbakke [boodskap #3474 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #3454] Di, 30 Desember 2003 03:31 Na vorige boodskap
Jonas  is tans af-lyn  Jonas
Boodskappe: 1070
Geregistreer: September 2001
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Ek is seker hierdie is 'n uitsondering. Woollies se personeel is seker van
die bes opgeleide personeel van al die plaaslike kettingwinkels.
Hulle kosafdeling is bepaald steeds die beste vanweë streng
kontrolemaatreëls - maar nie die goedkoopste nie.
Vorige onderwerp: hallo
Volgende onderwerp: vind uit wat is jou politieke standpunt
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