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Tuis » Taal » Afrikaans, ons taal » Idioom: SO TOE SOOS 'N KLEI-OS SE ....
Idioom: SO TOE SOOS 'N KLEI-OS SE .... [boodskap #8795] Do, 13 Maart 1997 00:00 na volgende boodskap
cg  is tans af-lyn  cg
Boodskappe: 19
Geregistreer: Januarie 1996
Karma: 0
Junior Lid
Idioom : So toe soos 'n klei-os se g*t

"Is jy regtig so dom? Jy is so toe soos 'n klei-os se g*t!"
[Are you really so stupid? You are as impenetrably closed as a clay ox's ass!]

I first heard this extremely offensive "skelwoord" [insult] a few years ago being used by a very
refined lady from Springs - which made its vulgarity all the more startling - to her neighbour who
was dumping kitchen refuse over the garden wall into her garden. Needless to say it had the desired
effect. I have often wondered about the origin of this most expressive metaphor. Can somebody help?

One occasionally comes across it in a very funny sequence of sign language gestures used by deaf
(and not so deaf either) persons. Useful when caught up in a Johannesburg traffic snarl. In English
we speak of people being "anal" but this delightful idiom is the very pits if you really want to
insult them! I imagine it must have had its origin among little Afrikaans boys accustomed at
"clay-play" making clay oxen (and other things!), a pastime which itself conjures up for me happy
memories of "kleilat" [lit. "clay twig" - a 'war game' played by young South Africans using long
twigs to catapult missiles of mud at the opponent] as boy in Potchefstroom along the "Mooirivier".
Perhaps somebody on the newsgroup can throw some light on the roots and origins of the idiom.

Colin Garvie
Re: Idioom: SO TOE SOOS 'N KLEI-OS SE .... [boodskap #8800 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #8795] Vr, 14 Maart 1997 00:00 Na vorige boodskap
Daniel  is tans af-lyn  Daniel
Boodskappe: 68
Geregistreer: Julie 1996
Karma: 0
Volle Lid
On Thu, 13 Mar 1997 12:10:38 GMT, (Colin Garvie) wrote:
> Idioom : So toe soos 'n klei-os se g*t


So toe soos 'n dinky toy se vensters

Vorige onderwerp: Idioom: Sy hand is in die as geslaan.
Volgende onderwerp: Idioom: OUMEIDE
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