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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » afrikaans as language in south africa
afrikaans as language in south africa [boodskap #8530] Do, 13 Februarie 1997 00:00
HRC Mac User  is tans af-lyn  HRC Mac User
Boodskappe: 2
Geregistreer: Februarie 1997
Karma: 0
Junior Lid

My name is Carolyn Moore. I am a university student currently
enrolled in an Afrikaans class. I have spent some time in South
Africa before so I've had some first hand experience with the peoples
and cultures of South Africa but I would like to know some individual
views and perceptions of the Afrikaans language. I would appreciate
any feedback you can give me on this subject to the following:

Carolyn Moore_@_STRM_L...@STREAM.COM

With sincere thanks,

Carolyn Moore
Vorige onderwerp: Vra hulle self
Volgende onderwerp: Weermag en pille
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