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Belangrik, as jy dit nie geweet het nie. [boodskap #117439] Mon, 26 May 2008 16:14
Daun Johnson  is tans af-lyn  Daun Johnson
Boodskappe: 1155
Geregistreer: January 2009
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Riaan is in 'n tegniese beroep, wat dit moontlik maak dat hy dit
geweet het. Vir my is dit nuus. Nie vreeslik belangrike nuus nie,
maar ek kyk darem die nuus op TV:-)

Wrong signals from TV outlets

Corrinne Louw

In three years time your analogue television set will be unable to
transmit a picture and many Durban shops are hiding this information
from potential customers, despite a warning from government and
directives from their head offices.

Earlier this year the South African Department of Communications (DOC)
said that the process of migrating television broadcasting from an
analogue to a digital signal would be fully implemented by 2012.
Deputy Minister of Communications Radhakrishna Padayachie said at the
time: “We are concerned at the possibility that the industry might
dump analogue televisions on our people by discounting schemes. If
these televisions become available at low cost, people might be
tempted to purchase them."

When asked, the major furniture outlets in Durban's city centre
assured us that their sales staff was informing customers of the fact
that without a transformer, the analogue TV would soon be useless.

However, we put this to the test and not one of the ten shops visited
informed us of the fact. To make matters worse many of these shops had
analogue TV sets `on special' at extremely low prices.

Basil Bloch, divisional merchandise executive of Ellerines, one of the
biggest furniture outlets in the country, said the company's sales
people had been instructed to inform customers of the switch and
advised their staff to tell customers that they would need to purchase
a Set Top Box or a STB for their analogue TV to work.

No one told us about a STB when we visited five of the Ellerines
stores. At the top end of West Street we visited Ellerines, Town Talk,
Bears, Lubners and Savells Fairdeal. Without exception, the sales
people advised us that the TV would be fine.

We also visited Electric Express and Russells, both JD Group stores.
Again we were told that the analogue TV would work. When asked what
will happen after 2012 we were assured by one sales assistant that
although shops would not be selling analogue anymore the ones that had
already been sold would definitely work.

The JD Group is also home to the Hi-Fi Corporation. Matthew van der
Walt, Hi Fi Corporation's chief executive said: “We are informing
people at the point of sale. The analogue television sets or CRT will
not become redundant since we are aware that there will be a Set Top
Box (STB) that will convert that analogue signal to digital. We also
think that government needs to do much more to inform consumers in
this regard.”

The STB referred to will be an instrument that converts a digital
television signal and makes it viewable on an analogue television.
So by the time the “dual-illumination” period of both analogue and
digital signals comes to an end, South Africans wishing to watch
television would need to have acquired a set-top box, or a
fully-fledged digital television.
Although the price of the STB has not been confirmed most estimate
that it would cost in the region of R400.
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