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Tuis » Algemeen » Koeitjies & kalfies » Re: Amerikaanse KKK wil boere in SA help?
Re: Amerikaanse KKK wil boere in SA help? [boodskap #39500] Wo, 21 Februarie 2001 04:35 na volgende boodskap
Dingus  is tans af-lyn  Dingus
Boodskappe: 187
Geregistreer: Oktober 2000
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Jaaaaaaa boet.

Klipspringer skryf in boodskap
> THE Ku Klux Klan could assist the revolution in South Africa, said the
> National Imperial Wizard of the Clan, Rev Jeffery L. Berry from his
> home in Indiana on Thursday.
> "If we had financial backing, we could help the white farmers in South
> Africa,"said Berry, the leader of the most active clan in the States,
> The Church of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
> Berry had heard of the killings of farmers through newscasts and
> contact with South Africans on the internet.
> "We have people in the military who could protect their property, and
> we have people in the right places. If we had financial backing, we
> could have 4000 people over there real quick."
> He had heard that "the blacks over there are burning houses, that
> people are going into hiding and getting shot."
> He also heard that news media is controlled by the new government.
> Berry emphasised that he wants to form alliances with the growing
> number of white South African exiles who belong to organisations such
> as the Springbok Club, which is based in London.
> He also wants to establish relations with the Volkstaat Orania's
> leadership. Berry reckons within 10 years, the Klan will have to leave
> the United States.
> Berry had heard that a young Nazi is the ruler of Orania. "I want to
> contact him, because we need to go somewhere, otherwise we are going
> to be slaves. The United States is going to hell," says Berry.
> The clan has already established branches in seven different
> countries, including England, Canada, Ireland and Sweden.
> The Klan leader is convinced that Ku Klux Klan could assist South
> Africa. He says they have people in all the right place, "governors,
> mayors, congress people, our invisible people who provide us with
> information. Nobody knows they're in the Klan as well as in the right
> political organisations. Our people blend in with society."
> He also commented on former president Nelson Mandela. "It is not right
> that Mandela, who was convicted of felony" became South Africa's
> president. You cannot take a convict out of jail and make him the
> leader," Berry said. The reverend has been arrested and accused of
> several criminal activities himself. Berry and other members of his
> group have been arrested and convicted of felony charges, according to
> a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center's KlanWatch in Montgomery,
> Alabama.
> He was also convicted of felony theft in a 1994 matter involving home
> and vehicle repairs for an elderly neighbor. He was given a reduced
> sentence in the theft cases after agreeing to work as an informant in
> drug cases.
> The reverend was recently released on bail after the allegedly
> imprisoning a television cameraman and a reporter, both of Louisville,
> Kentucky after they refused to hand over tapes of a recorded
> interview.
> He claims he is innocent, and that the event was a stage media ploy.
> Berry believes the media has distorted the truth to present a
> particular image about the Ku Klux Klan.
> "The Ku Klux Klan stands for "equal rights for all, special rights for
> none," he explains. The popular view of the Klan, is that they hate
> blacks. Berry denies this, even though he has been quoted frequently
> in the media for his use of race pejorative and hate speech.
> "I use the word nigger to describe a dirty low down person, and I have
> met more white niggers than black niggers in the United States. Berry
> claims he is also opposed to slavery and racism.
> "The government is promoting racism. The US government wants society
> to believe in racism, and they make everyone think that the KKK is
> based on hate."
> The Klan is opposed to the foreign aid that the United States gives to
> several countries. "My theory is that we have to take care of our own,
> we have many homeless and illegal people. Take care of America first."
> According to Berry, the KKK is the strongest third party in the United
> States even though they do not run for government.
> Although official membership statistics of the Klan are a well kept
> secret, Berry admits that he receives 500-700 calls a week from people
> who wants to join the Church of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
> There are several other Klan operating in the US. He admits that the
> Klan has definite political aspirations even though they remain a
> secret organisation. They are also getting impatient.
> "We are getting tired. Blacks can belong to the NAACP, or the Black
> Panther Party, but when you belong to the KKK, people think "Oh you're
> a racist."
> Berry says blacks want their race to continue, and so does the Klan.
> "We are standing up for the white race. We want the white race to
> continue. The Klan wants to preserve the white race. We are opposed to
> black and white integration which means breeding a mongrel race."
> He claims the Klan only wants to be proud of their white race, and
> what their forefathers have accomplished.
> "Why can't I be proud of that without being called a racist?" Berry
> asked. He reckons whites should learn from blacks to stick together.
> "I always says it is not black power, it is white weakness."
> Being constantly misrepresented by the government and the media, is a
> problem which the Klan faces in this millenium, Berry claims The Klan
> is often represented as violent.
> "Violence is the last resort, when I am protecting my life." Berry's
> house in Indiana has been burnt down once, and it has been shot at 17
> times. The house has also been bombed 14 times.
> "The police are after me constantly," Berry claims. "Because I am
> outspoken."
> In order to become a member of the Church of the American Knights of
> the Ku Klux Klan, one cannot be a member of any other Klan in the
> States.
> One also has to send a $20 donation and sign a declaration that
> states: "I, the undersigned, a native born or fully naturalized
> American citizen, being a White man or woman of the Christian Faith,
> sound in mind and a believer in White separatism."
> Thanks to Matheson Communication
Re: Amerikaanse KKK wil boere in SA help? [boodskap #39989 is 'n antwoord op boodskap #39500] Wo, 07 Maart 2001 20:54 Na vorige boodskap
Frikkie Potgieter  is tans af-lyn  Frikkie Potgieter
Boodskappe: 383
Geregistreer: Februarie 1997
Karma: 0
Senior Lid
Klipspringer sal jy my asseblief direk kontak.


Klipspringer skryf in boodskap
> THE Ku Klux Klan could assist the revolution in South Africa, said the
> National Imperial Wizard of the Clan, Rev Jeffery L. Berry from his
> home in Indiana on Thursday.
> "If we had financial backing, we could help the white farmers in South
> Africa,"said Berry, the leader of the most active clan in the States,
> The Church of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
> Berry had heard of the killings of farmers through newscasts and
> contact with South Africans on the internet.
> "We have people in the military who could protect their property, and
> we have people in the right places. If we had financial backing, we
> could have 4000 people over there real quick."
> He had heard that "the blacks over there are burning houses, that
> people are going into hiding and getting shot."
> He also heard that news media is controlled by the new government.
> Berry emphasised that he wants to form alliances with the growing
> number of white South African exiles who belong to organisations such
> as the Springbok Club, which is based in London.
> He also wants to establish relations with the Volkstaat Orania's
> leadership. Berry reckons within 10 years, the Klan will have to leave
> the United States.
> Berry had heard that a young Nazi is the ruler of Orania. "I want to
> contact him, because we need to go somewhere, otherwise we are going
> to be slaves. The United States is going to hell," says Berry.
> The clan has already established branches in seven different
> countries, including England, Canada, Ireland and Sweden.
> The Klan leader is convinced that Ku Klux Klan could assist South
> Africa. He says they have people in all the right place, "governors,
> mayors, congress people, our invisible people who provide us with
> information. Nobody knows they're in the Klan as well as in the right
> political organisations. Our people blend in with society."
> He also commented on former president Nelson Mandela. "It is not right
> that Mandela, who was convicted of felony" became South Africa's
> president. You cannot take a convict out of jail and make him the
> leader," Berry said. The reverend has been arrested and accused of
> several criminal activities himself. Berry and other members of his
> group have been arrested and convicted of felony charges, according to
> a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center's KlanWatch in Montgomery,
> Alabama.
> He was also convicted of felony theft in a 1994 matter involving home
> and vehicle repairs for an elderly neighbor. He was given a reduced
> sentence in the theft cases after agreeing to work as an informant in
> drug cases.
> The reverend was recently released on bail after the allegedly
> imprisoning a television cameraman and a reporter, both of Louisville,
> Kentucky after they refused to hand over tapes of a recorded
> interview.
> He claims he is innocent, and that the event was a stage media ploy.
> Berry believes the media has distorted the truth to present a
> particular image about the Ku Klux Klan.
> "The Ku Klux Klan stands for "equal rights for all, special rights for
> none," he explains. The popular view of the Klan, is that they hate
> blacks. Berry denies this, even though he has been quoted frequently
> in the media for his use of race pejorative and hate speech.
> "I use the word nigger to describe a dirty low down person, and I have
> met more white niggers than black niggers in the United States. Berry
> claims he is also opposed to slavery and racism.
> "The government is promoting racism. The US government wants society
> to believe in racism, and they make everyone think that the KKK is
> based on hate."
> The Klan is opposed to the foreign aid that the United States gives to
> several countries. "My theory is that we have to take care of our own,
> we have many homeless and illegal people. Take care of America first."
> According to Berry, the KKK is the strongest third party in the United
> States even though they do not run for government.
> Although official membership statistics of the Klan are a well kept
> secret, Berry admits that he receives 500-700 calls a week from people
> who wants to join the Church of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
> There are several other Klan operating in the US. He admits that the
> Klan has definite political aspirations even though they remain a
> secret organisation. They are also getting impatient.
> "We are getting tired. Blacks can belong to the NAACP, or the Black
> Panther Party, but when you belong to the KKK, people think "Oh you're
> a racist."
> Berry says blacks want their race to continue, and so does the Klan.
> "We are standing up for the white race. We want the white race to
> continue. The Klan wants to preserve the white race. We are opposed to
> black and white integration which means breeding a mongrel race."
> He claims the Klan only wants to be proud of their white race, and
> what their forefathers have accomplished.
> "Why can't I be proud of that without being called a racist?" Berry
> asked. He reckons whites should learn from blacks to stick together.
> "I always says it is not black power, it is white weakness."
> Being constantly misrepresented by the government and the media, is a
> problem which the Klan faces in this millenium, Berry claims The Klan
> is often represented as violent.
> "Violence is the last resort, when I am protecting my life." Berry's
> house in Indiana has been burnt down once, and it has been shot at 17
> times. The house has also been bombed 14 times.
> "The police are after me constantly," Berry claims. "Because I am
> outspoken."
> In order to become a member of the Church of the American Knights of
> the Ku Klux Klan, one cannot be a member of any other Klan in the
> States.
> One also has to send a $20 donation and sign a declaration that
> states: "I, the undersigned, a native born or fully naturalized
> American citizen, being a White man or woman of the Christian Faith,
> sound in mind and a believer in White separatism."
> Thanks to Matheson Communication
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